Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1304: Rolling down three major patriarchs

The first three hundred and four four chapters crushed the three major patriarchs

"Sword from the fire!"

"Breaking the thunder of the heavens!"

Feihong, Shi Ang, and so on, all waited for an opportunity to move, playing a horror emperor, a sword that entangled the fire, a note that could smash the thunder of the sky, through the layer of blood rain Overwhelming, coming one after another!

"Breaking the field!"

In Qinnan, the collapse of the will broke out and turned into a circle of black light, which was opened in all directions. Rao was a **** rain, and other killings were extremely tyrannical, but they could only be fried. Open one big hole after another, can't really hurt Qinnan!

"I have to admit that your emperor is indeed extraordinary. The average person can't help it, but you have already counted it!"

"Blood rain, shape, killing the emperor!"

The Tudi sneered a sneak peek at the French seal!

In an instant, the drop of blood and rain that fell from the sky turned out to be a human form, holding a blood sword, and a **** sword on the tip of the sword broke out, locking the field of collapse. One big hole, coming to Qinnan!

The whole face is filled with this **** figure, and if it is roughly swept away, there are at least thousands of them, each of which is powerful!

"Is it? But, the mystery of your **** rain, I have already seen it!"

Qin Nan looked up and the corner of his mouth smeared the curvature!

"You have seen through? This is fundamental..."

The Tudi is a little stunned!

I haven't waited for him to finish!


When the millennium came, Qin Nan shouted, and God thought about it. The whole huge collapsed field was madly contracted. In the blink of an eye, it contracted into a black light of the size of a bronze trip, in which a terrible collapse occurred. meaning!


Qinnan’s left arm burst open with awe-inspiring strength and a punch directly on it!


Only heard a loud bang, the black light shattered directly, like thousands of knives of collapse, smashing in all directions, the **** figure of a statue, the emperor of a door, It’s a hole in the hole!


Qin Nan hair danced, the figure once again moved, with an astonishing speed, rushed to the Tudi, Feihong, Shiang nine people, when each person flashed in front of him, his hand

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) in the broken knife, it suddenly burst out, broke out a horrible knife!

"not good!"

The nine faces of Tu Di, Fei Hong, Shi Ang, and so on changed rapidly, and they quickly shot a door to defend the emperor, or they used the prohibition of their respective ancients to display them one by one!

The entire battle, suddenly changed!

Qin Nan alone, the Supreme Emperor, Feihong, Shi Ang, and so on, directly suppressed!

"Left three steps, the first eight steps, the right five steps, enter the restaurant, go to the second floor of the restaurant, break the third wooden window on the right, jump out of the window, step ten steps in the void, turn right The palace with four floors is broken..."

While Qin Nan continued to slash his knife, his left-hander also scanned the entire desert blood city, and saw the road ban and the array of law, and passed it to Simakong!

"Hey, meet you, these guys are also unlucky!"

Simakong was in the desert blood city, while advancing, while scanning the battlefield, could not help but laugh, and with a hint of pity in his eyes!

What awesome nine great emperors!

It’s a pity that I met Qin Nan’s big metamorphosis!

"He actually used it in one heart?"

Tu Di, Fei Hong, Shi Ang, and others, looking at this scene, instantly understood the mystery of it, and could not help but reveal the horror!

They are not shocked by the power of Qinnan, nor are they shocked that Qinnan can use one heart and two!

Every great emperor can easily use one heart and two, even three, four, and five!

However, in the war, one heart and two use, happy, what is the difference between sending and dying?

at this time!

Simakong will run the thief of the emperor, in conjunction with the guidance of Qinnan, in the entire desert blood city, it is like entering a no-man's land, the speed is arrogant, just a few times, from the altar, only half left distance!

"Can't let them continue this way, taking advantage of this opportunity, killing Duan Qing in one fell swoop!"

The Tu Emperor reacted, his face changed, and he screamed!

"it is good!"

Feihong and Shi Ang are a family of young patriarchs who naturally see through the situation at a glance!

"Blood surgery!"

The other six great emperors are almost at this moment, and at the same time they have produced an ancient French seal, two magnificent **** forces, the power of fire, and thunder.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) The power of 霆 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


The breath of the three people is a layer of skyrocketing, and it has opened up a horrible temper, especially the Tu Emperor, shining a lot of blood, like a blood to kill God, reproduce the world!

"This is another trick?"

Qinnan eyebrows rose.

"The first ancestor of the flame road, nine yang anger!"

"Thunder ancestor, chaotic thunder sword!"

Feihong and Shi An took the lead, and the tall, domineering and magnificent flame figure once again emerged. The big hand stretched out and grabbed the ten-foot-long, ten-footed ancient sword from the void. , facing Qinnan, a direct trip!

At this moment, the world of thunder and fire, once again evolved!

At the end of the world, a terrible thunder and fire, like a god, through the endless void, made a blow, you can directly break the world!

"The ancestor of the blood, killing the world!"

Tudi took the shot at this moment!

I saw that at the end of this thunderstorm world, endless blood, rushing into a mountain of hundreds of **** hues, on top of the mountain, a horrible blood figure, sitting Above a throne, a pair of eyes, as if crossing an infinite time and space, overlooking Qinnan!

This horrible **** figure, no moving, just quietly overlooking, but even so, the momentum that it radiates from the body, the sense of crisis brought to people, but it is better than this thunder and the ancestors of the flame path More amazing!

Obviously, the ancestor of the bloodline summoned by the Emperor of the Supreme has far surpassed the ancestor of the flame path and the chaotic thunder sword, and even the last trace, the ancestor of the bloodline will have a sense of wisdom!

"Ha ha ha!"

Hey, Qin Nan laughed, laughter shook the sky!

Sitting in the mountains, the **** figure above the throne, played a little, as if it had some instinctive doubts, this ant ant, what is he laughing?

"The ancestor of the bloodline of the district, dare to overlook me above the throne?"

Qin Nan’s eyes suddenly became cold, and in his body, the **** of war, which had been silent, broke out!

This time, unlike the last time, there was reservation, but all broke out!

"God of War, possession!"

(End of this chapter)


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