Chapter 964 Figured it out

  Chu Heng looked at the two of them silently. He could feel that they were not lying, but...he would have a beloved woman?

   "By the way, what's the matter with your concubine's room?" Chu Liu has actually asked Lu Chuan once, and it was indeed a reward from the magistrate.

  Because of this, she began to doubt whether Ah Heng really liked that girl named Lin Mianmian in his heart.

   Yes, Lin Mianmian has already come to see Mrs. Chu and Liu, and gave them a good gift, and her mouth is very sweet.

  Chu Liu and Chu Zhiwen adhered to the principle of not caring about their son's feelings, they only chatted with Lin Mianmian casually, did not express their opinion, and sent people back directly.

   "It was sent by Zhizhou." Chu Heng said calmly without any extra emotions.

   "Then, what are you going to do with it?" Chu Liu continued to ask, and she also realized that her son now speaks less and less, and if she doesn't ask, the other party will not plan to talk.

   "Disposition?" Chu Heng seemed a little puzzled why she asked such a question, and said after a while: "Live in the backyard."

   "Then who will be the housekeeper in this backyard?" Seeing that he didn't answer a single word, Chu Liu simply asked directly.

   "Mother wants to be a housekeeper?"

   "Who wants to be a housekeeper?" Chu Liu was almost **** off by this son.

   "Then madam will take care of it." Chu Heng didn't seem to be surprised at all, as if this was a perfectly normal thing: "Mother, do you have any other questions?"

"Are you busy?" Chu Liushi saw that his son didn't seem to care about Lin Mianmian, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm, but he seemed to have really forgotten about Ah Yu, which made Chu Liushi Don't worry too.

  Chu Heng stood up: "Well, there are many problems in flood management, and it's midsummer, so we can't delay."

   "Father and mother are resting, I have to go to the front yard to discuss policies, so I won't come here."

   "Wait, aren't you going to see Ah Yu?" Chu Liu's heart felt cold, and she didn't dare to think about what to do if her son kept doing this in the future.

  She didn't want her son to be admitted to an official with difficulty, and there would be a house problem.

   "...Go back to rest at night." Chu Heng explained something, turned around and left the house, and quickly went to the front yard.

   "This..." Mrs. Chu and Liu didn't know what to do.

  Chu Zhiwen is quite open-minded: "Don't worry, it's still a long time. If the two of you meet each other, the relationship will definitely be fine."

   "Even if Ah Heng doesn't remember Ah Yu in his memory, he will always remember it intuitively. After all, the two have been together for so long."


  In the main courtyard of the backyard.

  Ye Muyu woke up after a comfortable sleep, and saw the two maids looking sad.

   "What's the matter with you?" She got out of bed and slowly put on her clothes.

   Then I sat in front of the mirror and slowly applied cream and lip balm on my face.

   "Ma'am, the master is back."

   "Oh." Ye Muyu responded casually.

   Without waiting for the two maids to answer, she said to herself: "Is he busy in the front yard? Didn't come back?"

   "How does Madam know?" Su Lan exclaimed.

The corner of Ye Muyu's mouth curled up into a smile, she figured it out after a night's sleep, it's not her nature to blame herself, even if she leaves, she has to work hard, at least, wait for Chu Heng to betray her first, and then leave after becoming unclean .

   Otherwise, this is unfair to anyone.

  Calm down, she remembered Chu Heng's temperament. Even if he lost his memory, he is not a person obsessed with beauty. Naturally, if he didn't come back to her, it doesn't mean he went to Lin Mianmian.

  (end of this chapter)

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