Chapter 924 It's all right

   "I want it, I want it, everything is ready, come here quickly." Granny Ye hurriedly dragged her to the side of the tent, where there was a small wooden table, and everyone else was there.

  The meals are also ready, it looks like it is not a big pot of rice in the military camp, but made by Sumei.

  After Ye Muyu had a few mouthfuls of food, Grandma Ye couldn't hold back her temper, and hurriedly asked, "Girl, are you alright?"

   "It's nothing." Ye Muyu couldn't tell the complicated relationship between the princess and Shen Qin, so he picked up what he could say.

  Grandma Ye thumped herself: "It's all my mother's fault. Mother should accompany you. The county chief finds someone to serve her. Just find me."

  Ye Muyu hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop her: "Mom, this has happened, and it's useless to regret it. If you want to be more open, I haven't suffered much."

   Except that Li Ruyi will deliberately make things difficult for Shen Qin whenever she meets Shen Qin, she is not considered humiliated.

   "Brother, are you alright?" Ye Muyu asked worriedly.

  Beside Lu Sangqi snorted softly: "Your elder brother is lucky to have such an informal sister like you to save him."

   "If he wakes up and doesn't treat you better, he is ashamed of your sacrifice."

  Ye Dejiang was also a little ashamed: "No, if Hao'er knows what Ah Yu did, he will definitely be grateful."

  Grandma Ye also said: "That is, if he doesn't thank you, mother will beat him later and won't recognize him anymore. Let him go alone."

   "Sister, it's my fault, I should take the initiative to find the princess." Han also said with a bitter face.

  Ye Muyu didn't care whether Ye Hao would thank her, she just hoped that nothing would happen to her elder brother, she really felt that it was very troublesome to ask for help.

   "Father, mother, don't say that, I believe in brother." Ye Muyu looked at the three of them and said seriously.

   Seeing that they were still frowning, she tilted her head to look at Lu Sangqi, "Don't say such things, we are all a family, and we should help each other."

   "Brother's medicine is still enough."

"For the time being, it's okay. Isn't there another medicine? When it's delivered, the poison will be cured." Seeing that she didn't thank him, Lu Sangqi reprimanded her, rolled his eyes, and said that he didn't know good people. He took the dishes and chopsticks into the tent.

  Grandma Ye pointed to his background, very worried: "Girl, did mother say something wrong? Doctor Lu is angry?"

   "Mother, it has nothing to do with you, he is having a fight, you eat quickly, and you have to take care of your elder brother later, I don't think you have a good rest."

  Grandma Ye nodded hurriedly: "Okay, you can eat too."

   Talking about feeding her vegetables, Ye Muyu finally got full.

  She looked at Ye Hao, made sure that his condition had not deteriorated, and left the tent.

   Going for a walk to the princess's tent.

   Halfway through, two soldiers walked towards her. When they saw her, they stopped, saluted and said, "Madam Chu, the little general is here."

  Ye Muyu looked at the time, and there was still some time before the princess took a lunch break, so she nodded and followed.

   It was still the same tent. Shen Qin didn't sit behind the desk this time, but stood with his back to the door and his hands behind his back.

  After Ye Muyu entered, he saluted first.

Shen Qin heard the voice, turned around hurriedly, saw her, called Madam Chu first, and then said: "Madam, the character of the Princess is that she is disobedient and self-willed. Don't worry, I have already told my father, and I will help you." Solve this problem."

Ye Muyu immediately waved his hands when he heard this: "Little General, what I said before was not polite, since I have agreed to the princess, I must do it, otherwise, the favor owed by the princess will not be clear at that time." .”

  (end of this chapter)

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