Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1336: Seven Devils

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-six chapter seven magic air curse

Time passed slowly, and it took two days to go.

In the past two days, Qin Nan and others, Nantian Shendi, Yaochi Holy Land, Wudaozong, the demon ban, and so on, there are countless scattered and big men, all of which have set off and rushed toward the Tianhe Mountains.


Three more days have passed, and the sun and the moon, the **** of silence, have been silent, and he has sprung up, and it has been emanate from his body, which has shrouded the horrible swordsmanship of all the people in Qinnan.

Blood, Lin Yan, Thunder and other people, their hearts rose, immediately looked up.

"This... is the source of Tianshan?"

At the sight of Qin Nan, his eyes suddenly showed a strange color.

I saw only a hundred miles from the front of them, one after another, rising from the ground, there are more than three hundred, each mountain, is a whole body flame, when viewed from afar, it is like a majestic The vast ancient sea of ​​fire.

Not only that, in this mountain, there is a mountain of horror and domineering, inserted into the cloud, the whole body of ice crystals, like a snow and ice sword, standing on the ground, suppressing the ages, so that everything in the world is eclipsed.

This flaming mountain is the Tianhe Mountains, one of the hundred mountains.

This ice crystal giant mountain is one of the seven forbidden places that shakes the whole country of the demigod, and the source is Tianshan.


Suddenly, Qin Nan’s eyes were condensed.

Through the left wing of God of War, he saw that there were hundreds of scattered repairs in the 50-mile radius of the Tianshan Mountains. Most of them were scattered and repaired by Wu Zu.

And, in the sixty miles away, there are two great emperors, which converge on the whole body, crouching in the flame mountain, motionless, like two ghosts.

"I didn't expect that the Tianshan Mountain really opened up, and there are more than one day, so many monks have come. If it is really opened, how grand will it be?"

In the heart of Qin Nan’s heart, there is a faint flame in the eyes, and it begins to emerge.

For him, the more grand the scene, the better.


Just then, a deafening explosion sounded, on the top of a mountain of flames, a large piece of void, directly collapsed, from which a long, three-foot-long, three-foot-long, blue-like body, like the ancient blue whale.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Ship.

This huge ship exudes a terrible emperor, far beyond the ordinary emperor, and above it, it is shrouded in a mysterious and mysterious light, which can isolate all the tricks and sneak peeks.

However, when the giant ship appeared and everyone looked at it, it was directly attracted to a young man standing on the bow.

The young man, with long blue hair and a dark golden robes, is a pair of ancient plaques that are condensed by countless ancient symbols. They are overlooking the mountains, full of indifference and extraordinary momentum.

"Jiang Kong Mantra?" The face of the **** glimpse.

"How did he come? Is he not in a retreat?" Lin Yan and Thunder both of them were slightly shrunk.

Jiang Kong Mantra, one of the eight great ancient tribes of the Haizu, was ranked eleventh on the list of genius Wudi, far more than the three of them.

The three of them have shot him many times, and they have lost the second time and never won.

Moreover, Jiang Kong’s curse has appeared, so the strong people of the seas must have come a lot.

"Wang Kong Mantra? But this person is a bit weird, the body has three different mysterious forces, I can not see through."

Qin Nan glanced, his brow slightly wrinkled.

"Jiang Bing, I didn't expect you to come, but this time, it is not boring."

Suddenly, a strange, hoarse voice echoed between the heavens and the earth.

Then, a statue of more than five hundred feet, all in dark, entwined with countless scarlet chains, exuding the invisible giant of the rolling, from the void, striding out.

On the shoulders of this giant, there is a black robe who stands still without breath, but makes people feel the chill in their hearts.

"Spirit... Seven Devils?"

The blood, Lin Yan, and Thunder face changed slightly, and the rest of the people, as well as those scattered around the Tianshan Mountains, are even more tight.

Li Qi Mo, one of the eight great ancient tribes of the genius, the genius of the martial arts on the list of the thirteenth, although a body repair, less inferior to the Jiang Kong curse, but his character, extremely cruel, extremely killing.

"The breath of Nantianmen?"

Qinnan has a slight glimpse.

Although the force of the Nantianmen in the body of the Liqiu is extremely deep, it is difficult to find, but his left-handed warrior is very sensitive to this kind of power.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) "The relationship between the Nguy and the Nantian gods has always been very close. According to the speculation of the lord, the top of the Nether, I am afraid there is a great possibility that it will become a person of Nantianmen."

The sword of the sun and the moon suddenly passed over.

"It turned out to be."

Qin Nan’s eyes picked up slightly, revealing a cold light.

In this way, the real power of Nantian Shen is much more than he imagined. It is even possible that what he sees now is only the tip of the iceberg.

"Is it?"

Jiang Kong cursed the Seven Devils and stopped talking.

"Hey, are you still looking down on me? But this time, don't let me down..."

Li Qi Moe made a weird laugh, and then completely silenced, as if everything around him was irrelevant to him.

Time has passed, and from all directions, there are always some famous monks who are coming.

The atmosphere of the entire source of the Tianshan Mountains has gradually become more and more lively.

Of course, whether it is the Jiang Kong Mantra, or the Li Qi Mo, or the giants who are hidden in the dark, they have not yet discovered the existence of Qin Nan and others.


After a few hours, suddenly there was a huge explosion of sound, which sounded on a flaming mountain, and the emperor of a stock also swept through.

This kind of sound is the sound of battle, and it is still the giant giant's shot.


Most of the monks around are looking a glimpse.

We must know that the source of Tianshan is about to open. Now that the war is over, it will expose the whole audience, attract everyone’s attention, and even possibly, it will bring some horrible existence, and there is no advantage at all.

"Ha ha ha, still want to escape? Now to the source of Tianshan, there is no one to save you!"

Along with a big laugh, I saw a man wearing a black robe and a **** eyes, rising to the sky, five fingers open, facing forward, tearing down.

In front of him, the young man who only has the peak of Wuzu, under these five claws, looks like an ant, as long as the five claws are caught, it can be easily shredded.

"this is……"

Qin Nan looked down on the consciousness, and at first glance, the body immediately became stiff.

"Palace... Gong Yang?"

(End of this chapter)


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