Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1317: Only one

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-seven chapters

"Zhuang Zhidao? Are you not going to kill the gods forbidden?"

Among the crowd, Cangsong looked at the coming people, and some unexpectedly asked.

"Returning to the predecessors, killing the gods and banned the land, has ended. This time just heard that the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace is open, then come over and see if it can be rewarded."

Zhuang Zhidao said with a hand, the language is thick, not humble, and gives a sense of courteous, round and jade-like son.


"He is Zhuang Shidao?"

"He is Zhuang Zhidao?"

However, when the dialogue between the two men fell into the ears of other great emperors, they immediately let their hearts and minds stunned and could not help but scream.

Because they did not think that the famous name of the village, will actually appear in front of them.

“Zhuang Zhidao?”

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the moment was revealed.

Zhuang Zhidao, one of the four great geniuses in the mainland, surpassed the rules of martial arts, the first true disciple of Wu Daozong, ranked second in the list of genius Wudi, second only to Sheng Tian.

All along, Qin Nan has a very strong interest in Zhuangshen and Su Qingning, the holy place of Yaochi. If there is an opportunity, he will come back to visit him personally.

Just did not expect that today I actually saw it in the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace.

"Sheng Tian Jing has three great heavenly eight martial arts souls, this Zhuangshoudao, do not know whether it is Wuhun, or Wushu, or other aspects, beyond the rules of martial arts."

"If there is a chance this time..."

"Be sure to fight one!"

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the gods suddenly rose, and the blood of the whole body was boiling. Even his horror emperor was accelerating and beating, so that his body was surrounded by a war.

All along, Qin Nan’s heart wants to fight this top genius!

Only in this way can you really be so happy!

"Qin Nan, are you embarrassed?"

On the one hand, I was looking at Zhuangzidao, and Simakong, who was in the world, the end of the sea, the vastness of the sea, and the ice-cream to these big men, suddenly noticed something, turned around and immediately started to startle.

"Haha, give way, this time, it is me who is late."

I haven’t waited for Qin Nan’s return, just at this moment.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), a deafening laughter, suddenly resounded from the day.

I saw it in the mid-air, with a figure, exuding the fierce momentum, like a sword of the world, stepping forward, every time his footsteps fell, it would make a circle of ripples in the void.

It is as if his majesty, even this world, is shaking.

Not only that, but around the figure, there are four giants of the Great Emperor, which are more powerful than the lineup of Zhuang Zhidao.

The figure of this figure is ‘only my only honor’.

"I only...only respect?"

The great emperor giants who were present at the scene saw this road number and they were all surprised.

Although the strong person who followed the person from the front, as well as the smell of his own, the identity of this person is absolutely extraordinary, but to the extent of what is extraordinary, actually dare to call it ‘only my only honor’?

Even if it is a gift, I am afraid I will not dare!

"Tian Jingxiong, you really came late this time."

Zhuang Shidao’s mouth is smiling.

"Stunning, you are finally here."

I have been silent for a long time, even if it is the appearance of Zhuangzidao, there is no old man who has not spoken yet. Now I am talking, and the tone is very intimate.

"Heavenly brother?"

"Is this person in front of me, is it... Sheng Tian Jing?"

Most of the giants of the audience, at this moment, flashed an electric light in their minds, and understood what was happening. The heart suddenly burst into a wave of waves, and some people even showed the shocking color in their eyes!

They did not think that the Shengtian Jing, which exists in the legend, actually appeared!

Sheng Tian Jing, the first true disciple of Nantian Shendi, has three great heavenly eight martial arts souls, ranking first in the entire genius Wudi list!

In other words, Sheng Tian Jing is the country of the demigod, even the entire vast continent, is the first genius that deserves it!

The world is the first!

How detached is this?

It’s not too much to call it ‘only my own!’

"I went, it turned out to be Sheng Tian Jing, this goods actually named Weiwu alone, this is too arrogant, and it is not the three major heavenly eight martial arts souls."

Simakong reacted and his eyes were smeared.

He was shocked by this singer, but he didn't have any good feelings.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) ”

Qin Nan on the side, slightly stunned, and then slowly smudged the corner of his mouth.

This trip to the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace did bring him too many accidents. I saw the Zhuangzi Road that I always wanted to see. Now I am even surprised by the Shengtian.

"At the time of the Zhongzhou Longdiyuan, what you did, and what you said, I still remember it now..."

"Hope, this time, don't let me down."

Among the eyes of Qin Nan, there is an amazing edge. In this edge, there is a strong sense of war, and there is a cold killing.

Of course, whether it is Sheng Tian Jing, or Zhuang Zhidao, or other great emperors, they never expected that in this place, there is a person they are almost forgotten, watching them.

Next, the atmosphere of the entire dojo, with the arrival of Sheng Tian Jing and Zhuang Zhidao, became extremely fiery, and countless eyes were gathered on the two.

Because these giants are very curious, want to see, these two top geniuses, what kind of person is, what kind of atmosphere is there.

In contrast, the tyrants of the tyrants who have the extraordinary births, such as the overlord in the world and the endless sea of ​​suffering, must appear a lot.

Time has passed slowly, and more and more powerful people have come from all directions, making the situation of the entire Dragon Palace dojo more grand, and the sound of amazement can be heard from time to time.

"Duan Qing? Are you Duan Qing?"

Suddenly, at this time, a voice rang.

Both Qinnan and Simakong are slightly glimpsed. At the same time, they look up and see the crowd. There are three people named ‘blood killing’ ‘滔焰’ ‘Lei Yuan’, who are watching them.

"Excuse me, three are..."

Qin Nan’s face showed a trace of doubt.

"Oh, I really didn't expect that I could meet you here, Duan Qing, Duan Qing, the six major repairs of the district emperor, even dare to kill our young patriarchs four times, I think you are alive!"

The blood killing took the lead in reacting. Among the two scorpions, the blooms opened up and the blood was smothered. The big hand directly went to Qinnan.

Ps: I am really sorry. I went back to the car that was blocked for more than four hours today, which caused the code word time to be seriously insufficient. For the time being, there can only be one more, and I will update it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)


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