Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1318: Blood stasis

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-eight chapters

On the surface, this is just a normal attack. In fact, in the blood of the palm of your hand, there are five drops of horrible blood, which is running rapidly.

If this hit, these five drops of horror and blood will instantly erupt, turning into hundreds of **** demon gods, forming thousands of blood demons.

Even the seven great emperors can't compete.

“Is there someone actually doing it?”

At this moment, many great emperor giants in the dojo have exposed the stunned colors in their eyes. Even those who have the name of Hehewei have swept the mind.

You must know that the Dragon Palace Dojo is not allowed to use force.

"If you dare to shoot, you will die!"

In the midst of this millennium, a cold drink is like a god, and in the blood of the mind, it blew.

"not good!"

The face of blood killing changed dramatically, and the palm of the hand went out, and he hurriedly withdrew, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Just now he was killed and stunned, almost forgot the purple figure.

As a giant of the Great Emperor, he is very clear, what a terrible horror of the purple figure, if it is just this hit, really hit out, he will not die, but also bear a huge trauma.

"Predecessors, just killing the enemy, they are offended, and please Haihan."

Blood killing is a generation of supreme elders, quickly reacting, facing the purple figure, holding fists and hands, words are earnest.

"The next is not an example."

The tone of the purple figure is still cold.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

The blood was suddenly relieved.

"Duan Qing, this time you are lucky, I will not kill you now, but when I get to the back, I will definitely let you die without a place to die."

Blood killing looked to Qinnan, and his face was cold.

The same is true of Yan Yan and Lei Yuan who are standing on the side.

They have such a killing effect on Qinnan. It is not a bloody, Linyan, and Thunder trio. How important they are to the three of them, but the three patriarchs of their three ancient tribes, who have been repeatedly connected four times. Where are the faces of the three ancient people? Where are they going?

In the eyes of the three of them, Duan Qing’s actions are clearly humiliating and provoking them.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Big ancient.

Therefore, blood killing will only be impulsive.


After the talk, the blood killing, Yan Yan, Lei Yuan three emperor giants, a cold snoring, a large sleeve, turned and left.

Staying here is no longer meaningful.

"Mom, I didn't expect to be in this place, but I actually met the guys of the three guys..."

Sima Kong has been fascinated, and his look is a little depressed. He was stared at by the three great emperors. The taste is not very good.

In contrast, Qin Nan, but his face is light.

Even though the three people in front of the Emperor are the nine heavy, far more than his cultivation, but what about it?

If he comes back again, he will still kill it.

As for the great giants who saw this scene in the distance, they all shook their heads with regret and regained their gaze and thoughts.

Originally, they thought that they could see a wonderful drama before entering the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace.

However, at this time, it was silent, like a purple figure that died, suddenly opened.

"Dear friends, welcome to the Dragon Soul."

The purple figure is like a thunder. All the great giants in the audience, including Sheng Tian Jing, Zhuang Zhi Dao, and the empty old man, are all in the same place. They look at each other and look forward.

The same is true of Qinnan and Simakong.

"Now the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace is completely open, and there is a time for a fragrant incense."

"In this time of the incense, according to the rules, please also ask your friends, five people become a family, **** alliance."

"If you don't reach it, you can't enter the Dragon Soul."

Purple figure slowly said.

"Five people become a family, blood is an alliance?"

All the great emperors of the audience heard these words, they all had a slight glimpse. They had entered countless forbidden places, and now they have seen such strange requests for the first time.

"Hahaha, it's fun, it's really interesting. I don't know who you are, who wants to, and I am bloody? I am missing one person."

Sheng Tiansheng took the lead in reacting and laughing, looking at the audience, the momentum is extraordinary.

"Compared with Tian Jingxiong, I still lack two people here. I also hope that you will be with me. I am willing to join me."

Zhuang Zhidao in one

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), it is also a smile.

"I also lack two people here."

"The old man is here..."

Immediately afterwards, the overlord was alive, the sea of ​​suffering was boundless, and there were no old people, the ice-cold ice, and the giants of the peak of Emperor Cangsong, all facing the audience.

The audience of the great emperors, see this scene, the body shape is a move.

Although I don't know, the arrangement of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace has any meaning, but from the current situation, they naturally want to be together with Sheng Tian Jing, Zhuang Zhidao, or the top giants.

Of course, those giants who have been reduced to low levels have begun to change their faces. They are very clear. With their cultivation, it is very difficult to find a five-member alliance.

"Three, may we all form an alliance?"

Qin Nan glanced at the audience, his eyes finally settled on the three emperors, and immediately began to voice.

On his body, there is a map of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace. It is not necessary to form an alliance with the strong. Instead, it is better to find three emperors who are slightly weaker.

"This one……"

The three great emperors tripled and glanced at Qinnan and immediately prepared to refuse.

After all, Qin Nan exudes the breath, only the district emperor is a heavy one.

"Hey, hello, I said you three, what are you hesitating? Don't look at the breath that Duan Qingdao friends exude, only the Emperor is a heavy one, his real repair, but can counter the Emperor's six."

Sima Kong stood up.

"Is this statement true?"

The three emperors are triple, their eyes are bright, and their hearts are moving.

"Dear friends, there is a ruthless invitation."

At this moment, a thunderous scream blew up across the dojo.

Qin Nan, Sima Kong, and all the other great emperors, their eyes are subconscious.

This open person is a **** kill.

"Dear friends, this Duan Qing, and this thief, is the enemy of life and death of the three of us, but also hope that when the blood is the alliance, the friends of the Tao will give us a face, do not form an alliance with them, thank you. Everyone."

The blood kills the fists of the great emperors.

Standing on the side of Yan Yan and Lei Yuan, the eyes of the two men crossed the crowd and landed on Qin Nan and Sima Kong, and the corners of their mouths sneered.

(End of this chapter)


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