Chapter 979 Mutual Exploration

  Chunqin hurriedly walked over, and after a while Ji came back and explained the situation.

  Ye Muyu frowned: "Madam Qi, is it legal to directly buy and sell children?"

When Madam Qi saw her asking this question, she sighed softly: "Madam Chu, you don't know that buying and selling children is definitely against the law, but the spring rains in the first half of the year caused a decrease in grain production in Lin County. , a lot of people are having a hard time, and there are many things that take the initiative to be slaves."

   "The girl must have voluntarily, so she came to cry and complain. If she voluntarily, it is naturally not illegal."

  Ye Muyu understood, this is what you want and what you want, so naturally it does not touch the law.

"Does the county magistrate have any ideas?" Ye Muyu followed with a worried look: "If the people are not in a desperate situation where they can't survive, how can anyone be willing to be a slave? The county magistrate is a parent and official, so it must be a headache. .”

  Qi Zhou's heart skipped a beat. Hearing what she said earlier, she thought that the other party wanted to directly blame the master, but then changed her voice and took the initiative to tell the master's difficulties.

   Qi Zhou couldn't figure out what Ye Muyu meant for a while, she could only say cautiously: "The master often goes out to inspect, just to solve this problem, not to mention meritorious service, at least not to make Lin County worse."

   "The concubine is in a woman's family, and I really don't know what to do except give porridge."

  Ye Muyu saw that she was trembling with fear, and she spoke very cautiously, so she wanted to laugh for a while.

   "Chunqin, go and give them three taels of silver to treat their illnesses. Since they have hands and feet, they naturally need to find more work."

  Chunqin hurriedly took the money, walked over and handed it to the man, and said what Ye Muyu said.

  The man brought his daughter over to kowtow.

  Ye Muyu waved his hand, telling them to leave to see a doctor for their family members, and the people watching the fun also slowly dispersed, Ye Muyu and Qi Zhou continued to go to the restaurant.

   Seeing that she actually gave money to the man, Mrs. Qi Zhou wondered in her heart, could it be that Ye Muyu's temperament is really as kind as it appears on the surface?

  She was a little uncertain.

   Waited until the restaurant.

   The two chatted while eating vegetables.

  Ye Muyu asked while drinking tea: "I'm a little curious. In the past, Lin County was often affected by floods. How did the county magistrate deal with it?"

  She seemed to be asking casually, but the question she asked was very secretive. If there were really a county magistrate who was greedy for ink, she might be very disgusted and would not tell the truth.

  Therefore, generally, the officials who come to inspect, as long as they are smart, would not ask such questions.

   Qi Zhou was even more confused for a while, and had no idea what Ye Muyu wanted to do.

But she didn't dare not to answer. After thinking about it, she naturally still said to protect her master: "Madam doesn't know, because Lin County is located in the lower reaches, so the disaster is so serious, even though there have been no floods in these years , A small flood is enough to affect the lives of the people.”

   "The master usually has a lot of rainy seasons, and he often takes the people to dig water canals to raise the terrain, hoping to get relief."

   But the fact is that this effect only temporarily alleviates the flooding, and cannot solve the fundamental problem.

"The master does it himself, and often stays in the village below for half a month." Qi Zhou knew that if the Beijing officials said a word to the sixth department, they might dismiss their master from office. Seeing that Ye Muyu didn't say much, she was afraid that her own The sentence made the other party misunderstand that the master was not doing his duty, so he quickly added another sentence.

  (end of this chapter)

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