Chapter 901 Favor

   "It's just that it's inconvenient for the second daughter-in-law to travel far away with the child, so I want to let her stay here."

   "Okay." Ye Muyu asked Sumei to pack her luggage.

  She went straight to Chu Liushi and Chu Zhiwen.

  The two of them also expressed concern when they learned that something happened to Ye Hao: "Ah Yu, do you want to follow? Maybe your body can take it?"

"Mother, I'm fine, I'm going to ask you to take care of the two children." Ye Muyu explained the matter, and then said: "If you have anything to do, just tell Butler Luo, he is Ah Heng's confidant, and he can be trusted. "

   "However, when I leave, I will tell the outside world that I am in the mansion."

   "I will also take Han Zhuang with me." At least there is a guard.

  Seeing that she knew what she was thinking, Mrs. Chu and Liu let go of her heart: "Then you go, come back soon, I hope your elder brother is okay, mother and your father will take care of the house."

   "It's just those things in the shop that I don't understand. I'm afraid I can only talk about them when you come back."

   "Okay." Ye Muyu didn't know how long this trip would take, so he could only put these things aside.

After exhorting the elders, Lu Sangqi was also invited into the mansion. Ye Muyu told the situation, and Lu Sangqi said: "The medicine you mentioned is indeed very rare, and it is out of season. If you really want to ask where it is, I am afraid that only It can only be found in the mansion of those powerful princes, or in the palace."

"My grandfather should be able to get it too, that is, this time, time..." Lu Sangqi couldn't guarantee anything. According to Ye Muyu's description, Ye Hao was obviously seriously injured. Can we wait until Ye Muyu and others catch up? The past is an unknown, and he really can't guarantee anything else.

   "Do you still need to show Master Luo's legs?" Ye Muyu looked at him with burning eyes.

  Looking at her eyes, Lu Sangqi knew that he was going to make a mistake, and asked tentatively, "You don't want me to go there with you, do you?"

   "If you are free, I would really like to." Ye Muyu nodded honestly.

   Lu Sangqi was a little confused.

  Ye Muyu saw his hesitation, and his eyes lit up: "Go, I will find you more valuable ancient medical books."

   "Really?" Lu Sangqi looked at her suspiciously.

   "Naturally, even if I don't have this ability, Ah Heng does." Ye Muyu pulled Chu Heng out and added weight.

  Lu Sangqi was hesitant at first, but now he no longer doubted, and immediately agreed: "Success."

   With Lu Sangqi joining, this trip, Ye Muyu has a little more confidence.

   "By the way, please write a letter to uncle first. It would be good if the medicine can be sent to Luopingguan. The elder brother's condition can only be called to the doctor for as long as possible."

  Lu Sangqi nodded his head, as a consent.

  Seeing that Ye Muyu was about to leave, he hesitated to speak and called her to stop.

   "What's wrong? Is there anything else that needs to be arranged?"

   "Actually, there is also this medicine in the Lu family's mansion in the prefecture city." Lu Sangqi looked a little complicated, but finally told the news.

  Ye Muyu was overjoyed immediately, seeing his reaction was a bit strange, thinking of the reason why he hadn't returned to Lu's house, he said: "Can I ask Doctor Lu for help, and then I can buy medicine from your house?"

   "It's not impossible, but it will take a long time to waste." Lu Sangqi looked at her and reminded: "Actually, you still have a favor that is useless."


  Seeing that she had apparently forgotten about it, Lu Sangqi felt inexplicably better: "You saved a person a few years ago."

  (end of this chapter)

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