Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 947: didn't come back

  Chapter 947 did not come back

   This waited for a long time, but he didn't come back.

   "It seems that the troubles above have not been resolved." Ye Muyu frowned slightly, and asked Sumei, "Have you brought fans?"

   "Ma'am, I have." Sumei nodded hurriedly.

   "Then let's not go out, and cook vermicelli by ourselves."

   There is still some firewood in the cellar. Although there is only a small stove, it is enough.

   Until evening.

  Ye Muyu let people go out again.

  Maybe it was dark at night, no one noticed when I went out, and the driver came back after a while.

   "Ma'am, many people outside have been arrested. They are still at the Hou Mansion. Even the Lord Hou and the princess have been arrested. The young ones are unwilling to approach, and they don't know where Han Zhuang is."

  Ye Muyu's heart sank when he heard that, it seemed that the entire Luoping County was under the control of the people of Luopingguo, and if they captured Lord Hou, they might want to threaten the Shen family army.

   "Stay here." Ye Muyu sighed softly. Now that the city gate is closed and there are hostages in hand, I don't know how long it will take for Shen's army to break in.

  Ye Muyu was silent for a while and asked: "Did you watch my uncle leave the city gate yesterday?"

   "Ma'am, I have indeed heard what my uncle said. He still has dry food and said he will go to the barracks to find you."

   "But the little ones didn't see him leave the city gate with their own eyes."

  Ye Muyu frowned, very worried. If Ye Zhao was still in the county, the possibility of being caught was very high, and he had never been back, so it was very possible.

  But it is also possible that he went directly out of the city gate and would not come back.

  Now she can only hope in her heart that Ye Zhaoneng will be smarter, even if he is caught, he should not resist the people of Luo Guo. Those who resist will basically die.

   "Ma'am, don't worry, my uncle is very smart and nothing will happen." Seeing that she was very worried, Sumei quickly comforted her.

  Ye Muyu nodded, but didn't say much.

   With Ye Zhao's situation unknown, Ye Muyu was very worried, and couldn't sleep for a while.

   Just stayed up all night like this.

  Ye Zhao who was being talked about by Ye Muyu.

  He just got out of the dog hole at this moment, and he didn't care about the embarrassment, so he hurriedly filled the dog hole with grass.

   Then I ran up the mountain for three hours.

   Only arrived at the range of the barracks.

   And his feet were full of blisters, and he didn't care about the pain, so he hurriedly took out his identity token to avoid being shot.

   "I am Ye Hao's younger brother, I want to see the little general."

  The soldiers did not take him to see Shen Qin, but met General Shen instead.

  Looking at the generals coming in and out of the camp.

  Ye Zhao also realized that this is not the camp of the little general at all.

  When he was brought into the camp, Ye Zhao felt his legs go limp when he saw the majestic General Shen who was standing above him wearing armor.

   "Get up." General Shen frowned and asked, "You are Ye Hao's younger brother? Why are you here now?"

  Ye Zhao naturally didn't dare to hide it, but in front of General Shen, he spoke a little nervously: "General Shen, Cao Min is from Luoping County."

  As soon as these words came out, the other generals in the tent immediately looked at him with burning eyes.

  Ye Zhao became even more nervous: "The little one came out of the dog's hole in the county last night while it was dark."

   "General Shen, a group of people from the county rushed in to kill, injure, loot and torture them. Hurry up and save them. My sister is still in the county." Ye Zhao said anxiously.

   "Tell me what's going on first."

  Ye Zhao naturally didn't dare to hide anything, so he told how he escaped.

  (end of this chapter)

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