Chapter 870 is a smart man

   "Last night, the little one saw Liu Lu was sending a message with a dog again, so he found an opportunity to change it, and found that there were several secret recipes for lip gloss written in it."

   "The little one read it, but I didn't know if it was correct, so I hurried over to show my wife."

   "You took something from the bell, I'm afraid Liu Lu will find out." Ye Muyu frowned slightly.

Tang Dongfeng smiled maliciously: "Ma'am, don't worry, I'm not a good person. Regardless of whether the secret recipe is right or wrong, in short, I can't let the other party take advantage of it. I have read a lot of books over the years, so I added it to it." Blindly use the ingredients, if you use too much, your mouth will become dry and peeling, if the Yu family really uses this recipe to make mouth cream and sell it, it will be interesting."

   "If you add medicinal materials, will it kill you?" Ye Muyu avoided hurting the innocent, but she still had to ask, revenge has nothing to do with others, this is her bottom line in life.

   "Don't worry, ma'am, I won't, and the young one is not the kind of cruel person." Tang Dongfeng felt a little aggrieved, touched his nose and said.

  Ye Muyu smiled when she saw this: "You did a good job."

   Tang Dongfeng immediately smiled heartily.

  Ye Muyu took the recipe in her hand and read it. After reading it, her expression was quite serious. She found that although the other party's writing was inaccurate, it expressed some very core concepts.

  As long as you follow the prescription above and study slowly, you will eventually develop a similar mouth cream.

   "Ma'am, how are you?" Tang Dongfeng asked a little uneasily when he saw that she was silent and his expression became serious.

  Ye Muyu said: "This Liulu is a talent."

   Tang Dongfeng opened his eyes: "That is, she really researched the prescription? It's so powerful."

   "Not bad." Ye Muyu nodded, and asked again: "What kind of work do you usually arrange for her?"

"In the beginning, the young one only asked her to help sell rouge and gouache. Later, she took the initiative to be very diligent. She got up the earliest every day to clean the shop. In order not to arouse her vigilance, the young one followed the normal rules and did not hinder her. "

   "Later, she gradually got to know Xiao Liu who came to deliver the goods. Usually when Xiao Liu came to deliver the goods, the two of them would talk for a while."

   "I asked Xiao Liu later, and Liu Lu did give him some feedback, what kind of mouth cream girls like, and never mentioned any ingredients."

   "However, Xiao Liu often slipped his tongue."

   "Madam, tell me, what should I do with Xiao Liu?" Tang Dongfeng also disliked Xiao Liu's stupidity, and was tricked by someone without knowing it.

"It's not appropriate to change it now, let's keep it for now, it means that the lipstick from the rouge shop comes out, and then deduct his monthly money." Ye Muyu thought to himself, because of people who don't know much about Xiaoliu, he can just say it casually. With two sentences, you can guess how to do it. It seems that you are a talent in this field. Ordinary people really can't guard against it.

   On the other hand, Liu Lu may also know about Yu’s recipe.

  But the other party was able to hold her, which shows that Liu Lu still has a weakness.

   "Go and find out, what is Liu Lu's grip on the Yu family." Ye Muyu thought for a while, and felt that if he knew himself and the enemy, he would be victorious in all battles, so he should investigate first, and he was not in a hurry to deal with it.

   After all, it is impossible to be exclusive all the time when making rouge. She is just trying to control the speed of being imitated, especially the competition among peers.

  However, even if the Yu family's rouge shop made it, the effect is completely different from their own, but, in the future, Yu's family will also have this kind of lipstick.

   "I understand." Tang Dongfeng wanted to do this at first, and he was relieved when he saw his wife's order.

  (end of this chapter)

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