Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1302: Narrow road

The first thousand three hundred and two chapters of the narrow road

Just flew out of the ancient city of Tai A, Qin Nan was repaired, and it broke out completely.

Countless collapses, stirred up, behind Qin Nan and Sima Kong, evolved a pair of collapsed wings, rolling out countless storms, bursting out of amazing speed, flying forward.

"The trough!"

Simakong was directly shocked by this speed.

Is Qinnan not a big emperor?

How can the speed of the outbreak be comparable to that of the Emperor?

This self-documentation emperor, too, too Nima metamorphosis.

"Hey, Qin Nan, I know you from Dongzhou. You patted your chest. This way down, what about the brothers?"

Sima Kong returned to his eyes and blinked.

"There is something to say."

Qin Nan is too lazy to look at him.

"You said, how is this self-documentation emperor? Rest assured, you tell me the method, I guarantee by personality, and never leak it."

Sima Kong said with a thick cheek.

This self-documentation emperor is really cool. If he can prove himself to the emperor, if he steals the Nantian **** and the martial arts, he will not be hand-to-hand.

"If you self-certify the emperor, you need the source of Dili. Now the battle between the emperor and the gods is over. For the time being, there is no play. Other methods, I don't understand..."

"Moreover, you are too fat, no play."

Qin Nan said half of it, and he had a meal, and he did not pay any attention.

"Wozh! What do you say? You actually said that I am fat? You can say that I am ugly, but I can never say my body! How perfect is my body? With strong, tall, mighty, domineering, stalwart Described as..."

Simakong immediately protested with anger.

Next, throughout the journey, he kept this state and protested again and again.

In general, Qin Nan is not good at talking, and does not know anything humorous, just do not know why, as long as he encounters Sima Kong, his style of speech has changed a lot.

Perhaps it is, with Sima Kong, this kind of guy staying together, will become unconsciously easy to get up.

Time passed by, after two hours, Qin Nan and Sima Air's footsteps, stopped at the same time.

I saw only a huge mountain in front of them.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) This mountain peak is more than 3,000 feet, straight into the sky, a red light that does not know where to come from, the whole mountain is wrapped in it, when you look at it, it is like standing The sword of the blood **** above the earth.

"The blood lotus hole is on this mountainside."

Qinnan runs left and looks like electricity. He immediately sees that there is a huge cave house on the mountainside. At the entrance, there is a layer of blood, and a few lotus flowers float on the blood.

"However, this blood lotus hole is a bit strange. The blood layer is not only impossible to see through, but also very tyrannical. I am afraid that the eight giants of the Emperor can't move, and there is no shortcoming. It is directly sealed..."

Qinnan's right arm slowly broke open and turned into a broken knife.

Although the blood is strong, but it can not stop his knife.

"Don't do it." Sima Kong was shocked and said: "This mysterious space is very abnormal. Like this blood lotus hole, it must be a space where the martial arts will be transformed. If it is forcibly destroyed, the whole space will automatically Annihilation."

"Is it going to be annihilated? Isn't that impossible to get in?"

Qin South brow slightly wrinkled.

"This kind of space is open at a certain time, such as what is said at the beginning of each month. It was originally impossible to enter in advance, but whoever made your kid lucky, this time happened to run into this uncle."

Sima was proud of a smile, twisted and twisted, in this mid-air, sitting directly on the knees, hands out of the three red grass showing red, mouthful of words.

"Theft of the law, reversing the universe."

Simakong shouted, and the three hay grass burned fiercely, turning into a strange flame that was incomparably incomparable, and smashed out, and fell into the blood on the mountainside.

"You can wait for a column of incense."

Sima air sighed and stood up, hands behind his back, a ‘I am a peerless man’.

Soon, most of the time was incense.

On the mountainside, there was no movement of blood, and there began to be a ripple of ripples. Several blood-colored lotus flowers also shone with a slight radiance and opened up.

An ancient atmosphere, beginning to emerge from this mountainside.

"Woer, with the many years of experience of this grandfather, this ancient atmosphere is a bit unusual. It is very likely that this blood will be scattered, and there will be amazing killings..."

Sima Air

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page).


Qin Nan’s face suddenly looked awkward and turned to look at the other side.

I saw that in the depths of the day, there were nine figures, and the amazing emperor was released. It was like the nine ancient gods and beasts. At a terrible speed, they flew toward the mountain.

"The trough! The two emperors are triple, one emperor is four, and six emperors are five?"

Sima was scared.

"Well? Feihong? Shion?"

Qinnan has a slight glimpse.

Five of the nine people have seen him.

As for the other four, the three of them are Tuo Tu, Tu Sheng, Tu Tu and Fei Li.

"Duan Qing?"

Feihong and Shi Ang, when they saw Qin Nan, were also a glimpse.

They never imagined that in this place, they would actually see Duan Qing.

"Do you know him? Since you know it, then you two, hurry up, you can spare you not to die."

The Emperor of the Emperor, who was repaired by the Emperor, was cold and cold, and his body exuded an amazing murderousness, which made the void around him red.

It is enough to be able to murder and cultivate to these places. This person has a strong sense of killing.

"Ha ha ha, can't let them go! Duan Qing, Duan Qing, we are really good, but this time -"

Feihong and Shi Ang, at this moment, almost all laughed, and in the eyes, they also showed a very cold murderous.

Recently, in addition to the ants of the anti-Tianmeng called Qinnan, this paragraph is the most hated person.

Now that I have run into it, can they let go of Duan Qing?

However, before they have finished waiting for their words, the difference has become steep.

The blood of the entrance to the Dongfu on the mountainside suddenly spread a crack in the road. Finally, a slamming sound made a lot of illusory blood-colored lotus flowers, which floated in all directions.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Then, the sound of the earth-shattering roar, resounding, and the behemoths that followed one another, rushed out of the cave, and broke out with a terrible murder, toward the Qinnan two, Tudi, Feihong, Shi Ang, etc. People, kill directly!

These behemoths, each of the heads of the repairs, have reached the six realms of the Great!

Now, there are twenty-seven in total!

(End of this chapter)



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