Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1312: Nightmare (on)

The first thousand three hundred and twelve chapters of the nightmare (on)

The passage of time, after three days, the space of mysterious gods, in the context.

Qin Nan and Sima Kong flew at an alarming speed in a desert.

In the past three days, the two of them went to the positions above the treasure maps that were looted from the Emperor Tu, Feihong and Shi Ang, and then went to one of the several treasure maps of Simakong.

Now the pieces of mysterious gods in Qinnan have accumulated to the point of two hundred.

It is also worth mentioning that during these three days, Bai Linger once asked for it once. In addition to teasing Simakong, he also absorbed a lot of evil power.

By understanding, this kind of blood poison, which is similar to that produced by the Emperor, and other powers containing evil spirits can bring her no small benefits.

"Hey? These three guys are recovering very quickly. Now they are in the ancient city of Tai A."

Sima was a step forward and was amazed.

"What happened?"

Qin Nan’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the meaning of the collapse immediately swept through, wrapped in Simakong and quickly rushed toward the ancient city of Tai’a.

After an hour, in a blue sky, there are nine figures, emitting an amazing emperor, just like nine storms, flying forward.

These nine figures are amazed by the Emperor Tu, Feihong, Shi Ang and others.

When they recovered their repairs, they immediately summoned their confidants and reunited together to prepare for the position of the treasure map given to them by a strong family.

After all, in the next eight to ten years, the war of gods will start, they have to catch up with this, and gather this mysterious gods as soon as possible.

"what happened?"

The faces of Tu Di, Fei Hong and Shi Ang suddenly changed, because at this time, their hearts rose to a fierce sense of crisis.

Could it be said that they were targeted by the strong?

"Is this nine people all together? A knife!"

A thunderous sound blasted in the scorpio, followed by a horrible knife, which erupted and evolved into a great wilderness. All of them were enshrined in the Emperor, Feihong, and Shiang. .

"This... this is..."

Tudi, Feihong, Shiang nine people looked at this familiar scene, a slight glimpse, subconsciously looking up

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Look, immediately saw the expressionless Qinnan, and Sima Kong with a warm smile.

"Section... Duan Qing?"

The Tudi, Feihong, and Shiang were shocked to the extreme.

Because the three of them did not expect that during the three days, they were very likely to kill Duan Qing, and now they are in front of them.


Qinnan did not have any nonsense, strode a step, countless collapses, surging, and evolving into a full-fledged dragon of the nine heads of the domineering, open the mouth of the blood, to the nine people, bite And next!


The faces of Tu Di, Fei Hong and Shi Ang were all directly changed. They screamed and quickly pulled out the French seal. They shot an ancient emperor and made it all out, making the whole void full of ruins. Different light!

This time, Tu Di, Fei Hong, and Shi An brought their own confidants, and their combat power increased greatly. Naturally, they could not be directly crushed like the previous one, but it took a lot of effort!

"God of War, possession!"

Qin Nan shouted, the illusory, domineering, stalwart illusion, once again evolved, and he merged into one, exuding a terrible ancient pressure, so that the Tudi, Feihong, Shi Ang and others It feels like being crushed by the mountain of God, almost almost breathless!

The six confidants, seeing this scene, immediately smashed out the ancient secret law, and repaired all of them, and so on, all of them were on the body of Tu Di, Fei Hong, and Shi Ang!

"The first ancestor of the flame road, nine yang anger!"

"The ancestor of the thunder, the chaotic thunder sword!"

"Blood gun!"

Tu Di, Fei Hong, Shi An screamed, the tall flame figure, the infinite Thunder's big sword, and a horrible **** big gun, all come out!


Qinnan hair danced, the momentum was awkward, and the body shape flashed, and they hit the top of their heads. They punched one punch and then punched out, and the horrible power was once again surging!

boom! boom! boom!

A deafening explosion sounded loudly!

The last time, the battle between Qinnan and the three people can be said to be incomplete. It has just begun, and with the change, it is over!

This time, it is a truly complete confrontation!

I saw that Qin Nan’s momentum is almost like shaking the world.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Rebirth, that punch and punch, are like the wrath of heaven, the shadow of the original ancestor of the flame path, the chaotic thunder sword, the **** gun, are all suppressed!

In particular, the shadow of God of War, under the attack of these flames, thunders, and blood, has been weakened to a very low level and can be ignored!

"Self-certification is really domineering."

Not far away, Sima Kong, covered in Baoguang, looked at this scene, could not help but muttered to himself.

The last time he was far away, he didn't feel very clear. Now he feels it. In this war, he is like a duckweed, and can be easily submerged.

"It's now!"

The whole battle, I do not know how long, Qin Nan's left-handed, suddenly caught a fighter, the body of the emperor, immediately violently jumped up, all the meaning of collapse, released, wrapped around the left arm Condensed into a black enamel faucet!

"Fighting God of War!"

Qin Nan's figure flashed, punched out, the black faucet, suddenly roared out, hit the flame virtual shadow, chaotic thunder sword, **** gun, that belongs to the will of the **** of war, and dark The smashing power of the faucet broke out at the same time!


The sound of a dense explosion is like tens of thousands of giant drums, which are ringing at the same time and oscillating around!

Flame virtual shadow, chaotic thunder sword, **** gun, and the great knives that block the place here, instantly broken, no resistance, not only that, the residual power is more like a memory whip The sniper was on the Tudi, Feihong, Shion and others!


Nine people made a scream, and their figure was shot and flew out, hitting the ground, and smashing a huge pit with a width of one mile and a depth of several tens of feet, so that the ground around it, It’s a violent shake!

This is the entire strength of Qinnan!

He half-step self-certification of the emperor, coupled with the peculiarities of the **** of war to collapse the emperor, there is a great anti-theft, comparable to the power of the six great emperors!

Also because of the horror of the **** of war, and the left-handedness, the broken sword, and so on, his real combat power has been able to suppress most of the seven giants of the Great!

"Oh, now it’s my turn to play."

Sima Kong converges on the mind, revealing a signature smug smile, flying to the side of nine people, the hands of the Emperor of the Emperor.

(End of this chapter)


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