Chapter 927 Upholstery

  The horse felt this force and started to trot immediately. Ye Muyu's body was swaying on the horse, and finally he could only hold the horse's neck to stabilize it.

   "Hahaha, keep up." Li Ruyi's laughter came from the front, and she didn't forget to remind her to keep up.

  Ye Muyu forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart, slowly straightened her waist, and slowly chased after her.

   An hour passed.

  Ye Muyu felt the throbbing pain in the root of her thigh, and probably had blisters.

   Fortunately, Li Ruyi was going to see Shen Qin, and waved her away with a big hand.

  Ye Muyu got off the horse, feeling tired and hungry, Sumei came to support her, her eyes were red: "Ma'am, are you okay, shall we write to the master?"

   "No." Ye Muyu hastily stopped her.

   She has seen it, the ancient hierarchy is strict.

  Even in the Shen family's barracks, Li Ruyi can come in whenever he wants, which is enough to show his high status.

   How can ordinary people like them be offended.

   Now the princess doesn't know what attitude she has towards her. Although riding a horse is a bit uncomfortable, it is better than humiliating her by trampling her on the soles of her feet.

   "It's okay. I just took this opportunity to learn how to ride a horse. I might use it later. When I get home, I'll take you to ride a horse together." Ye Muyu said with a slight smile.

  Sumei: "Ma'am, are you really alright?"

   "It's not all right, my legs hurt a little, I need to find a separate tent and take medicine." Ye Muyu said.

  Sumei hurriedly supported her to go back, but in the end she didn't know whether Shen Qin ordered Li Ruyi or Li Ruyi said, anyway, Ye family's carriage was brought in, and Ye Muyu could apply medicine on the carriage.

  Although it is a little small, Ye Muyu is already very satisfied.

  She looked over and found that the barracks were basically full of big tents, and there were no small tents at all. Naturally, she wanted to have a tent by herself, which was extremely difficult, and it was not as practical as a carriage.

   "Ma'am, please hold on." Su Mei saw Ye Muyu's blood red, and a blister burst, as well as several other blistered legs, her eyes were red again.

  Ye Muyu hurriedly said: "It's okay, there should be a fine needle in the carriage, you help me find it, pop the blister, and then apply some medicine, it will heal faster."

  Sumei's face turned pale in an instant: "Ma'am, it will hurt to pop the blisters."

  She can see that Madam's skin is already tender, and it will turn red with a slight touch. It hurts so much to pop the blisters now.

   "It will hurt more if you don't break it, go quickly." Ye Muyu urged.

  Sumei had no choice but to nod in agreement.

  Ye Muyu gritted her teeth and endured the bursting of the blisters, and it hurt again after taking the medicine.

  However, the wound medicine she brought worked well, and the wound was cold and comfortable after being applied.

   "I need to make two cushions." Ye Muyu told Sumei.

   "Is it just for the legs?" Sumei found some soft cloth from the package, and there were several fluffy scarves among them.

   These furs were all brought back by Chu Heng through the caravan. I don’t know what business he asked the caravan to do. This kind of precious fur can be brought back so much.

  Ye Muyu also thought that she might not have time to wash clothes on the road, so she brought a few more sets of joy.

   "Ma'am, I'm afraid the cotton cloth is not thick enough, and the satin is relatively hard, so it is not suitable for leg pads."

  Ye Muyu looked at the two scarves, although she felt distressed, but there was no other way to do this job, so she gritted her teeth and said in pain, "Use the scarves."

  (end of this chapter)

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