Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 965: into the backyard

  Chapter 965 Into the backyard

   "Okay, let's go and pack the food first, I'm hungry." Ye Muyu was in a calm mood, and was still in the mood to eat delicious food.

  Sumei saluted, then went to the small kitchen to order.

  It was Su Lan who looked at her in surprise.

   "Go help me and call Tang Dongfeng in." Ye Muyu ordered.

  No matter how curious Su Lan was, she didn't dare to ask more questions.

   After a while Tang Dongfeng came.

  Ye Muyu gave him the silver box: "Take these silver taels and go to Yuzhou City to see if there is a suitable shop to buy them."

   "There is also Zhuangzi, as long as it is within a day's journey from Yuzhou."

   "I don't know the prices in Yuzhou City. You can ask more. If you have enough money, you can buy another Zhuangzi or a shop."

   There are three thousand taels in the silver box, which is part of her turnover from the grease shop and bookstore.

  Tang Dongfeng took it in a hurry, and went out to do errands without saying much.

   "Ma'am, Miss came over and said to have dinner with you."

   "Okay." Ye Muyu smiled, and waited for Ziluo to arrive before starting dinner.

   "Mother, I know the food in your yard is the best." Chu Ziluo sat beside her and said happily.

   "Where's your brother?" Ye Muyu asked while serving her soup.

   "He went to the city to play in the afternoon, and he was almost exhausted, so he had a good meal and rested."

   "Why doesn't Ziluo go?" Ye Muyu was curious.

  Chu Ziluo stuck out her tongue: "Mother, I want to go with you."

   "Then you have to wait for your mother to be busy for a while. If you want to go out, just ask Aunt Hu to take you out. Don't just do it alone."

   "Mom, then I'll stay with Aunt Hu, and I won't bother you." Chu Ziluo has always been well-behaved. The reason why she came to accompany her mother at night was because she heard that there was a newcomer in the house and wanted to take her place.

  She didn't want someone else to be her mother, and she was afraid that her mother would be sad, so she made excuses to come here.

   After dinner, Ye Muyu took out a book and read it to her daughter.

  Time passed quickly, and it was time to go to bed. Seeing that the little maid was drowsy and still unwilling to leave, Ye Muyu called the maid to carry her back.

   "Ma'am, are you sleeping?" Sumei walked in and closed the wide open window slightly.

  Ye Muyu shook his head: "I'm not sleepy, you guys go down and take a nap for a while."

   After sending the maids away, Ye Muyu started writing the plan of the shop.

   Front yard.

  Chu Heng was busy until late at night.

   "Master, are you going to rest in the backyard?" Lu Chuan asked in a low voice.

  Chu Heng rubbed his brows: "What time is it?"

   "It's a quarter of the hour."

   "It's so late, I'm resting in the study..."

  As soon as Lu Chuan heard it, he realized that the master had completely forgotten about his wife. These days, the master was resting in the study, and he didn't think about it at all.

  He quickly reminded: "Master, Madam just came today, why don't you go and see?"

  In normal times, Lu Chuan would definitely not have the courage, but he is afraid that the master will regret it if he regains his memory. If he doesn’t remind him now, he will be the one who should be cut in the future.

  Chu Heng was silent for a while before he lifted his feet out of the study and headed for the backyard.

  Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing him passing by, he hurriedly ordered his servants to clean up all the way, especially those who stopped Aunt Lin. He must let the master see his wife today, otherwise, what should I do if my wife is angry!

  When Chu Heng arrived, he saw that there were still lights in the room.

  His appearance surprised and delighted Sumei and other servant girls, and when she was about to speak, Chu Heng raised her hand to stop her.

   "You guys go get a pot of hot water and come in."

  (end of this chapter)

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