Chapter 982 Sour plum soup

  Since you want to, then go for it, why bother yourself.

  A moment in Chunxiao is worth a thousand dollars, and when the oil lamp went out, Chu Heng lowered his head and kissed her.


  In the largest main courtyard in the backyard of the county government, the Qi Zhou family and Qi County Magistrate have not rested yet.

   "Master, did my concubine say anything wrong this afternoon?" Qi Zhou asked a little uneasily.

County Magistrate Qi sighed softly when she finished talking about Ye Muyu's actions in the afternoon: "Before, I only thought that this madam was acting recklessly, and Mrs. Chu couldn't control her back house. It was his wife who was strict with her. Who knew that Mrs. Chu would also Not good stubble."

   "You go to ask her for information and test her temperament. Don't you know that she is also testing us and trying to find out our bottom line."

   How could Mrs. Qi Zhou not understand this truth? After coming back in the afternoon, she vaguely realized it.

   At this moment, he quickly asked the question that was most concerned in his heart: "Master, tell me, is Mr. Chu reliable? Will the blame be thrown on us again?"

   County Magistrate Qi’s expression is also somewhat cautious: "At present, it seems that Master Chu really wants to take care of the flood. After all, he has just entered the official career. If he does this well, he will definitely be promoted, but..."

   "I don't want him to do well, there must be."

   "I will try my best to cooperate with him and not offend him. The same is true for you. If Mrs. Chu has needs, you can just agree. If it is too much, you can just mention something. If the other party doesn't listen, forget it."

   "Didn't the master say that Mrs. Chu is very smart, smart people shouldn't do such wrong things that ruin their reputation?" Qi Zhou was puzzled.

County Magistrate Qi shook his head: "That's not necessarily true. After all, we just got to know each other. The other party's real character may not be like that at all. I'm also just in case I get involved. You try to protect yourself and don't do stupid things. If we take the initiative to cooperate with Lord Chu, we will not offend him."

   "Okay." Qi Zhou nodded hurriedly.

  Ye Muyu and Chu Heng didn't know their conversation.

  But the next morning, when Chu Heng arrived at the front hall, he saw that County Magistrate Qi was more cooperative, so he probably understood what was going on.

   "Master Chu, are we still going to investigate today?"

   "Well, change the river channel." Chu Heng read those things written by Ye Muyu yesterday, and he will not let go of the opportunity to investigate in person.

  In the next few days, he took County Magistrate Qi around to survey the river.

  Going out early and returning late, Ye Muyu saw that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, so he cooked sour plum soup every day to relieve him of the heat.

  In the morning, after Ye Muyu finished breakfast, Chunqin came.

   "Ma'am, it's ready." Chunqin still had excitement on her face.

  Ye Muyu wore ordinary clothes, similar to ordinary people, and she also used makeup to darken her skin, so it was naturally even more inconspicuous.

   "Ma'am, your makeup skills are amazing." Chunqin couldn't help exclaiming as she looked at her face.

  Ye Muyu smiled, "It's not too difficult, hard work can make up for weakness, let's get down to business first, let's go out."


  I saw not far from the gate of the city, a large wooden barrel, some bowls, a table, and a shelf cart. Three men and two women stood beside them.

   This group of people are Ye Muyu and others.

  She is here to sell sour plum soup.

  Chunqin looked at the passers-by, a little nervous, summoned up her courage several times, but failed to shout out, she hurriedly returned to Ye Muyu's side: "Ma'am, I don't know how to shout, is it really okay?"

   "Don't worry, when the weather gets hotter, more people will come, and then there will be time to shout."

  (end of this chapter)

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