Chapter 871 Yujiakou fat

   "Ma'am, since Liu Lu is so smart, I feel that I can find a chance to make the other party my own." Tang Dongfeng said with a bit of talent.

   "If you have the means to do it, I will give you a credit, and I will give you a big red seal during the Chinese New Year." After drinking the last sip of tea, Ye Muyu felt even hungrier.

  She has also understood Tang Dongfeng's temperament, and giving him New Year's goods is worse than giving him money.

  Tang Dongfeng was really happy, cupped his hands and said: "Madam, you are welcome, I will definitely complete this task well."

   Tang Dongfeng bid farewell and left.

  Ye Muyu waved and called for someone to bring breakfast.

   After eating a hot breakfast, Ye Muyu felt a lot more comfortable in her stomach. After rinsing her mouth, she got up, walked out of the hall, and asked, "Where are the master and young lady?"

   "Madam, the young master and the young lady are playing in the snow in the front yard, and the master is practicing sword."

   "Practice sword?" Ye Muyu paused for a moment, instead of going to the front yard, he went back to the back yard, and carried out a wooden box next to the closet.

  Sumei and Sulan rushed to help.

   "Ma'am, what do you need?"

   "I remember there are some leather inside, I want to make some gloves, knee pads, hats."

  Sumei and Sulan took a small stool, sat beside them, and took out all the leather inside.

   "Ma'am, this white fur is very nice." Sumei took out a piece of fox fur, there was not even a trace of impurities on it, and it looked very good at first glance.

  Ye Muyu reached out to take it and touched it: "It's quite big, let's use it as a scarf." She thought about Chu Heng's departure to the capital, and the colder it went north, the winter in the north was not comparable to that in the south.

  However, the air in the north is dry, so as long as you wear thicker clothes to resist the cold, you will feel better, and you don’t have to worry about the cold to the bone.

   Everything is based on keeping out the cold.

   In the next month, Ye Muyu took Sumei Sulan and a few maids to start making leather clothes.

   Not only Chu Heng's, but also the driver who drove the carriage, and the guards who went with him. The clothes of these people also need to be prepared.

   In addition, Ye Muyu also made a mask. If there is a strong wind on the road, covering your mouth is very necessary.

  The taste of the year is getting stronger and stronger.

  This morning, Ye Muyu was arranging housekeeper Luo to prepare the New Year's goods.

   Tang Dongfeng is here again.

   "Ma'am, Yu's rouge shop is full of rouge." After he finished speaking, there was a puff of white mist in the air. Although it was cold, Yu's actions made him a little angry.

   "These are the ones released by the Yu family today. The new year's lip gloss is bright red. Many girls like it. Many maids from rich families are guarding the door, waiting for the shop to open before going in to buy it."

   "Here are the two models I bought. Ma'am, please take a look."

  Ye Muyu took two grease boxes, which were also packed in beautiful ceramic jars.

  She stretched out her finger and dabbed a little on the back of her hand.

Tang Dongfeng was taken aback, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop her: "Ma'am, there are really bad medicines in this lip balm. After using it for more than a month or two, it will slowly dry out the skin and cause some damage to the skin. Don't use it, ma'am."

   "Well, I see."

   "The color is very close to ours, but the texture is moist, maybe it is prepared for some customers with dry skin, no wonder." Dry rouge in winter, the less dry the better the sales.

  In Ye Muyu's rouge shop, the ointment that is also used for skin care sells better.

  (end of this chapter)

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