Chapter 834 Detailed work

   "As for the other three, no matter what their plans are, in short, they can't have conflicts in the shop, or they will just leave for sale." "I understand." Tang Dongfeng nodded hurriedly.

"By the way, Ma'am, I have something to report." Tang Dongfeng stepped forward and said everything he knew: "The slave checked the identities of several people before, and found that Wang Wei and Liu Lu's life backgrounds are a bit tricky. "

   "Oh?" Ye Muyu was indeed a little surprised. She thought that even if the person Steward Luo hired was not so perfect, his identity should be fine.

   "Wang Wei is in debt. It's nothing at all. It's true that the people in the gambling shop arrested him for money. However, the servant finds it strange that his family has not received any harassment."

  Seeing that Ye Muyu didn't react much, he thought she didn't understand the usual methods of those people in the casino.

"Madam may not know that the people in the gambling shop are after your gambling debts, but no matter what your situation is, as long as you don't pay back when the time comes, the money will be doubled. Forget it. I have no money, and my house is not clean. Even It is not uncommon to directly arrest girls from Wang Wei's family and sell them to pay off gambling debts."

"But Wang Wei's family didn't have such a thing. It can be seen that the gambling shop kept a hand. Then, Wang Wei didn't gamble before, but suddenly owed gambling debts before we wanted to buy someone. This time is too coincidental. Presumably, Wang Wei Wei has something to do with the casino."

   "The servant decided to check it out, and it turned out to be something."

   "Someone once saw Wang Wei enter the back door of Yu's house."

   "Ma'am, this Wang Wei can be sure to be a spy sent by the Yu family." Tang Dongfeng sneered, thinking that the Yu family underestimated the Chu family too much, so they arrogantly revealed such a big loophole.

   "Then you continue to check and see what the Yu family called Wang Wei for." Ye Muyu's surprise at the beginning has passed, but now she feels that Tang Dongfeng is indeed a talent.

  So directly give the task to him.

  Tang Dongfeng said angrily: "Madam, just rest assured, the servant will definitely pull out this secret within two days."

   "What about Liulu?"

"There is nothing wrong with Liu Lu's background, but she likes to raise pigeons. This pigeon is naturally used to send messages. She said that the pigeon flew into the yard by itself, and then limped. It was a gray pigeon again, without a mark. Looks like it really is a feral pigeon."

"Unfortunately, I raised pigeons when I was a child, so I heard people tell me how to train pigeons. The pigeons look like wild pigeons, but they have rules. It can be seen that they have been raised by people, but they don't know how to do it. They are disguised as pigeons. Feral pigeons."

"So, both Wang Wei and Liu Lu were sent by the Yu family?" Ye Muyu rubbed his chin: "It's not surprising, the Yu family's business is also good in Fucheng, and it's not difficult to find a servant with the status of Fucheng .”

   "Madam, are you not angry?" Tang Dongfeng was a little surprised: "Originally, the servant wanted to find out and then tell Madam, for fear of being a false alarm."

   "Angry? There's nothing to be angry about. The Yu family can even do things that kill people. It's normal to put eyeliner in competitors' shops."

   "However, they have to find out what their intentions are, especially the movements of the Yu family. Instead of acting rashly, they can use Liu Lu to control the news of the Yu family." Ye Muyu said.

  (end of this chapter)

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