Chapter 984 Unaccustomed

  Ye Muyu and Qi Zhoushi learned that a father-in-law from Beijing had arrived in the county. The former was a little surprised, but the latter was surprised.

   But the father-in-law who came didn't call the female relatives to come over, and Qi Zhou didn't dare to go over, so he hurriedly called the master and the housekeeper to serve him carefully.

  Ye Muyu didn't move either, the capital is the most polite, she just called Chunqin and passed a word to inform the other party of her existence, and said that she would not disturb him to rest, and they would meet together when Chu Heng came back.

  She continued to arrange for people to buy plums.

  Chu Heng and Magistrate Qi came back earlier today.

  The two of them had just returned to the county, when the yamen servants at the gate hurried up to greet them: "Master Chu, sir, a father-in-law came from Beijing and said he was looking for Master Chu."

   County magistrate Qi was taken aback, his face paled, and he subconsciously looked at Chu Heng: "Master Chu, this..."

   "It's okay, but I forgot to tell you. Before, the emperor sent a father-in-law to deal with the flood with me. Now I think it's the father-in-law who came."

  When Qi County Magistrate heard it, he became even more unstable. At first, he suspected that Chu Heng would be targeted, but now he didn't think so. The father-in-law sent by the emperor was supposed to be an escort, but it was actually a supervisor.

   Whatever happened during this period, this father-in-law can tell back to the emperor's ears.

  Emperor Mingzong today loves talents the most. If Chu Heng has real talent and can work hard, with this father-in-law around, even if the foreign officials of Yuzhou want to embarrass Chu Heng, they will have to take great risks.

  In short, Eunuch Ren is the eyes of the emperor and Chu Heng's help, which further shows that the emperor attaches great importance to the flood.

   County magistrate Qi thought a lot in his mind. When he entered the county office, he saw Eunuch Ren sitting on the chair next to him. He became more nervous and hurried forward to bow and salute.

  Chu Heng also saluted, "Eunuch Ren, are you okay on the way?"

   "It was you who saved Zajia's life. If you hadn't told Zajia to leave later, I'm afraid something like you would have happened."

  Chu Heng: "It's my father-in-law who is lucky."

   "Okay, let's not talk about this, the miscellaneous family has already taken a break for a while, you can continue to work, and the miscellaneous family can just listen in, don't worry about the miscellaneous family."

  Eunuch Ren is the emperor's confidant, so he naturally focuses on business.

   "Eunuch Ren, look, we just came back from the river below, our bodies are dirty, and you have worked **** the journey, why don't you go to have a meal first, and I will come over after changing clothes with County Magistrate Qi."

   "Hey, I really don't see that Mr. Chu is also sloppy." After joking, Eunuch Ren didn't make things difficult for the two of them, and called them down to wash up. He was indeed a little hungry, so he went to the front hall to eat.

  Ye Muyu received the news when Chu Heng came back. She stood at the door, waiting for Chu Heng to come over. Seeing that his body was dirty again, she felt relieved.

   "I heard that a father-in-law from the palace came?" Ye Muyu walked up to him and asked curiously.

   "There is already hot water in the bathroom, just wash up." Ye Muyu followed him into the bathroom.

  Chu Heng subconsciously put his hand on the belt, and was about to take off his clothes when he realized she was there.

Ye Muyu hurriedly ran to his side, and undressed him casually, not to mention how natural it was: "Why are you looking at me? I'll talk to you right next to you while you're taking a shower. Could it be that you're a man and won't let him go?" The wife can't see it."

  Chu Heng's thin lips moved: "I'm just not used to it."

   "Habits become natural, and the more you do it the more you get used to it." Ye Muyu said confidently.

   While Chu Heng hesitated, Ye Muyu had already taken off his coat.

  (end of this chapter)

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