Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1303: Aspiring

The first thousand three hundred and three chapters are like a rainbow

In the face of this sudden murder, Qin Nan first reacted!

"Sima Kong, keep up with me!"

Qin Nan burst into a pop, popping up a meaning of collapse, wrapped Simakong's body shape, followed by stepping down the world to spread out, directed at this group of giants, rushing quickly!


In the hands of Qin Nan, the broken knives suddenly burst out, and the terrible knives of these horrible swords smashed these giants into pieces. His body shape will also kill the tactics, avoiding them all, and moving forward continuously, but for a long time. , from the mouth, less than a thousand feet!

Dealing with this group of giants is secondary. The most important thing is to enter the blood lotus hole and bring the death crystal to your hand!

"Well? Good and powerful."

Among the nine people, Tu Di’s eyes flashed in the eyes. Originally, he thought that this person was just a big emperor. He did not expect the real combat power, even the average Emperor six heavy, can not compare.

"This person's cultivation is indeed strong. Last time, even the five of us joined forces, it was not his opponent. We are now entering Dongfu quickly and killing this person."

Feihong and Shion were quick to say that a horrible flame and thunder were released around the two of them.

"it is good."

Tu Tu nodded and shot directly.

In an instant, a deafening explosion sounded through the entire mountain.

After eight breaths, among the many behemoths, Qin Nan jumped up, like the ancient golden-winged Dapeng, with Sima Kong, took the lead in the cave house.

However, after a breath, the nine Emperors of the Tu Emperor also rushed out of the encirclement and entered it.

After all, Tu Di, Fei Hong, and Shi Ang are all a small family patriarch, or a genius on the list of the martial arts. They are far more powerful than ordinary people, not to mention the six great emperors.

"this is……"

Qin Nan and Sima Kong, including the nine people who had rushed in and then saw the scene in front of them, all of them were stunned.

I saw only in front of them, there was a desert city with a length of more than 3,000 feet, made up of numerous sands of blood.

At the end of the city, there is a tower

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) The ancient and mysterious altar, in the middle, stands a solid black color, surrounded by crystals of countless death, on both sides of the crystal, there are many magic weapons and elixir. And fifty-six pieces of mysterious gods.


Qin Nan returned to the gods and slowly spit out his breath.

Just by his left-handed warrior, the current death crystal, after falling into this mysterious space, has not been affected, and the life that belongs to Jiang Bilan still exists.

"It's this thing."

In the eyes of the Emperor, it is the color of the hot.

In the past, when he was practicing, he suddenly saw the collapse of the void. There was a black light, like a bird, and he crossed the sky, so he immediately chased it up and chased the blood lotus.

It was only at that time that the blood lotus field was not open yet, so I learned about the opening day from the old Tai’ai.

In case, just in case, he took the initiative to find Feihong, Shion and others.

Although I don't know the specific role of this dark crystal, but it can make the space of the mysterious gods broken, and the strong will come in, this thing will be ordinary?

"I rely! Mysterious space is still so perverted!"

"The entire desert city is composed of countless bans and killings that can kill the eight giants of the Great!"

"That's all, but these bans and kills are actually intertwined, dense, complicated, and there is no way to live!"

Sima Kong stared at the treasures next to the death crystal, and the saliva almost stayed out, but when he was subconsciously running the thief, the whole person was shocked.


In the south of Qin Dynasty, there are also Tudi, Feihong, Shi Ang, etc., all of which are running and sweeping. Under this look, the brows are slightly wrinkled.

The ban on these formations is indeed terrible.

However, the ban on the law is dead after all, and there will be many ways to solve it.

"First kill Duan Qing."

The Emperor sent a voice to Fei Hong and Shi Ang, and there was a **** smear in his eyes. He smashed his body and smothered a horrible murderousness, which was shrouded in Qin Nan.

"Haha, Duan Qing, see how we broke your body this time."

Feihong and Shion

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) and others, all of them laughed and the French and Indians immediately took out.

In the twinkling of an eye, a horrible emperor of the door, running in unison, countless flames, thunder, blood, shining, filled the top of the void, so that within a few squares, began to tremble fiercely.

Sima Kong slammed into a chill, only feeling that the front of the sky seemed to rise up, with a raging anger, about to drown.

"Simakong, I tell you how to go, you go to pick things up, these people handed me over to deal with."

Between the lightning, Qin Nan said to Simakong.

"you alone?"

Sima is a glimpse, and some are worried.

"Go ahead."

Qin Nan sighed, and the whole body shape, along with one move, erupted a terrible collapse, and evolved a black lacquer chain, which will be the instant emperor.


The sound of explosions sounded one after another.

"it is good."

Sima Kong bit his teeth and found a crumpled yellow plaque from the ring. He stuck it on his forehead. The momentum suddenly rose and his body became a ray of light and rushed to the desert city.

"Let him go to pick up treasures, actually want one person to deal with us nine?"

The eyes of Tu Di, Fei Hong, Shi Ang, etc., are so sinister, they will see each other’s abacus at a glance.

"It’s just that I don’t know how high!"

Feihong and Shi An are good, after all, they have seen Qinnan's style of doing things.

However, the Tu Emperor is different. As a young patriarch of the blood family, in addition to his high arrogance, he also cultivated the technique of killing the gods and killing the gods, leading his mind and the vision of things to become extremely extreme.

In the eyes of the Emperor, the person in front of him was simply despising him.

Has he always despised others, and others dare to despise him?

court death!

"The law of heaven and earth, everything is killing!"

The Emperor of the Tuo was arrogant, and the law and the seal, a large cloud of dark clouds, did not know where to come from, gathered in the top, a drop of blood rain, suddenly poured down!

Every drop of blood is a killing!

Falling on the ground, the ground will be pulled out of a huge gully!

(End of this chapter)



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