Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1331: Mount

Chapter 1, 331 chapter mount

"The demon god?"

Qin Nan looked shocked.

He did not expect that as the lord of the stagnation of the demon gods 8,000 years ago, the soul of a generation of dragon gods, there is such a strong murder for the demon **** of the lord of the stagnation of the demon god.

"Hey, 8,000 years ago, if it wasn't for that guy, betrayed the god, this **** will fall so badly? And, betray the god, it actually..."

Speaking of this, the worm seems to think of something, in addition to the huge anger on his face, it also reveals a thick sorrow.

The purple blood rain of that day, the mourning of that day, so far, it all remembers very clear, if it is yesterday.

"This demon god, I am afraid that the demon is really very bad."

Qinnan’s eyes flashed through the cold mans.

In the past, in the Dragon Emperor's Court, the attitude of the demon **** to him, he now remembers very clearly.

"But, those are old things, and they are not mentioned now. Anyway, starting today, I will cover you for the female Emperor. When you take you across the world, you will be able to enjoy the whole continent."

After a moment of silence, the bugs swayed at the end of the dragon, recovered as usual, and continued to boast.

"Happy all over..."

What Qin Nan just wanted to say, halfway through it, suddenly there was an amazing thought in his mind.

The bug is here, restores the dragon soul, and then finds his own dragon body, then it can be restored to become the dragon god, and it is still the ancient purple gold dragon dragon god, the former demon **** forbidden land.

If this is the case, what is the scene of this mount?

If you wait for him to stand on the ground and step on it, step on the faucet and sneak into the world, what will be the scene?

Thinking of this, Qin Nan’s breathing suddenly rose, and his horrible emperor’s heart was also the first time. It was not because the war was about to come, and the acceleration of the embarrassment began to jump!

That picture, that scene, just think about it, it is completely unbearable, excitement, and blood!

"Small... No, dragon god, there is something, I wonder if I can discuss it with you?"

Qin Nan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down and asked.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The bugs took a step back, and the longan was full of vigilance.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I don't know why, now Qinnan's eyes make it feel a little hairy.

"If... I said that if... I help you recover the Dragon Soul, help you find the Dragon Body, can you, when I am riding?"

Qin Nan stared at the bug and asked him.

"You said... want to make this **** your mount?"

The worms are shrinking.

"Hahaha, what did you say? You want the **** to be your mount?"

The worm quickly reacted and laughed, and in his eyes, he showed the color of smearing.

"Can't you?"

Qin South brow slightly wrinkled.

"Crap, Qin Nan, not the gods look down on you, you can self-certify the emperor in such an era, and it is still the three annihilation of the female Emperor, which proves that you are extremely extraordinary! But how can that be?"

"You know, 8,000 years ago, the gods commanded a million big demon, and went south to the top, to the supreme dragon body, hard to regret Nantianmen?"

"Even if the female Emperor insists, the **** is dead, and will never lower the leader, and become a mount!"

The body of the bug suddenly erupted with a horrible domineering force, which made the entire Dragon Palace of the Dragon God begin to sway, like a generation of dragon gods, re-emergence in the world, making everything tremble.

Even though the worm’s words were disrespectful to the bronze mirror, at this moment, even the bronze mirror did not speak.

Because it is the dragon god.

Even if the brilliance does not exist, it is also the dragon god.

In any case, the Dragon God's leader will never be low.

"Not at all?"

Under this domineering spirit, Qin Nan did not waver, a pair of eyes, still staring at the bugs, and asked unwillingly.

In his life, in addition to love of knives and martial arts, there is no other hobby, the only one, that is, like to surrender a powerful monster, stand on top of it and fight the world.

Now, it is hard to meet the soul of the Dragon God, the most powerful dragon **** in the mainland, and he naturally does not want to give up.

"That is not the case. If you can break Nantianmen, surrender to the Emperor's list and the gods list, surpass the female emperor and become the first person in the vast continent of China. It is no problem for the **** to give you a mount."

The momentum on the bugs converges, free to say.

It is so casual because it is not believed at all. It is said that Qin Nan can do these conditions.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page).

Breaking Nantianmen, Qinnan may have such a little chance, but when the Nantianmen is broken, the Emperor and the Gods list will be surrendered. How is it possible?

Besides, beyond the female emperor, is that possible?

The present female emperor is not only the first person in the sky that came to the mainland 8,000 years ago. In those nine days, I am afraid that it has already been a hegemony of the party, Megatron!

"This is... seriously?"

Qin Nan’s eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Of course, the dragon mouth is open and the millennium remains the same."

The bugs don't care.


Qinnan's mouth corner slowly slid the degree of smearing.

Breaking Nantianmen?

Sublimate the Emperor and God List?

Beyond the bronze mirror, become the first person in the ages?

All this, though extremely difficult, but...

It is not impossible!

"Cough, Dragon God, what happened just now, I am not right. In addition, if you ask something, do you still have a younger brother? You are good at many magical skills, and..."

Standing on the side of Simakong, this time, could not help but cry low, thick cheeks open.

This is the soul of the Dragon God, even if it is weak, but if you have a good relationship with it, you will certainly get a lot of benefits.

As for the crime he had just sinned?

What does it matter?

As long as the face is thick enough, you can definitely resolve your grievances and embrace the big dragon legs.

"Hey, dead fat man, give this **** a lesser set of things, just now, the **** has not yet found you to settle accounts..."

The bug is awkward.

"Right, Qin Nan, you are ready, this God is now integrated into your body."

The bug suddenly realized what he was, and said quickly.

It now looks like this, every time you waste a breath, you have to lose some of the power of the dragon.


Qin Nan was sitting cross-legged and his eyes closed. The emperor's heart in his body began to slow down the speed of the beating.

"Qin Nan, when the **** is integrated into your body, it will produce some dragon spirit, you will integrate it with your five-clawed golden dragon armor, don't waste it."

The bug smashed a sentence, and the figure became a golden mang, and it rushed into the emperor's heart.

(End of this chapter)



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