Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1337: Debut

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-seven chapters have appeared

Qinnan never imagined that in this place, he actually met Gong Yang.

Originally, he thought that the two of them would meet next time, at least after self-certification.

"This person must die..."

The monks around, looking at this scene, shook their heads, and the land of Wuzu was in front of the giants of the Great, without any resistance.

"court death!"

Between the electric and the flint, Qinnan reacted, and the eyes became extremely cold, and the emperor's heart in the body also jumped.

Gong Yang is his brother. No matter who wants to kill him, he will never allow it.

"Qin Nan, don't be impulsive -"

Standing in the forefront of the sun and moon swordsman, I immediately noticed something, a face, a voice and shouted.

"Sword God predecessor, he is my brother, even if it is exposure, I am not hesitating, sorry."

Qin Nan's face is unchanged, unwavering, and ready to shoot directly.

He knew very well that he had shot this time. At that time, people in Nantiandi, and even other people, would stare at him and the situation would become very dangerous.

However, what about it?

For your own brother, do not hesitate.

On the occasion of this millennium, the change has suddenly occurred.


In the far side of the sky, a huge dark knife suddenly appeared, and at an astonishing speed, he went to the black robe.

This knife, the killing is sensational, extremely horrible, comparable to the strike of the four giants of the Great.


The black robe of the emperor suddenly changed his face, immediately recovered his killings, and he ran his body, and quickly reversed. His eyes also looked at the void and shouted with anger.

He did not expect that such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was actually stirred up.

"Is there another big giant shot?"

The monks who shake their heads are all slightly stunned.

"The three emperors of the district are also dare to let go here."

Along with a cold voice, a figure came from the sky.

This figure, with a black knife, cold eyes, black robes, no wind and dance, wherever he walks, those emptiness, will be horrified by the horror of his body, directly twisted into pieces.

Can smother the killings to this point, can be seen extraordinary

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page).


I have always been indifferent, the Jiang Kong Mantra that I don’t care about everything, and the Li Qi Mo, when I saw this figure, it was a strange color.

"This is not one of the descendants of the banned gods, the 16th-ranked black knife of the genius Wudi, Tang Qingshan?"

"It is actually him. I have heard that this person is extremely terrible. Anything that the black knife points to is killing. The last time there was more than 20 inner disciples and one great emperor. He killed directly."

"Yes, there are many people killed by the Yaochi Holy Land, the Bu Dao Zong, and the demon gods." Now he is already a deadly enemy of all major forces."

The monks around, as well as the blood, Lin Yan, Thunder, and so on, all have a faint sorrow in their eyes.

For the name of Tang Qingshan, they have heard about it.

"Tang Qingshan?"

Gong Yang looked a glimpse, did not expect to help him, actually Tang Qingshan.

However, if you think about it, this is also very reasonable. After all, Tang Qingshan knows his relationship with Qinnan.

"Tang Qingshan, why did you shoot me? This is a matter of the nine-character ancient sea. There is nothing between you and the land of the gods."

The black robe was so excited that he immediately spoke up.

"I want to kill you, then it will kill you, there is no reason, die."

Before he finished talking, Tang Qingshan directly descended on the top of the black robe, and even the black knives had not been pulled out. There were countless knives that broke out and turned into murderous days.

The monks around are all being directly attacked by this scene, and the heart has produced a chill.

Black knife Tang Qingshan, really worthy of the name.

"The brothers have appeared."

Qin Nan stopped his footsteps, his intentions dissipated and his eyes were bright.

When Tang Qingshan appeared, then Gong Yang would be safe and he would not need to be shot.

"It seems that the nine-character ancient sea has chosen to pass on people. It is not calm at all. There are also brothers, and now they have been upgraded to the point where they are comparable to the four emperors..."

The Qinnan heart calmed down and thought about it.

"Tang Qingshan, although you cultivated it is strong, but it is too much to control! If so, then don't blame us for being unkind!"

Suddenly, a cold voice exploded in midair.

I saw that in a flame mountain, there are three figures, rising from the sky.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), broke out of the terrible emperor, killing Tang Qingshan.

This is the two young people, and a young girl, each person's breath, has reached the level of the Emperor triple, there is a mysterious power in the body, far from the ordinary emperor can compare.

"That is not one of the nine-character ancient seas. The genius Wudi ranked 22nd in Wu Hung, the 24th in Ling Xiao, and the 29th in the Shi Zhaoxue?"

"What? The three of them are all coming?"

"Hey, there are only two left, and all the descendants of the nine-character ancient sea are basically all together!"

All the monks around, as well as blood, Lin Yan, Thunder, and so on, the minds are all shaking, even the Jiang Kong Mantra and Li Qi Mo are all shocked.

They never imagined that at this time, most of the descendants of the nine-character ancient sea appeared, and these people also directly fought against Tang Qingshan.

After all, the top ten emperors of the genius Wudi list, together with life and death, this grand event, but it is difficult to see.

"The other three descendants of the Jiu Zi Gu Hai?"

Qin Nan’s gaze suddenly became extremely sharp.

According to the current situation, Gong Yang was assassinated by the black robe emperor, presumably the three were planning behind the scenes.

"I want to be rude to me? Then all will die."

The face of Tang Qingshan did not change at all. On the contrary, the killing of the body became more and more intense. The black knife that had been quiet behind him began to tremble and exudes a red light.

The appearance of these three people has already caused the blood in his body to start boiling, and he is qualified to let him pull the knife.

"Let them all die? Tang Qingshan, Tang Qingshan, they are all nine-character ancient sea people. According to the rules, we kill the gods and ban the land, can not shoot them. Is it true that these rules, you are not in the eyes Yet?"

Just at the moment of the outbreak of this war, a sneer, echoing in the whole world.

I don't know why, when this sentence fell, in the void, above the earth, there was no more cracks in the road, and the atmosphere around it began to become chilling.

People have not yet arrived, and the world has begun to change color.

"this is……"

Jiang Kong curse and Li Qi Mo, as if to find something, Huanren slightly shrink.

This is the first time that they have responded after they arrived at the Tianshan Mountains.

(End of this chapter)


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