Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1312: Nightmare (below)

The first thousand three hundred and twelve chapters of the nightmare (below)

"I am going, the three of you are too poor. Actually, there are a few remedies, which is simply disappointing."

"Hey? There are a lot of good things on your body, thirty-seven pieces of mysterious gods, and two treasure maps. Yes, it's good."

"I rely on you, there are actually fifty pieces of mysterious gods on your body? It's too powerful."


Sima Air swayed and groaned, and with his rich face, no matter who saw it, he couldn’t help but smile. He felt quite happy.

However, such a sensational move did not sway the sense of chill between heaven and earth.

Especially when Sima Kong finished the treasure, Qin Nan stepped from the void, the Tudi, Feihong, Shion and others who broke into the ground pit finally recovered, and the anger was thorough. break out.

"Duan Qing, you are a big courage, actually dare to chase me for the second time! I swear in the name of my ancestor's ancestor, and later will let your blood bond blood repay, life is better than death!"

The Emperor exhausted his whole body and made a roar in the sky.

"Duan Qing, from now on, if you can't kill you, I..."

"Duan Qing, you..."

Feihong and Shi Ang, both of them sizzling, are also roaring again and again.

Compared with the former, the two of them are even more angry, because counting this time, they have been destroyed by this paragraph, a total of three times.

As a young patriarch, they existed on the list of genius Wudi. When did they suffer such shame?

"Less give me nonsense."

Qin Nan’s look has not been moved. I haven’t waited for the words of Feihong and Shi’ang. The broken knife in the hand directly smashed out, and the nine knives and sturdy swords suddenly fell, tearing the figures of the nine people. It became a crush.

"There are three remaining."

Looking down at the nine big pits, Qinnan's momentum converges, and the broken knife re-forms its right arm, a faint speech.

How the three were angry, **** him, these have nothing to do with him, he only knows that the three people broke his bottom line and almost hurt Jiang Bilan.

Therefore, the three of them, no matter what, must pay the price.

"Qin Nan, then."

On the side of Simakong, after the liquidation of the treasure, it was thrown to a storage bag in Qinnan.

"Hey, I got a few treasure maps just now, not far from our position. We are not as fast as we are now?"

"Well, let's go."

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) The figure of the two people is once again turned into two lights, not into the sky.

Time passed slowly, and five days passed.

During these five days, Qin Nan and Sima Kong continued to go to the land of various treasure maps and searched for fragments of mysterious gods.

The total number of mysterious gods in Qinnan has now reached two hundred and thirty.

However, the difference from the last time is that until the fifth day, the figure of the three Emperors, Feihong and Shiang did not appear, as if they had completely gone silent.


Just then, in the mind of Qin Nan, there was a humming sound.

This voice was heard through his flesh.

"It seems that there is something in the anti-Tianmen League, Simakong, I will go back to the anti-Tian League, you are here waiting for me."

Qin Nan’s heart whispered, and immediately confessed to Simakong, and arranged the array for him, and then slammed the ancient key and disappeared into place.

After the two interest, in the anti-Tianmen League, in a large hall, the body of Qin Nan sitting cross-legged, slightly moved, and the eyes slowly opened.

When he opened his eyes, he subconsciously ran his left hand and glanced at the hall. After discovering that there was no abnormality, his mind was explored into his own token.

Just the snoring, someone sent him a thought.

"Qin Nan, the patriarch of the blood family, the **** emperor came to the anti-Tianmeng, and quickly came to the anti-天殿一叙."

The voice of Ghost Emperor slowly sounded.

"Blood hero?"

Qin Nan eyebrows picked up a little, thought about it, or flew out of the hall.

As far as he knows, this **** emperor is on the list of genius Wudi, second only to Tang Qingshan.

If this is the case, then you may wish to see and see this **** emperor, what is the style.

Just flew out of the main hall, Qinnan saw it. Today's anti-Tianxiang, the scene is completely different, countless figures, in this sky, back and forth, very warm.

If it was said that the last time, it was only the weather of the top big professors, now, the anti-Tianmeng completely has the momentum of the top big teaching.

"I don't know what the scene will be when attacking Nantianmen."

There was a thought in the mind of Qin Nan, and the figure entered the anti-天殿.

I saw that within the main hall, the Ghost Emperor, the Winter Cave Emperor, and so on, as well as the three great ancient giants, almost all of them were together.

In front of these giants of the great emperor, there are spirits and so on, and between them, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) "That is the **** emperor?"

The dawn of Qinnan looked at a young man.

I saw this young man, wearing a black robes, **** red eyes, a **** body in the body, rolling in and moving, giving people a very strong sense of heart.

However, it is a bit strange that this **** Emperor, Lin Yan and the Thunder Emperor, although they have been concealed, but their faces are still slightly ugly, there is a faint haze between the eyebrows.

At this moment, the giants of the whole audience are aware of the breath of Qinnan. There are many people in the moment who are turning their heads and looking at Qinnan.

"The Lord of the Blood, this is the Qinnan Dianzhu."

Ghost Wu emperor took the lead and introduced it with a smile.

"Oh, this is Qin Nan, the only one in the anti-Tianmen League, the only one who took the place of the ancestors of the district, and became the deputy of the anti-Tianmeng deputy, extremely extraordinary."

Thunder the Great sneered a sneer, the irony in the words, everyone in the room, can be heard clearly.

On the side of the Lin Yan Emperor, it was a cold cry, a murderous murder, without any cover, exuded.

In the space of mysterious gods, they were killed by the **** Duan Qing, and they were killed three times, causing them to spend a lot of talents. The mood of the two of them was of course extremely poor.

Now I see Qinnan, naturally there is no good face.

If it is not the anti-Tianjin stipulations that they can't be arbitrarily arbitrarily arbitrarily, both of them will probably fight a lot and kill Qin Nan.

"What is Qinnan? Now give you time to consider and give up the position of the deputy, you can spare you."

The **** Emperor looked indifferently in Qinnan, and there was a horrible momentum in his body, which made the whole hall tremble slightly.

"Blood hero, you..."

Ghost Wu and other people are all slightly changed.

They did not expect that this **** emperor was so arrogant.

However, what Ghost Wu and other people do not know is that the **** emperor was originally violent, and he was killed twice by Duan Qing. His mood is also very strange.

Now seeing Qin Nan, who took away the position of the deputy in their clan, naturally lazy to talk nonsense and directly threaten.

After all, in the heart of the **** Emperor, there is no difference between Qinnan and a cockroach.

"Rao me not to die?"

Qin Nan stunned, his mouth swayed with a silent smile.

"I am particularly curious, are you blood, and Lin Yan, and Thunder, are you sick?"

(End of this chapter)


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