Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 925: find the reason

  Chapter 925 Find the reason

  She didn't expect that when Chu Heng entered the officialdom, there would be a rumor that his wife had offended the princess, and he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to move forward.

   "But..." Shen Qin frowned, as if wondering why she could bear Li Ruyi's temper.

  Ye Muyu said with a slight smile: "I would like to thank the little general for his concern. Compared to this trivial matter, it is worthwhile for the eldest brother to wake up. Besides, the princess did not make things difficult for the concubine, so don't worry, the little general."

   "Since this is the case...then Madam Chu, if she encounters difficulties with the princess and cannot bear it, just come and tell me."

   "Thank you, little general." Ye Muyu thanked, but whether he will find him is another matter.

"Actually, I asked you to come here. There is another thing. I learned from Congjun before that you and Chu Xiaolian first mentioned the horse iron shoe. I must know the horse iron shoe very well. Just now I went to check the barracks. other horses, and found that many horses also have similar problems with bay horses."

   "Madam, can you come and have a look with me?"

  Ye Muyu did not refuse, but nodded in agreement.

"Thank you Ma'am for your kindness." Shen Qin breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Ye Hao's family would be angry if he didn't help Ye Hao and almost killed him. will agree.

  Who knew that the other party agreed so easily, which made him feel like a villain was treating a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart.

  Ye Muyu didn't know what he was thinking. If she knew, she would just say: It wasn't him who helped, but the soldiers of Dachu. After all, the country is stable only when the military ability is strong. She doesn't want to go through the era of war.

  Ye Muyu followed Shen Qin to the stables.

   First checked the injury of each horse.

   "Ms. Chu, how are you?" Shen Qin followed all the way, and asked after she had finished watching all the horses.

  Ye Muyu turned to look at him: "I want to check those iron hooves."

   "Okay, please come here." Shen Qin led her to a tent not far from the stables.

   There are quite a few big men in the army surrounding the tent at the moment.

   There are those who wear iron armor and cloth armor.

   There are even bare-armed ones.

  Ye Muyu subconsciously paused when she saw this situation. She didn't care much, but now that her status is here, if she is too outstanding, it may damage Chu Heng's reputation.

   Shen Qin noticed her movement, and when he looked up, he saw the big man with bare arms, frowned slightly, and reprimanded: "Hurry up and put on your clothes!"

   "Little...Little General..." The big blacksmith also saw Ye Muyu behind him, quickly dropped the hammer, and quickly left to get dressed.

  Ye Muyu just moved forward, and stopped in front of the long wooden table with the iron hoof on it.

  She looked at the iron hoof and asked, "Did you mark it?"

   "What mark?" Shen Qin asked puzzled.

  Ye Muyu pointed to the iron hooves: "It's just which horse's feet each of these iron hooves was taken off from. I see that although the wounds of each horse are similar, there are subtle differences."

  Shen Qin suddenly realized, and looked at the soldiers beside him.

   "This... general, we didn't pay attention."

  Seeing that Shen Qin's face darkened, the soldier hurriedly said: "General, we still remember, we can point out some."

   "Then don't hesitate to admit it."

  Ye Muyu interjected next to him: "According to the order in the stable."

  The soldiers nodded hurriedly, and after a heated argument for a while, they finally decided on the order.

   Some of them were uncertain, so Shen Qin asked someone to check.

  (end of this chapter)

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