Chapter 892 Carpentry work

"Don't put too much pressure on your father. You can only get the first place in the imperial examinations in the entire Great Chu Dynasty." Ye Muyu felt that this was even more difficult than being the national champion in later generations. She thought about the jokes of the two children. , don't take it too seriously, what if it really affects Chu Heng's exam.

  Seeing Ye Muyu say this, Chu Heng put down his chopsticks and looked at her: "Ah Yu, what rank do you want me to take?"

"As long as you can pass the exam, I don't have high requirements." Ye Muyu hurriedly lowered her requirements, and told the truth. With Chu Heng's character, if he is admitted to Jinshi and becomes an official, he will definitely do good things for the people. When she became an official, she honored her ancestors, and she believed in her abilities.

  Chu Heng saw her sincere eyes, warm and clean eyes, a slight smile on his lips, reached out and touched her head, and didn't say anything more about it.

  After breakfast, the family went to the old house first, and took Chu Liu and Chu Zhiwen to the county.

   After a long period of time, Chu Heng would not be at home, so he took his parents to the county to live with Ye Muyu and the children.

   If there is something, the family can discuss it.

   Ye Muyu decided after discussing with Chu Heng.

   "Father, mother, you don't have to worry about your family. We also have a house in the county. If we really miss you, we will move to live in the county." Chu Lin said.

  Chu Cai and his wife were listening, somewhat desolate.

  Most of their money was invested in the dozen or so sets of furniture, but after Mr. Xu cheated the furniture away, he didn't give the money.

   Now that he is locked up in the county government prison, the case will have to wait until a year, maybe at least a month, and the outcome will not be known by then.

  In short, the family cannot afford a house.

  Ms. Wang thought about it, and felt a little sad, but since her house is in the village, it’s not too bad. She still pickled more sauerkraut honestly and made more money.

"You guys should be honest first. If you don't know how to do business, don't do it stupidly. It's better to learn a craft. Mr. Wang, see what you can do. When the time comes, you will learn what you can do, and you won't be afraid that you won't have the opportunity to make money." Mrs. Chu Liu Told the two of them.

  Chu Cai and Wang hurriedly nodded obediently, not daring to mess around anymore.

   Ye Muyu heard this in the carriage, and some thoughts came to her mind.

   Waiting for Mrs. Chu and Liu to get into the carriage, the carriage drove to the county.

She just said: "Mother, when you mentioned the second brother, I thought of one thing. Now we have a lot of shops, and the rouge shop has a good business. We usually need some exquisite wooden boxed rouge. Second brother, let's see if you want to take it." This job?"

   "The business in the shop used to be mediocre, but now it's slowly getting better. I'm not afraid that the second brother will run out of work."

   "Then I'll find a chance to talk to your second brother?" Mrs. Chu Liu knew that the rouge was developed by Ah Yu, so naturally she had to respect her opinion, and no matter what, she had to ask her opinion first.

   "Mother, okay, you can just tell the second brother that it will be more convenient for me to ask for some special wooden boxes in the future. Besides, the wooden boxes I need should be painted with some pictures."

   "I don't know who in the clan can do this job?" Since you want to help the clan, you have to plan slowly.

  It took two months to deal with Zhuangzi.

  The shop is also slowly getting on the right track, and now it is safer to arrange the work of the clansmen.

   "I really don't know what you said, but there are few scholars in the clan, and I'm afraid there will be even fewer people who can draw. I'll find time to ask."

   "Oh, look at me, I shouldn't be going to the county right now, or I have to go back to the village." Chu Liu patted his head and said.

  (end of this chapter)

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