Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1315: Dragon Soul Ancient Palace

The first thousand three hundred and fifteen chapters of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace

This time the destruction, the blood, Lin Yan, Thunder, the three young patriarchs, brought not only the physical blow, but also the psychological blow, so that their previous hysterical, crazy meaning completely disappeared not see.

Because the three of them did not think that in the space of mysterious gods, Duan Qing actually mastered such a horrible means.

Even if they are young patriarchs and geniuses, you can invite the elders to help, but what does that mean?

In the face of Duan Qing’s means, there is only a passive beating. After all, even if they are, it is impossible to let the Supreme Elders guard themselves.

This kind of blow lasted for ten days, and they were only slightly better after the three martial arts were restored.

The blood, Lin Yan, and Thunder three people discussed for a long time, and finally decided to go into the space of Xuan Shen to have a look.

This time I dared to go in because they thought that knowing the location of the other party and knowing the strong side of the other side, these means of countering the sky could not be used many times in the space of the mysterious god.

If you can use it multiple times, then the two people, who are not trying to kill, who are they going to kill?

Such a thing, the mysterious space is simply impossible for him to happen.

Ever since, they bet wrong.

Into the mysterious space for less than half a day, just a breath of blood, Lin Yan, Thunder, once again heard the familiar voice, once again by the familiar martial will will be crushed.

This time, the destruction of the three major patriarchs of the bloody, completely dumbfounded, so that the three of them did not dare to get involved in the space of the mysterious **** in the next two months until they got the gift from their fathers. If you have a life-saving symbol, you will dare to go in again.

Similarly, in the hearts of the three of them, the name of Duan Qing has already produced a certain shadow. Although the hate is still there, the meaning of revenge is only a trace of being wiped out.

Of course, these are all words, not enough.

At this moment, the space of mysterious gods, in the context.

When Qin Nan destroyed the Tudi, Feihong, Shi Ang and others for the last time, the feeling in his heart was much better, and the killing consciousness gradually subsided.

On the contrary, Sima Kong, there is still some reluctance, although at the beginning, he did not want to chase the three great emperors, but later, he found that it is quite interesting to chase this amazing giant.

"Unfortunately, Fuxi only has five effects. If it is five more times, then it will be fine." Sima Air couldn't help but mutter.

"Okay, let's go to the treasure map left by your master, the position indicated above.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page). Qin Nan smiled lightly.

Since the killing is over, then, it is time to continue to search for the fragments of mysterious gods.

Up to now, there are a total of three hundred and fifty pieces of mysterious gods accumulated on his body. For the general giants, it may be an astronomical number, but there are still a long distance from the nine hundred and ninety-nine.

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred.


In the Qinnan Sense of the Sea, the bronze mirror that has been silent has become an ancient brilliance. It seems that there is a powerful force in the midst of it, and blessing is in it, so that it can be revived.

"this is……"

Qin Nan’s face was a glimpse.

"what happened?"

Sima Kong saw him like this and asked immediately.

"January time has arrived, and now the forbidden land is opened for you."

The mysterious woman's cold voice rang in Qinnan's mind, and then from the bronze mirror, a horrible Taikoo Guanghua, sprayed out like a peerless dragon, roaring and screaming into the sky.

In all directions, hundreds of miles of emptiness, a tremor, the woods below, but also the numerous storms that have been rolled up, the enchanted beasts of the martial arts will be terrified, squatting, shivering.


Simakong on the side, looking at this scene, his face became very pale, because the pressure of the previous one is really terrible. If it weren't for him, he would be ruined.

"This forbidden place is called the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace. You can remember this map. With this picture, you can ignore all dangers and go directly to the deepest."

After the mysterious woman finished this sentence, from this bronze mirror, there is an ancient dragon-shaped map drawn from a mysterious force, which falls into the sea of ​​Qinnan.

"Dragon Soul Ancient Palace? Thank you."

Qin Nan returned to God and quickly thanked him.

He did not think that this mysterious woman not only helped him open the forbidden land, but also gave him the method of entering the forbidden area.

In this way, you can save too much effort by then.

However, as usual, the bronze mirror went straight down as if he had not heard his thanks.

"Qin... Qinnan... What was that?"

Simakong recovered a little bit of a good night, and stuttered.

"I don't know what to say, let's not talk about this. Someone just helped us open the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace and gave us the map inside. But, do you know where the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace is?"

Qinnan mouth slightly pumped.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) This is not the style of Bronze's work, everything has been done, but the place where the forbidden place is not said.

"I rely on, opened the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace? There is a map into the inside?"

Simakong instantly returned to the gods, the fear just now, directly thrown away, replaced by excitement.

Dragon Soul Ancient Palace, that is the old guy who steals the emperor, all of which are coveted.

More critically, they also have maps that go directly into them.

You know, the most dangerous thing like this forbidden place is the hidden prohibition and murder. If you can avoid it, the treasures in it, etc., are you at your fingertips?

At this time, the change was regenerated.

An ancient voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Qinnan and Simakong.

"Xuanshen Space, the 12th-ranked Dragon Soul Ancient Palace, has now been opened. All the Taoist friends can go forward and crush fifteen pieces of mysterious gods to get a map to the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace. ”

This voice is a very old man.


Qin Nan was puzzled.

He did not expect that the old Tai will pass the voice directly.

In this case, did the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace open up to tell all the giants of the mysterious space?

Also, what is the twelfth forbidden land?

Simakong perceives the doubts of Qinnan and immediately said: "Qinnan, you must know, the space of the mysterious god, is divided into the realm of the heavens?"

"Well, this does know."

Qinnan slightly decapitated.

"In the heavens, there are 30 large and small forbidden places. Whenever the forbidden land is opened, the space of the mysterious **** will tell all the giants."

"Now, the foggy city that ranks third is already open, the ancient road to the eighth, the seventeenth city, and many great emperors are among them."

"Like these forbidden places, there are extremely amazing good things. Otherwise, it will not attract so many great emperors to go..."

Simakong explained.

"It turned out to be the case."

Qin Nan nodded, he did not know, there are so many doorways in the space of the mysterious god.

It seems that the one mentioned in the original jade is only the most basic ones.

"Since everyone knows the opening of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace, there will be many people who will rush over, and we will hurry."

Qin Nan said, he took out fifteen pieces of mysterious gods, crushed one by one, and an ancient map of aura, which evolved in front of them.

Ps: Chapter 3

(End of this chapter)


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