Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1313: Third pursuit

The first three hundred and thirty-three chapters chasing the third time

The entire hall, at this moment, fell into the dead.

Because no one expected, this Qinnan, actually would dare to open this way.

"what did you say……"


Then, the **** emperor, Lin Yan, Emperor Thunder, and the dozens of great emperors of the three ancient tribes all reacted, and their eyes were exposed to the cold.

"Everyone, let me go."

Qin Nan waved his hand at the Ghost Emperor and others, and turned and flew straight out.

At this time, and in this situation, this group of people is simply impossible to do. If this is the case, then there is no need to wait for more time in this place.

Originally, he came here, completely want to see the style of the patriarchs of the blood family. As a result, he did not expect that this **** emperor would be high on the top. The opening is a direct threat, and he is extremely arrogant.

This makes it quite speechless to go to Qinnan. Why are the three patriarchs of the three ancient tribes all this kind of character?

I knew that if I knew this, he would not waste time coming here.

"This Qinnan is simply arrogant."

"I don't know the time."

Soon, in the anti-天殿, a loud voice rang.

However, these great emperors are just talking about it and have not chased it out.

"Well, very good, when, a martial arts ancestor, dare to talk to me like this? Lin Yan, Thunder, this Qin Nan, if you dare to leave the anti-Tian League, he will directly abolish him."

The **** emperor's face was fierce and the voice was open.

"That is natural."

Lin Yan and Emperor Thunder are also cold eyes.

Although these days, they encountered a very arrogant in the space of mysterious gods, and also killed them several times, but this section of Qing, has a strength far beyond the ordinary seven.

What about Qinnan?

Nothing, just a Wuzu situation that transcends the rules of martial arts, and is no different from an ant.


At this time, the **** emperor, Lin Yan, and Thunder the Great, there was a special token that shone with a faint glow.

"Blood, this Qinnan, is just a jumping clown, when can you deal with it. Now the elders have already passed the voice, and it must have arrived. We will do business now."

The Thunder Emperor immediately said in a voice.

"Well, everyone.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Friends, I still have something to do, go here today. ”

The **** emperor responded with a sigh of relief and stood up and said to the audience.

The giants in the field, they all nodded, and the other side of the Ghost Emperor and other people, long ago did not want to wait for more, are holding the fists arched hands, have left.

A party, spread out.

"let's go."

The **** emperor and the Lin Yan Emperor and the Thunder Emperor looked at each other and looked at each other. The figure of the three people immediately turned into three lights and flew toward a huge palace.

Everything here has nothing to do with Qinnan.

After Qin Nan left the anti-天天殿, he returned to his palace, took out the ancient key, re-entered the space of the mysterious god, and went to the place where Simakong was.

However, what Qinnan did not know was in the side of his palace.

"Blood kills the elders." "Elders of Yan Yan." "Elders Lei Yuan."

The **** emperor, Lin Yan, and Thunder the Great, just walked into the palace and looked at the three figures in the temple, and immediately bowed to the ceremony.

I saw these three figures, although they converge on the momentum, but in the body, there is still a heart-wrenching horror, as if they are motivated, they can destroy the earth.

These three people are the supreme elders of today's blood, flame and Lei nationality. They have all reached the level of the Emperor's nine heavy weights. They are regarded as the top giants in the entire mainland.

"I have a little interest now, this paragraph Qing, in the end is where the sacred, actually let the three of you, made such a big battle."

The blood-killing elders smiled lightly.

That's right, this is the revenge plan of the three **** emperors.

As long as this time, Duan Qing still dare to kill, then they will be able to let the blood of the paragraph of blood.

Of course, if Duan Qing did not come, they could also let the elders of the Supreme, explore the body of their martial arts, and see if they have passively moved their hands and feet to ensure that they will survive.

"Time is tight, go to the mysterious space now."

Elders Yan Yan and Elder Lei Yuan are frowning.

As the nine giants of the Great Emperor, they are always attacking the Emperor's Ten Commandments. Time is naturally invaluable. If it is not because of Lin Yan and Thunder, but they are minor patriarchs, they will not come.

"it is good."

The **** emperor, Lin Yan, and Thunder the Great have taken out the ancient keys, and the martial arts will explore them.

At the same time, the mysterious space, in the middle of the world, on a desert.

"Well? The three guys have appeared."

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Sima is empty and his eyes are bright.

"What happened?"

The eyes of Qinnan are also slightly picked up, and there is a faint flash of cold light.

"No, it's a bit wrong. There is a dangerous atmosphere on the top of the symbol, which means that the three of them are surrounded by the top giants..."

Sima was suddenly found something, his face changed slightly.

"The great giant of the Great?"

Qin Nan brow wrinkled.

"Yes, the three symbols that I broke into their bodies are very mysterious. In addition to being undetectable by others, they can also perceive more than eight emperors."

Sima has fixed his mind and explained.

"It turns out that it seems that the three of them should be invited to the strong. If this is the case, let us wait."

"I... have this patience."

Qinnan mouth smacked the degree of smearing, and the body exudes an invisible momentum, just like the secret killer in the hidden endless void.


Simakong couldn't help but laugh.

The Tudi, Feihong, and Shiang tribes prepared a good plan, but they could not think of it. They could also find the charm of the strong people around them.

At this time, the mysterious space, Tai A ancient city.

"The golden smoldering sky."

"Everything is bloody."


The three elders of Blood Kill, Yan Yan and Lei Yuan, who just woke up, immediately shot. The former were all running with horror, and the latter was a strange Thunder, and they fell into the Thunder. in vivo.

"no problem."

Exploring about a dozen times of breathing time, blood killing, Yan Yan, Lei Yuan three elders, are converging momentum, said.


The blood, Lin Yan, and Thunder suddenly sighed.

If they are passive in their bodies, that is really terrible.

"You three, now leave the ancient city of Tai A, you can go to any treasure, you three people will be secret in the void, Duan Qing can kill him as soon as he comes."

The blood-killing elder slowly said.

"The trouble is elders."

The blood, Lin Yan, and Thunder three people quickly said.

Waiting for the three most elder elders, they are all hidden in the void around them. In the hearts of the three people, they are all greatly increased and fly out of the city.

Ps: Chapter 1

(End of this chapter)


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