Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 928: forgot one thing

  Chapter 928 Forgot one thing

   "Good lady." Sumei didn't delay, she picked up her needle and thread and started to do it.

  Next month.

  Ye Muyu experienced the bad news of riding horses every day, running around in the mountains and in the barracks.

   And she also slowly went from being able to trot on a horse at the beginning to keeping up with Li Ruyi's speed on a horse.

  The price was that in the first half month, her legs and pants were stained with blood.

  It got better later on.

  Although there is a cushion, it cannot withstand the life of five or six hours on the horse.

   I don't know what Li Ruyi is going to do, except for running wildly on horseback, she didn't make trouble.

   Therefore, within a month, Ye Muyu almost saw all the scenery around the barracks, and knew a lot of roads.

   "Little sister." This morning.

  Ye Muyu was stopped by Ye Hao.

   "Brother?" Ye Muyu stopped and turned to look at him. She already has a set of riding clothes, and she sent someone to the county to buy them later, and it still fits well.

   These days, she wears riding gear almost every day.

   "Little sister, how is your injury?" Ye Hao can sit up and walk now, without worrying about his life, and his body will recover after slowly taking care of it.

  Little General Shen gave him a holiday to let him recover from his injuries, and his position did not change. He was also rewarded. Because of his injury, he still went to investigate the cause of the enemy camp.

   "I'm fine. Now that I'm used to riding a horse, it doesn't hurt anymore." Ye Muyu smiled and said, she was really happy. Although the process was difficult, the result was very gratifying.

  She went from being able to walk slowly while being led by others to being able to ride a horse by herself.

   Completely learned the skill of riding a horse.

   "Little sister, do you have anything you want to eat? Brother, I will ask someone to make it for you. You can eat it when you come back at noon." Ye Hao asked cautiously.

  Seeing the guilt in his eyes, Ye Muyu knew that he wanted to make up for herself.

  Ye Muyu thought that since her elder brother woke up these days, she would talk to herself, usually about what she wanted.

  She sighed softly in her heart, with a smile on her face: "Brother, I want to eat barbecue at noon today."

   "Okay, I'll have someone prepare it for you."

   "The fruit wine you like, I will also ask someone to buy fruit and come back. I will tell you as soon as I have news." Ye Hao said hurriedly.

  Ye Muyu smiled and nodded: "Then thank you, brother."

  It is almost April now, and some fruits have come out, but you can buy them.

   "Brother, I'll go there first." Ye Muyu said.

  Ye Hao moved his lips, knowing that there was still a month to go, so he nodded quickly, afraid that he would delay her and make the princess angry and punish his sister.

   Wait for Ye Muyu to leave.

  Both Mrs. Ye and Ye Dejiang came over.

   "Boss, have you told the little general, can I serve the princess instead?" Granny Ye asked anxiously.

  Ye Hao smiled wryly: "Mother, the relationship between the little general and the princess is bad, and you should have seen it during this period of time."

   "I also went to the princess, but the princess refused." Speaking of this, he was a little depressed, and felt even more guilty for hurting his sister.

  Ye Dejiang suddenly said: "Did you forget something?"

"What's up?"

   "Son-in-law, haven't the exams been over, and it stands to reason that he will be home soon?"

  Grandma Ye and Ye Hao both breathed heavily. Chu Heng's temperament seemed to be easy to get along with, but there was one thing that he really valued about Ye Muyu. If he knew how hard she had endured in the military camp during this period, he might be angry.

  (end of this chapter)

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