Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1348: No heaven

The first thousand three hundred and forty-eight chapters

"This is the source of Tianshan?"

"No, this should be the picking of the lotus pond, just like picking up the dojo."

"Is it a ghost crying butterfly? This kind of strange animal, not in the ancient times, has been completely extinct?"

"I rely on, the five kings of Pluto? Not old? And is that the legendary antiquity?"

When the three people of Qinnan walked into the bronze arch, they were transferred to a strange space by a powerful force. In the future, they could watch the surrounding, and the ears rang with amazement.

"Well? A lot of different animals!"

Qinnan subconsciously looked at him and immediately saw them in front of them. There was a lotus pond with a long and eternal radius. The giants of the major forces, the genius Wudi, and other scattered gates all gathered in this lotus pond.

As for the pool of water, between the flowers, there is a head of the monster.

Although the cultivation of these monsters is only Wuzu and Wusheng, their ethnicity, Qinnan has never seen it before.

"It seems that the rumor is true. The owner of Tianshan, who has a source, has a quirk and likes to raise those rare animals. Oh, if you know it, bring a few heads."

The wonderful Princess on the side couldn't help but scream, and the lingering light in the corner of her eyes was from time to time to Xiao Yun and the demon **** forbidden to wait for others.

After entering the depths of the Tianshan Mountains, do you need to find an opportunity to suppress Xiao Yun to the source of Tianshan?

After all, this Xiao Yun's bloodline is also very rare.

"That youth, is Qinnan?"

Among the crowds, because of the arrival of the wonderful Princess, the eyes of Wanshou Soul, Jiang Kong Mantra, Li Qi Mo, Wu Hung, etc., all noticed Qin Nan.

For Qinnan, they still have a little impression.

"This guy, is it so close to the wonderful princess?"

There are also blood, Lin Yan, Thunder three, a slight look.

"Hey, at most, it’s just a little bit of friendship."

The blood, Lin Yan, and Thunder quickly sneered.

In their view, Qin Nan was mostly in front of the unprovoked emperor, and happened to make friends with Miao Miao Princess. If they wanted to kill Qin Nan, Miao Miao Princess would never stop them.

"Welcome to all the friends, come here, because of some special reasons, the owner can not personally greet you, now it is done by the next."

At this time, a loud drink rang from the side, followed by a robes wearing a beast, two scars in the eyebrows, and a middle-aged man who had reached the fifth of the Emperor and fell to the lotus. In front of the ancient pool.

"Is this not the eclipse of the emperor? He actually joined the source of the Tianshan?"

Many great emperors, seeing this middle-aged man, his face is a slight glimpse.

Thousands of years ago, this eclipse emperor, but notorious, did a lot of devastating things, and later the giants of the three major forces, while killing, he did not trace.

"I must have found a lot of friends in the room, I have already discovered my identity, but that is all the things that happened. I am now the elder of Tianshan."

"If you don't want to talk about it, the source of the Tianshan Mountains has been hidden for nearly three thousand years. The pattern inside has long been different from the past."

"This time the master opened the Tianshan Mountain, it was for the selection of the descendants, so I sent me to inform the map of the source Tianshan, and the rules inside."

The soul of the soul is full of smiles.


At this moment, even the giants of the great emperor, the brows are all lightly picked.

Originally, they thought that this source of Tianshan would be like other forbidden places, and would like to enter the deepest place and overcome many difficulties.

Now that the map is published directly, it must be another mystery.

"This is the map of the source of the Tianshan Mountains. The above-mentioned head is ancientized, and it is the place where the Taoist platform and the owner are now."

The eclipse emperor gave a shot, a huge map, and suddenly evolved.

This map is round and has a densely packed road. There are more than 300 types of dangerous land that are marked as large and small. As for the ancientization, it is in the middle of the place.

"There is no heaven!"

The one of the great emperor, the genius Wudi, and Qin Nan’s eyes were all staring at the ancientization.

The goalless platform is the goal of these giants and the goal of Qinnan.

In this place, the rules of the Emperor's List, the God's List, and the South Gate, can't come down. As long as Qinnan climbs up, he can lead to the thunder of heaven and earth and directly prove the emperor.

"Remind you that in addition to the place where the ancientizations are located, all the other roads and all the dangerous places will change once every half hour, and it will change randomly."

"In a nutshell, after half an hour, you will enter a dangerous land, kill directly, or enter a treasure, and harvest the ancient heritage. As for the deepest."

"Look at luck."

The mouth of the Elder Emperor evokes the degree of smearing, which is quite gloomy.


All the monks present, even the great peaks of the great emperor, have changed their faces.

You must know that places like Tianshan in the source road, those dangerous places, even the repair of the peaks of the great emperor, are sure to die.

According to such a rule, by luck, then each of them may not be able to die?

"You don't have to worry, this kind of chaotic rules, our owners are naturally not allowed, so we will conduct an assessment before entering the source of Tianshan."

"This assessment, called the final product, has a total of three products, the next six products, the highest product."

"A person who has acquired a product will only encounter a dangerous place in the change of the map. Those who have obtained the second product will only encounter a second risk. The number of times of encountering the dangerous land will be deduced by analogy."

"In addition, the people of the top three products can not die. The people of the next six products can get certain tips when they are in the crisis of death, and they can survive for 50%."

The smile on the face of the Elder Spirit is getting thicker and thicker, and there is a faint green light in the eye.

"On the top three products, the next six products? In this case, it is a bit interesting! Even if you have not obtained the top three products, and cultivated as the only place of Wuzu, there is a great opportunity to enter the deepest place."

Everyone present is an extraordinary generation. Between the counts and the interests, the changes brought about by this rule are straightened out in the mind.

"There is another thing. It is a little different for the owner to choose the descendants and choose other descendants."

The Elder Spirit continued to say, but his words have not been finished yet, and the changes have suddenly occurred!

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