Chapter 978 Going out

  After breakfast, Ye Muyu didn't go out in the morning, so she read all the materials Chu Heng left.

   Then she slowly silently wrote down some methods of dealing with floods that she had read in the books of her previous life. For fear of missing something, she wrote down everything she could think of.

   This busy, is a morning.

   Wait to put away all the materials.

  Chunqin came in, saluted her first, and then said: "Mrs. Chu, our wife is going to go shopping in the afternoon, and I would like to invite you to go with me."

   After Chunqin finished speaking, she waited aside.

  Ye Muyu was not surprised. After thinking about it, she agreed. It just so happened that she could get to know the county magistrate's character by talking to the county magistrate's wife.

  Chu Heng had just embarked on an official career, and when he encountered such a big appointment, some people didn't want him to achieve something, so they were bound to obstruct it. The more you know, the more you can fight back.

  At noon, she casually ate some local specialties. After a lunch break, she got up and changed into light green clothes before going out.

  When Ye Muyu arrived at the front yard, Mrs. Qi had already arrived.

   Madam Qi has a round face, and looks much older than Ye Muyu, if not for the nice clothes, she might just think she is an ordinary person.

   "Mrs. Chu."

  Ye Muyu walked over and greeted her with a gentle smile on his face, "Madam Qi."

"It's your first time in Lin County. I'm afraid you don't know the characteristics of Lin County. I dare to invite my wife to go shopping with me. It can also relieve boredom." Qi Zhou's words are respectful and flattering to Ye Muyu. .

  Ye Muyu thought that Chu Heng is a Beijing official, and his official position is much higher than that of the county magistrate. No wonder the other party's wife has such an attitude. Originally, he lived in the county government before, and the other party didn't come to disturb him, so Ye Muyu was quite satisfied.

Now seeing that although the other party spoke nice words, he was not flattering, at least he was not the kind of person she disliked, so she nodded with a smile: "Madam, you are welcome, please do as you please, so I will go shopping with Madam. "

  Seeing that her voice was soft and not overpowering at all, Mrs. Qi Zhou couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly followed her, and the two left the mansion together.

  In fact, Ye Muyu has already visited the county seat, so Madam Qi must have known about it.

  However, the other party pretended not to know, and still invited her out, so there must be a reason.

  Ye Muyu pretended not to know, first went to the jewelry store, bought two random items, then went to the clothing store and chose two bolts of cloth, none of which were very expensive, but they were unique to the county.

   "Madam Chu, let's go to the restaurant for dinner. Upstairs in Xihe, there are quite a few signature dishes from the county, and they taste pretty good."

  Ye Muyu was also a little tired, so she nodded in agreement.

   Walked halfway, but was blocked.

  Only heard a crying sound, a middle-aged man knelt on the ground and cried, behind him was a straw mat, and an old man with gray hair was lying on it.

   There is a little girl kneeling next to the man.

  The little girl buried her head and wiped away her tears, while the man was crying for someone to buy his daughter to exchange medicine for his mother's illness.

  Because this was a new thing, and the man was crying too loudly, it attracted a lot of people to watch.

   Qi Zhou looked over there, and after retracting his gaze, he subconsciously fell on Ye Muyu's face beside him.

   "Ms. Chu, let's take a detour? I know there is a small road here, and it is very close to go around." Qi Zhou suddenly said.

  Ye Muyu looked curiously at the commotion over there, and asked: "Madam Qi, don't worry, something seems to have happened over there, Chunqin, go ask and see what's going on?"

  (end of this chapter)

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