Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1349: Heavenly animal claw

The first thousand three hundred and forty-nine chapters

The incomparably strong atmosphere of the road, in the mid-air, successively emerged, emerged in a short period of time, there will be a full hundred, so that the entire circle of thousands of miles of lotus pond, are slightly boiling, Countless ancient animals, shivering, whispering.

"this is"

In the place, some people are slightly shocked, and their eyes are brushed. After seeing the hundreds of figures, almost everyone knows instantly that these figures are the unseen Nantiandi, Wudaozong and Yaochi holy places. Monk.

"Is that the funeral cloud?"

"Look there, the golden robe figure is Zhuang Qiang, and the masked woman not far away, it must be Ji Qimei!"

"What? The three of them are all coming?"

When there were a lot of scattered repairs, from the more than one hundred monks, I saw the three powerful figures, and when they found their identity, their faces were suddenly moving.

The funeral Xuanyun, the second day of the Southern Heavenly Land, is ranked fourth in the genius of the Wudi, and there are more rumors that he is only half a step away from the rules of martial arts.

There are also Zhuang Qiang and Ji Qimei, both of which are the second day of Buddhism and Yaochi Holy Land. They rank fifth and sixth respectively on the list of genius Wudi, especially Zhuang Qiang, or one of the three great talents today. Zhuang Zhidao’s younger brother has great possibilities. Xi Huizhuang gives the power to transcend the rules of martial arts.

Compared with these three people, even Xiao Yun, Meng Yi, Wan Wan, Warlord, and so on, must lose a point.

"Is there three of them?"

Xiao Yun, Meng Yixie, Wan Chou, Warlord and other genius Wudi, eyebrows slightly pick, not only did not have the slightest fear, but the heart was also a light breath.

As long as Sheng Tian is surprised that the three monsters are not coming, then it is ok.

Although the three people of the funeral Xuanyun are also very strong, the ranking is higher than them, but they have not surpassed the rules of martial arts after all. If they really kill themselves, it is not necessarily the one who will die.

"The four great peak emperors, the eight emperors are nine heavy, and the sixty-three emperor giants. The three strong forces who came here this time are quite a bit."

In contrast, the giants of the major forces, the attention of the three people of the funeral Xuanyun, will be much less, more attention, are concentrated in the strong forces of the three forces this time.

"Sheng Tian Jing, have you not come this time?"

Qin Nan withdrew his gaze and shook his head, showing a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that the birth of Tianshan in the original source would attract Sheng Tian to the three of them. In this way, he can confront the three geniuses at the time of the emperor.

"Is this the old monster that was sent out this time?"

However, everyone did not realize that in one corner, there were two ancestral martial arts, and the group of monks who looked at Nantiandi’s land smacked their lips.

"Is it the three major forces? Everything I said just now, I am sending it to you now. Time is limited, please, at this time, don't tell the old, listen to me all."

The soul of the Elder Spirit has not changed, and opens again.

The entire noisy lotus pond was restored to a moment of calm, and everyone’s eyes were once again gathered on the body of the Elder Soul.

"I just mentioned the matter of picking people."

"There are only one descendants to be selected by the host this time, so they have specially formulated a rule different from other forces."

"In all major dangers, treasures, and space, the masters have left the dragon claws of the heavenly dragon. If anyone can get three hundred and thirty days of dragon claws and hand it over to the master, they can directly become a descendant without any other Assessment."

The soul of the eclipse is slowing down.

"What? Directly become a successor?"

Many of the scattered people present, after hearing this, the heart is accelerating.

If it is such a rule, even if they are such a cultivation, such a martial art has a great possibility to become a source of Tianshan.

"In addition, after you enter the Heavenly Road, you need to pay 30 days of dragon claws to trigger the big array above, which will lead to a sense of power, help you to understand and break through the realm."

The ecstasy thought of what to add, added a sentence.

"It takes 30 days to retreat with a heavenly platform. If this is the case, then all the monks who are present will have to collect this kind of dragon claw."

Many of the giants in the big forces, the brows are slightly wrinkled.

"Get down to business, now I’m going to start the assessment. I don’t know which Taoist first comes?”

The soul of the eclipse was turned over. In front of him, there was an old gun with a red body and a length of twenty-three feet. On the tip of the big gun, nine transparent crystals of rhomboid crystal were set. .

"I will come first!"

Along with a big drink, a giant of the great emperor flew to the front of the big gun, bent his finger, and popped up a emperor light containing the will of his own martial arts, and broke into the big gun.


The whole old gun, suddenly trembled, exuding a thrilling gunmanship, on the tip of the gun, there are also four crystals, flashing colorful radiance, in the chest of this great giant, There are also three more powerful and powerful characters.

The next four products!

"Only the next four products?"

In the eyes of the great emperor, he immediately showed a disappointing color. If he did not reach the top three, then he might fall down here.

"Let me come this time!"

Among the crowds, another giant of the great emperor flew out and began to assess.

"The next five products"

"How can I only have the next six products?"

"Haha, I have got the top three!"

Next, a monk, a giant of the great emperor, began to assess, which also made the atmosphere of the whole lotus pool hot.

Also with the progress of the assessment, all the people present were found, even if they were only martial arts, they could get the top three products.

In other words, this assessment of the product has nothing to do with the cultivation of talent.


I don't know how long it has passed, everyone's eyes are all condensed, looking at the person who participated in the assessment, the body of Wanshou.

Until now, this is the first time that the first product has appeared.

"It is worthy to be the ninth of the genius Wudi, the patriarch of the ghost family, even if this assessment does not look at strength and talent, you can also get the last product."

Many monks have come back to God and can’t help but express their feelings.

There are some distances that exist after all, which they cannot cross.

"There are thousands of souls in the district, and you can also get a product. Then my words must be the last one."

Along with a loud voice, I saw only the face of the warlord with no expression, step by step, the warfare was distributed, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

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