Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1338: Target

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-eight chapters of the public


Only heard a rush of loud and empty sound, in this mid-air, there was a young man wearing a dark gold robes, with a **** hair, black eyes and scars.

The moment when this young man appeared, a cold and cold killing, as if descending from the sky, fell to all directions, pervasive, and the killing sent out from Tang Qingshan was even more intense.

"Meng Biao evil?"

Jiang Kong’s curse and Li Qi’s face changed at the same time.

"This is... Meng Yi evil?"

"What? Meng Yixie? Is one of the rumors of the murder of the gods, the genius Wudi ranks seventh, killing the Meng dynasty of the second day of the warrior?"

At this moment, the monks around, as well as the blood, Lin Yan, Thunder, and so on, are all shaking hands and screaming.

You must know that in the whole country of the demigod, among the several descendants of the banned land, the fierce name of Meng Xie and evil is bigger than that of Tang Qingshan and others, and countless monks have talked about it.

"Rules? Here, I am the rule."

Tang Qingshan seems to have not seen Mengxie evil, his face has not changed in the slightest, and the killing of one body is constantly climbing, and the killing in the hands has become more aggressive and domineering.

"You are the rule? Tang Qingshan, Tang Qingshan, you are daring, despising the rules of killing the land, I am now disciplining against you on behalf of Master."

"Wu Hong, Ling Xiao, Si Zhaoxue, three friends, we can join hands together."

Meng Yixie seems to be waiting for Tang Qingshan's sentence. When he finishes talking, he immediately opens his mouth and sneers at the corner of his mouth. A horrible emperor erupts from his body, and countless presents a dark red sword. Evolved.

This trick is to kill one of the inheritance of the gods, to display it, between the heavens and the earth, only the sword, all living things, are killed.

“Thank you for Meng Daoyou.”

Wu Hung, Ling Xiao and Si Zhaoxue are all happy in the heart. With the help of Meng Yuxie, they can certainly suppress Tang Qingshan and kill Gong Yang.

"It's not good. Meng Yixie has cultivated this person and reached the level of the four emperors. There is still a mysterious power in the body, which is completely comparable to that of the brothers..."

Qin Nan’s face suddenly sinks.

Although Tang Qingshan’s cultivation is extremely tyrannical, in the face of so many genius Wudi

(Under the end of this chapter, please turn the page), I am afraid it is difficult to compete.

At this time, the change is regenerated.


A terrible animal snoring sounded from the depths of the day. Many of the monks who were shocked, their ears were humming, and a large piece of emptiness was directly shattered!

Then, a pair of thick and sturdy dragon claws, from the midair, smashed the void, emerged, and covered a large shadow, smashing a terrible dragon!

This behemoth is a red dragon that is comparable to the Emperor!

Not only that, on this dragon's back, there is still a tall figure, a majestic figure, and a magnificent figure, even with three figures, exudes the breath of the peak of the Emperor!

However, this is far from over!

In this red dragon book, a hundred miles away, suddenly there are countless dark clouds, quickly gathered together, in the blink of an eye, it has become a huge cloud of three hundred miles long!

In the dark clouds, the storm that had been rolled up and turned into a statue of another statue, a total of forty-three, one of sixteen, all exudes a glimpse of the great emperor!

These lineups, even if compared with the figure on the back of this huge red dragon, are only slightly inferior, and the difference is not too big!

"The demon **** is forbidden?"

"This is the shadow family, the people of the shadow family are coming!"

"How long has it been, how come two major forces!"

"The key point is that the demon **** has forbidden at least twenty demons, and the shadow family has at least sixteen emperors..."

All the scattered people in all directions, as well as blood, Lin Yan, Thunder and so on, looked at this scene, and all of them were bursting into waves, and it was difficult to maintain calm.

Even the Jiang Kong Mantra, as well as the Li Qi Mo, is no exception.

"That is the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor, the nine-tailed predecessors and the heavens?"

When Qin Nan looked up and looked up, his gaze was immediately attracted to the familiar figures on the back of the red dragon.

This is the first time he has seen them since he came to the country of the demigod.

"Ha ha ha, I have come to a lot of acquaintances, but now Meng Yixie, this guy is shooting, waiting for me to help him, kill Tang Qingshan, and then say hello to you."

With a big laugh, in the red dragon

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) On the back, one is five feet tall, like a giant figure, stepping out, eyes like a torch, there is a door in the hands of a terrible magic, running open, banging to Tang Castle Peak.

This young man is the son of the demon **** today. The demon **** is the lord of the forbidden land. The genius of the martial arts is ranked eighth, second only to Xiao Yun of Meng Xie.

"Oh, Tang Qingshan, I didn't expect you to have it today. Since Meng Xie, Xiao Yun, Wu Hung, all friends, have all shot together, then I should also do my part and deal with you."

A cold voice came from the thick black clouds, followed by a black robes, surrounded by black and white, the shape is similar to the Li Qi Mo, the momentum is a different figure, directly killed.

This black robe figure is the eighth soul of the genius of the genius.

"Xiao Yun and Wan Wan soul shot on Tang Qingshan?"

All the monks in the audience, as well as blood, Lin Yan, Thunder, and so on, are all looking for a stay.

It is possible to let the people who are in the halls of Meng Xie, Xiao Yun, Wan Chuang, Wu Hung, etc., together, I am afraid that there will be only Tang Qingshan.

However, after thinking about it, this is also normal.

After all, Tang Qingshan, who has killed a lot of demon gods, and ghosts, and several descendants of the banned land are all in a competitive state.


A deafening explosion sounded in mid-air.

Tang Qingshan, who could barely compete against it, had a sudden surge in pressure after Xiao Yun and Wan Wan’s souls intervened, and the lawlessness of killing the sky was all hardened.

Moreover, on the black robes of Tang Qingshan, there were a lot of holes in the road, and even a lot of scars appeared, and began to show scarlet blood.

"If there is no accident, Tang Qingshan will die!"

All the monks in the audience, as well as blood, Lin Yan, Thunder, and so on, all reacted and raised this idea in their minds.

Meng Qixie, Xiao Yun, Wan Feng, Wu Hung, Ling Xiao, Si Zhaoxue, the six people jointly shot, I am afraid that even the six giants of the Great, can not resist.

What's more, behind the two people, Xiao Yun, Wan Wan, and the giants of the Great, who are from the Forbidden City and the Ghosts.

Under such a situation, even if it is the peak of a great emperor, it must not be saved.

(End of this chapter)


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