Chapter 948 It's all right

   "Cao Min was going out of the city to come to the barracks the afternoon before yesterday, but I met a customer on the way, and he made an appointment with me to make ceramics, so I stayed."

   "Who knew that something happened in the county that night, and I survived by hiding in the stable with that businessman."

"I didn't dare to come out during the day, so I had to wait until night. I only saw that the people in the Hou Mansion were arrested, and there were some ordinary people, but the county was in chaos everywhere, and many people died. The grassroots were lucky. I went the wrong way, but accidentally found a dog hole, and I crawled out of the city gate, so I didn't dare to delay, and went directly to the little general for help."

  Ye Zhao speaks tremblingly, because everyone can feel his nervousness.

  General Shen looked at him majestically: "Ye Zhao, how can you guarantee that what you said is not lying."

  Ye Zhao was stunned: "I didn't lie, I broke my foot, and I came here to ask you to save my sister."

"General Shen, you don't suspect that I lied to you, do you?" Ye Zhao saw the serious expressions on the faces of several people, and he was still suspicious, so he almost cried: "General Shen, the grass people definitely did not lie, otherwise there will be a thunderbolt!" .”

   "I beg you to send troops to kill my sister quickly, woo woo woo." Seeing that General Shen didn't respond, he burst into tears.

  The corner of General Shen's mouth twitched slightly: "Someone will take you down for interrogation. You cooperate first. If your words are verified to be true, they will naturally help you save people."

  Ye Zhao had no chance to say anything more, and was taken down directly.

   After an hour-long interrogation, he was determined not to lie.

   And General Shen also got specific news, and finally had a breakthrough to enter the palace county.

  After a day and a night.

   There was another commotion in the county town.

   After Ye Muyu and his party had been hungry for two days.

   Finally heard another voice from above.

   "Why is there no one?" The anxious voices of Mrs. Ye and others sounded from the yard.

  In the cellar, Ye Muyu and his party were exhausted from hunger. In order not to feel uncomfortable, everyone chose to sleep.

  Ye Muyu slowly opened his eyes, and vaguely heard a voice, which he thought was an auditory hallucination.

  She rubbed her belly subconsciously, and she became more conscious before she was sure that there was really a sound on it.

  Ye Muyu was not in a hurry to go out, she climbed up the stairs, and after listening quietly for a while under the planks of the cellar, she was sure that it was her own people outside.

  She felt relaxed.

   Reach out and push away the wooden boards on the cellar, and climb out from inside.

   "Girl!" Ye Pozi was about to leave to find her elsewhere, when she heard the sound coming, she saw her figure.

  His eyes were red with joy, he rushed over and hugged her: "Girl, woo woo, it's good that nothing happened to you, mother is almost scared to death."

   "Mother, I'm fine, ahem." Ye Muyu was really exhausted from hunger.

   Seeing that her father and elder brother were also coming, she hurriedly pointed to the bottom and said: "We are hiding in the cellar, father, elder brother, you first pull everyone else up."

  Ye Muyu leaned on Granny Ye and walked into the house.

   "Girl, what's going on here?" Ye Pozi asked with red eyes, still a little scared at the moment: "You don't know, I heard that something happened in the county, I was almost scared to death."

   "Whoa, it's been five or six days, I'm afraid something will happen to you, how can I feel sorry for you." Granny Ye cried and wiped her tears.

  (end of this chapter)

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