Chapter 983 VIP

  Ye Muyu reached out and patted the back of her hand.

  She herself was sitting under the umbrella she held. Soon, the weather was getting hotter and the sun was shining brightly, and more and more people came in at the gate of the city.

  Ye Muyu stood up and called Cheng Qing to lead others to sell.

   "Sweet and sour plum soup, two liters a bowl, quenches thirst, take it back to the well, it tastes better."

   Slowly, someone came to buy it.

  Two words are not much, and now is the plum season.

Although a lot of trees in Lin County have been cut down, the fruit trees are still preserved. The reason is simple. Those trees can’t be sold for much unless they are used as firewood, but firewood is cheap, and they will lose money if they are cut down. Naturally, Many fruits are said to actually exist.

   It's just that they don't know how to plant them, and no one will go to exterminate them, so naturally nothing will be left.

  However, even so, there will still be fruits on the market, but the number is relatively small.

  Because the raw materials of plums are not expensive, Ye Muyu naturally wouldn't set the price of sour plum soup too high. As a result, many passers-by who were thirsty also bought a bowl to drink.

  Ye Muyu deliberately froze the sour plum soup. Now that the weather is hot, it can be a little cooler.

  With the first person, there will be more guests one after another.

   Especially women and children prefer sweet and sour plum soup.

  And men are more willing to drink tea that costs a penny.

   It's another taste to drink sour plum soup after drinking tea.

   A large barrel of sour plum soup was sold out within an hour.

  Chunqin was holding the wooden box containing the copper plates in her hands, and there were bangs inside all the way, "Ma'am, it's really sold out..."

   "Will it still be sold tomorrow? I think everyone likes it very much. It's sweet and sour, but it tastes better than the whole sweet one. No wonder everyone likes it."

   "Sell it in another place tomorrow."

  Ye Muyu originally wanted to build up the reputation of this sour plum soup. She was finally relieved about today's situation. She was actually a little worried that the people here would not like to drink it. After all, the local people like salty taste.

  However, the taste of the dishes is different from the drinks.

   Wait until you get back to your house.

  After Ye Muyu rested, Chunqin was called by Qi Zhou and asked her about the morning.

   "Ms. Chu's fresh drink is really sold out?" Qi Zhou still feels that the news is a bit dreamy, and it always feels unreal.

  Chunqin knelt on the ground and nodded: "Madam, the sour plum soup made by Mrs. Chu is really delicious. It sold out in an hour, and the raw materials are not expensive. If you set up a stall and sell it in summer, it is also a way to make a living."

  Although Li County is suffering from floods, it does not mean that Li County is too poor to get rid of it.

   On the contrary, because it is close to Yuzhou, anyone with good hands and feet will go there to find a way out, come back once a month, and can support their families. Naturally, the people of Li County are used to doing business.

   "Ms. Chu went in person, is she just to make money?" Qi Zhou was a little puzzled, "I see that the jewelry worn by Mrs. Chu is not very cheap. It can be seen that the Chu family is not poor, so why..."

   "Your servant doesn't know." Chunqin didn't dare to ask casually, it was basically what Ye Muyu said and how she should do it.

  Because Ye Muyu saw her first area and said that she only needs to be obedient.

   Seeing that Chunqin couldn't ask anything, Mrs. Qi and Zhou could only ask some more details, and didn't ask any more questions after that.

  She planned to wait for the master to come back before discussing it.

  However, the Qi Zhou family did not wait for the magistrate Qi to come back, but instead waited for a distinguished guest.

  (end of this chapter)

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