Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1332: Photography

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-two chapters


At the moment when the worms were integrated into the emperor's heart, a horrible breath broke out.

I saw only the fullness of the six dragons and the scent of the gods, and each of them burst out with an astonishing pressure. Even the emperor of Qinnan felt a huge pressure, a slight Trembling.

If the dragon spirit is replaced by other great emperors, their emperors may be directly crushed.

"assimilate into."

Qinnan’s thoughts, at this moment, came out of the nest, guiding the spirit of the six dragons and flowing to the five-clawed golden dragon armor.

At the moment of the inflow, the entire armor, trembled violently, exuded a dazzling golden light, and began to undergo an amazing transformation.


After a few dozens of interest, this metamorphosis ends directly.

I saw this five-clawed golden dragon armor, from the golden color, became the color of purple gold, and from the illusory, condensed into essence, the two dragon heads on the shoulders, also become domineering, exuding the mighty dragon.

Not only that, Qin Nan also felt that he and the five-clawed Golden Dragon armor, completely integrated into one, as long as his mind to move, the armor can be released, but also can hide the body.

"Good armor."

On the one side, Sima Kong, his eyes were exposed to the faint color.

Now this pair of five-clawed golden dragon armor has already far surpassed the emperor. If it is motivated, I am afraid that even the six emperors can directly block it.

"You are too horrible!"

"And, is your kid a warrior, the war of the emperor, how can it be so horrible?"

"No, even if it is a warrior, it will not condense such a terrible war!"

The stunned voice of the bugs rang from the inside of Qinnan.

With its knowledge, it certainly knows that the self-certificate is extraordinary, but it never imagined that Qinnan was so extraordinary that it was only as great as the Emperor.

In particular, the war in the heart of the Qinnan Emperor was extremely vast. Even when it was repaired to reach the peak of the Dragon Emperor, it did not cultivate such a vast war.

"It is too late to repent."

The Qinnan heart and **** communicated with the five-clawed golden dragon armor, and smiled faintly.

"Hey, this **** will repent? Say, this

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) It doesn't mean anything. You are just self-certifying the emperor. You have to stand up and seal the gods. The road is still growing..."

The body shape of the bugs flew out of the emperor's heart, and did not hide his disdain.

Through the previous fusion, I got the nourishment of the original Dili, and now its figure has reached the length of eight feet, and it is no longer so illusory.

However, this is far from its long-distance soul.

"Dragon God, the ancient books in your first layer, can you let me see?"

Qinnan asked.

Now all the things have come to an end, and the source of Tianshan is open, and there are more than four months.

It is better for him to take advantage of this time and go to see the emperors and the gods, and at the same time, in this dragon **** palace, retreat.

"You want to see, then you go see it, these are small things."

Solved the big things in my heart, the worms are in a very good mood, no longer a hairy, and waved.

"Thank you."

Qinnan stood up and went out.

"Dragon God, what about me?"

Simakong asked quickly.

"This Dragon Soul Ancient Palace has a lot of forbidden places. Wherever you want to go, you can go there. Of course, if you die, you can't blame God."

The bug is unwelcome.


A fat man, a smashing soul, just talk about it.

Time passed slowly and it quickly passed for five days.

After all, Simakong is the man who wants to become a thief in the future. Within five days, he persisted in using all kinds of means and finally succeeded in 'impressing' the worms and accepting them as younger brothers.

In this way, one person and one dragon went directly to the forbidden places of the Dragon Soul Ancient Palace, and began to take back all kinds of inheritances and treasures that had been laid down by the worms.

As for Qin Nan, within these five days, he was wholeheartedly and sank into the great emperor and the magic.

Today's Qinnan, even though he has been half-self-testing himself, he still knows nothing about the field of emperor.

The emperors he had seen before were just a few of the countless emperors.

At this time, the Dragon God Palace, the fifth floor of the hall.

I saw only the radiant light in the crystal of death, suddenly rising, becoming extremely glaring, the suction that came out,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) It suddenly becomes stronger.

The incomparable evil spirits are directly absorbed into them.

This state, after lasting a full 30-minute period, stopped and recovered.

"Yeah, my master, my cultivation is stronger."

Bai Linger opened his big eyes with water, and his face was full of surprises.

"It has become a lot stronger, Linger, when you are practicing, you can't be lazy."

A pleasing sound, which sounded from the crystal of death, followed by a sigh of black air, floated out from the inside, and slowly gathered a white short hair woman.

"Linger knows." Bai Linger spit out his tongue and immediately noticed something. He was puzzled: "Hey, the fat man and Qinnan in the past are still here, how can they not be alone now... ”

"Qinnan is on the first floor."

The white short-haired woman lowered her head, her eyes, pierced through the layer of the hall, and saw Qin Nan holding the ancient books and meditation on the first floor.

He is different from the past, and he has made great changes. The domineering of his body has already begun to appear, and his cultivation is even more unfathomable.

After watching it for a while, she recovered her gaze.

"Linger, continue to practice well."

After saying this, her figure slowly broke down.

"Master, don't you go to see Qinnan?"

Bai Linger gave a slight glimpse.

Although she did not know the past between the master and Qin Nan, but from her birth, her heart, I understand very well, the master's feelings for Qinnan.

Now, in a coincidence, the owner is not easy to wake up, why not go and see?

If you don't look at it this time, I don't know when I will wait for the next time.

"No, just seeing him still, he is better than before, you can."

The short-haired white woman smirked and the body spread out completely.

As long as he sees him still, she can continue to face the endless loneliness.

As long as he sees him better than before, she can face the torture of countless life and death.

As for meeting...

She hopes that when he is about to be in the world, she realizes that she is born and died, reinventing the flesh and reappearing.

In this way, she can use a body to repair, help him, or see him, see the peak.

(End of this chapter)


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