Chapter 893 Opening a shop

Ye Muyu: "Mother, don't worry, let's go to the county, I'll take you to the shop to look at the styles of those wooden boxes first, then you can tell your second brother, or find someone to draw, then you will know what kind of boxes you need. .”

   "That's right, then I'm not in a hurry."

   "As for the eldest brother and sister-in-law's family, they have a shop in the county. If that's the case, let's see if there is anything suitable for them and open a shop."

   "Your sister-in-law is good at cooking. I think she can open a food shop. The food you usually make is delicious, and any one will do."

   After Chu Liu finished speaking, he did not forget to ask: "Ayu, do you mind telling them the recipe?"

"Mother, this food is usually made by family members. If my sister-in-law is willing to open a restaurant, I will give you some recipes. My sister-in-law can also gradually improve it according to the tastes of customers and make her own characteristics." Ye Mu Yu suggested.

   "You're right. Everyone cooks food. Why are other people's food good and our own food not? Not only does it taste good, but it also has to be unique."

  Chu and Liu said, thinking of her natal family, thinking to take some time to go back and have a look.

   This time she stayed at home to receive Chu Xingjun's family, and learned that the eldest sister's family had a good year this year because of selling fungus, Chu Zhiwen couldn't know how happy she was.

  She is also happy for the elder sister's family.

   Along the way, we soon arrived at the county.

   A group of people went back to the mansion first, and put all kinds of luggage back.

  Chu Heng went to the school in a hurry, and there were only a few days left before leaving for the capital to rush for the exam. There were still some Juren in the school who had passed the exam in the early years, and they would also go to the school. These people would all go to the exam together.

   In addition to this, he also needs to deal with other things.

  Ye Muyu took Ziluo and Xiaojin, as well as Chu Liushi and Chu Zhiwen, and set off to visit the Rouge Shop.

  Now many shops in the county are still closed, and most of them are still visiting relatives.

   Several people went straight to the rouge shop.

  The door was swept clean, and only one door was opened.

  Ye Muyu walked straight in.

   At a glance, Tang Dongfeng was making calculations behind the counter.

   "What does the guest officer need?"

   "Ma'am?" He was surprised for a moment, and he was sure that the host's house was here, and hurriedly greeted him with a smile, "Madam, old lady, old master, young master, miss, why are you all here?"

   "Come and have a look." Ye Muyu then sat next to the table next to the table where he usually entertained guests, and sat on the floor on a soft couch that was not too high, and asked, "Why is there no charcoal fire in the house?"

   At this time, it was still winter, and it was still a bit cold.

"The store will open in two days. I have nothing to do, so I will settle accounts. With the New Year's gift from my wife, I am dressed thickly, and I am not cold." Tang Dongfeng smiled all over his face: "Madam feels cold, little girl. Let’s go and order a pot.”

"No need, sit down, I'll take a look at the ledger, take your mother to look at the wooden box that usually contains rouge, in the future the wooden box will be given to the second master to make, if you have any new ideas, or drawings, you can Tell my mother."

  Chu Liu got up hurriedly, Chu Zhiwen was also curious, so he followed, and she was disgusted by her.

  Chu Zhiwen is so bored, no matter what the old lady says, she will follow.

   Tang Dongfeng hurriedly took them to the warehouse.

  Ye Muyu sat on the soft couch and looked at the account book, "Ziluo, Xiaojin, go play with your own, just don't run around."

  The two children also ran to the backyard in a flash.

  Ye Muyu looked at the ledger, and found that the most sold ones were indeed the grease for wiping the face in winter, soap **** for bathing, and even perfume.

  (end of this chapter)

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