Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1316: The emperors come

The first thousand three hundred and sixteen chapters of the emperor Qilai


Qin Nan glanced at the map, remembering it after the heart, the meaning of the collapse was swept open, and Sima was wrapped in it, like a peerless sword, not into the sky.

At the same time, when the news of the opening of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace sounded at the ear of every big emperor, many of the great giants did not hesitate, crushed the fragments of the mysterious gods and went there.

Even the giants of the great horror of the horror, opened their eyes for a long time, broke out the weather, and did not enter the sky.

Not only that, the great giants who have not yet been in the space of the mysterious gods, who are in the vast mainland of China, have heard the news and quickly left their hands and entered the space of mysterious gods.

An invisible storm is quietly forming.

The time passed slowly. Due to the location of the two people in Qinnan, it was not far from the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace. It only took two hours and the two stopped.

I saw it, and in front of it, there was a vast golden sea. In the middle of the sea, there was a full-fledged purple gold field. Around the dojo, there was a glimpse of purple gas, and the dragons of the road. The Quartet is a trembling heart.

Qinnan runs left and looks forward. At first glance, it suddenly flashes the smear.

In this field, there are now a total of eighty-three breaths, including three great emperors and nine giants, twelve emperors and eight giants, eighteen emperors, seven giants, and twenty-four emperors.

The rest of the people are the Emperor's five to the Emperor.

Among them, the Emperor has one heavy one, and the Great Emperor and the Emperor are three, and only three.

"We look at the advanced dojo."

Qin Nan returned to the gods, gently took a breath, and flew into the purple gold dojo.

When his footsteps just fell, the changes suddenly occurred.

"The Dragon Palace Dojo will not be allowed to use force, and the offender will be destroyed. Wait quietly. When the time comes, it will open."

An ancient and majestic voice, in his mind, slowly sounded, just a few words, but it gave a very huge oppression.

Qin Nan immediately looked up, and he saw that in front of this field, a purple shadow was suspended, and there was a dragon in the body of the Taikoo Zijin Dragon.

However, this purple figure is more mysterious than the Dragon Emperor. It is impossible to penetrate through the real cultivation.

Obviously, this purple figure is similar

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The presence of the Guardian.

"Isn't it still open?"

Qin Nan looked at the purple shadow and arched his hand. His eyes looked around.

Since it has not yet been opened, it is now a good idea to observe the giants of the Great.

From this point of view, Qin Nan was attracted by the four giants of the two great emperors.

The track number of these two people is that the overlord is in the world and the sea of ​​suffering is boundless.

Around the two people, they stood two great emperors, especially the Naha king, and there was a giant of the great emperor.

Such a lineup is much stronger than the Tu Emperor, Feihong, and Shiang.

In addition, Qin Nan also faintly felt that the two people's bodies seem to hide a very terrifying force. If it broke out, I am afraid that it is far more than the great four-strong force.

"I don't know Master Tang Qingshan, will you come over, is it here?"

Qin Nan’s heart whispered and continued to observe.

"Hey, the Emperor is triple, the Emperor's four-fold cultivation, what are you doing here?"

A cold snoring sounded from a distance, everyone in the audience looked up and saw it immediately. A figure with the name of 'empty old man' came back, and there was a horrible breath on his body. So many empress giants were present, all of them changed their faces.

This person's cultivation is a giant of the great peak.

"There is no old man? I heard that this guy is like the elder of Nantiandi, Qinnan, I heard this..."

Sima Yi thought of something, and quickly coughed.

Qin Nan shook his head and his look remained unchanged.

Although he hates Nantianmen, he does not mean that he hates everyone in Nantiandi, even if he is fighting with Nantiandi, it is also in the mainland.

In this mysterious space, there is no way to know the true identity of the other party.

"Nothing is empty, people are so busy, and the rules of heaven and earth that can't let the monks enter under the Five Emperors of the Emperor, in my opinion, should have been abolished."

A sweet voice came from afar, and it sounded in everyone's heart, and the mood was inexplicably beautiful.

I saw only one figure, ‘Face Frost Ice,’, walking slowly, even though she could not see her appearance, but it would also make people feel amazing.

"Haha, this is a good word."

The sea in the distance suddenly rolled up. A figure named "Cangsong Emperor" stepped out of it, and the momentum radiated from the body made the four sides empty.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) and trembled.

This Cangsong Emperor and the ice-creams are all the same as the empty old man, and they have been repaired to reach the peak of the Great Emperor.

"The three great emperors are the giants!"

"It was only two hours before, and I came to the three great emperors, I don't know how much will come next!"

"There are also the giants of the Great Emperor and the eight giants..."

The giants of the great emperors in the entire dojo, seeing this scene, are shocked by the heart, constantly ups and downs, difficult to calm down!

Especially the existence of the four emperors and the triples, the mind is even more vacillating, it takes a lot of effort to calm down!

This is why the Emperor did not have a heavy weight, and the Emperor was less between the two and the five. Because in this grand scene, the big man of the great emperor came over, did he die?

Even if you want to come, you can't come!

The world of the Great Emperor is also a weak and strong food. If it is not enough, it will be oppressed!

"This frost is iced, I heard that it is the Supreme Elder of the Yaochi Holy Land, and this Cangsong Emperor, it seems to be the giant of the Ghosts, just these two people, not in the secluded city retreat..."

Sima Kong looked at the people while he was talking.

Qin Nan, on the side, listened to these, and his eyes were smeared with different colors. He did not think that this Sima Kong, with Wu Zujing cultivation as a mixture into the mysterious space, knows so many things.

Next, a giant of the seven great emperors to the peak of the Emperor, all from the wind and the wind into the Dragon Palace dojo.

This also makes the entire giants of the Dragon Palace Dojo reach a total of 132 people, including the giants of the Great Emperor, with a full six.

Of course, there are some empires between the Emperor and the Emperor, and after seeing this scene, there is no hesitation and turn around.

Otherwise, there will be more people.

"I didn't expect that all the seniors have arrived. It seems that I am late."

Suddenly, a warm voice rang from the distant horizon.

This sound seems to have a strange magic, so that the sound of the entire dojo is quiet.

I saw that, in the middle of the air, a figure, holding a lupin, slowly stepped around, surrounded by his side, there are three giants of the great emperor.

This figure, the road number is ‘Zhuang Wudao’.

Ps: Chapter 4, the rest can't be reviewed. Go here today and continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)


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