Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 900: something happened to Ye Hao

  Chapter 900 Ye Hao had an accident

  Junyue Building is the ready-to-wear shop in the county, and there is an embroiderer in it with excellent craftsmanship.

   "If the second sister-in-law decides, let's send it."

Wang said with a smile: "I knew you would not object. In fact, it would be best to invite an embroiderer to teach me, but her father and I, although we have work now, it is just the beginning. The land in the village is still I need to find a short-term job, how can I hire another embroiderer so extravagantly."

"Since we want to gain knowledge, we must let children see many sides, and live a life of whatever ability they have. People must learn to be content." Wang said seriously, "Look at Qingxiang, because she was at ease back then. It's too high, after getting married, life is so sad."

   "My daughter is so stupid, if she is still arrogant, she will never be able to marry in this life."

"Look, bah, bah, bah..." Mrs. Wang slapped her mouth quickly, coughed lightly, and said to Ye Muyu with a little embarrassment: "Third siblings, I just want to tell you that my family will definitely take good care of the children. We are a couple, and I won't cause you any trouble, I'm not a big hearted person, and I'm very satisfied with my life now, so I hope that I can get along with you in harmony, and it's good to maintain the status quo."

Ye Muyu really doesn't like Chu Qingxiang, and she still agrees with Wang's attitude towards teaching children, but she didn't expect that she would say this sincerely in the end, with a smile on her lips: "Second sister-in-law, what can I do in the future?" If you do something wrong, you can just say it directly, we are all honest, and naturally there will be no conflicts, and in many cases, there is no communication, and it gradually becomes a big problem."

"Okay, then don't think I talk too much." Wang smiled innocently, "Oh, look at me, I'll get you a cup of tea, there are a lot of wood chips outside the house, you come in with me to sit .”

"By the way, let me tell you, usually when the painting master comes over, I will secretly watch beside him. When he leaves, I will paint quietly by myself. Just wait, I will slowly learn his skills in less than a year." ability."

  The two are talking.

  There was a knock on the door of the courtyard.

   A servant came in right after, saying that Mrs. Ye's family had come to the county and wanted to find Ye Muyu for something.

   Wang didn't delay, and asked her to go back quickly.

  When Ye Muyu returned to the Chu residence, Granny Ye had already drank two cups of tea.

   "Mother, father, brother, why are you here suddenly?" Ye Muyu entered the hall.

   Seeing it was her, Mrs. Ye stood up immediately, crying and patted her trouser legs: "Girl, something happened to your elder brother."

   "What's the matter?" Ye Muyu's breathing was stagnant. On the battlefield, he had no eyes for swords and guns, and injuries are probably commonplace.

   "I heard that people are dying, and I need to find a medicine to detoxify." Ye Pozi has never read a book, and she doesn't even remember the name of the medicine.

   "Mother, don't worry, let's pack our luggage and go directly to Luoping County. Do you have a letter from the army?" Ye Muyu didn't expect that her elder brother would have an accident, but the more anxious she was, the more rationally she made arrangements.

   "Yes, yes." Granny Ye hurriedly took out a crumpled letter from her clothes.

  Ye Muyu took it, read it carefully, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother is seriously injured, mainly due to lack of medicine."

   "Just in case, let's go there. I will arrange for people to find the herbs."

   "Okay, okay." Granny Ye nodded hurriedly, "We have packed our luggage, so let's go."

  (end of this chapter)

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