Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1350: Few

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-five chapters are few


Sure enough, after the assessment of the Warlord, it is also a product.

"Haha, since both are on the top, then I will try."

Seeing this scene in the blood, I couldn’t hold it anymore, and laughed loudly, and it came out with blood and flew forward.

After he finished the assessment, the situation of the on-the-spot assessment changed directly. The genius Wudi, who was still unmoved, such as Xuanyun, Zhuangqian, Jiqimei, Mengxie, Xiaoyun, Wuhong, etc., are all in succession. Participate in the assessment.


"It's still the last product"

"Sie Zhaoxue is also a product!"

The scattered people present, looking at the results of this one by one, no longer have any exclamation, the emotions in the heart, completely numb.

They have to admit that this group of young patriarchs, forbidden people, even the most important existence, are also people in the dragon and phoenix, even if it is no better than repairing and martial arts, they can not compare with it.

"I am going to check."

Qin Nan waited until Miao Miao Princess, Gong Yang and others, all of them ended the assessment and obtained the last product. They immediately smiled and tiptoed, and fell in front of the old big gun.

"This is the Qinnan that goes beyond the rules of martial arts?"

This moment, in addition to Xiao Yun, Meng Yixie, blood three, Long Di and other giants, even have not paid attention to any monk's funeral Xuan Yun, Zhuang Qianpeng, Ji Qimei three, are all lifted At first, look at it with interest.

Different from other people, they still have a strong interest in Qinnan. After all, they have begun to explore how to transcend the rules of martial arts.

"Qin Nan? The self-certified man"

No one knows, the two ancient giants of Nantiandi, and the two mysterious Wuzu monks in the corner, the brows are slightly wrinkled.

Although in their view, this Qinnan, it is impossible to be the self-certified emperor, but have to admit that as the fourth person to surpass the rules of martial arts, Qinnan still has certain possibilities.

As long as there is such a possibility, they must pay attention, preferring to kill and not let go.

"Qin Nan, this assessment, you have to be mentally prepared."

At this time, a voice exploded in the mind of Qinnan. This person who was a voice was a smiling emperor.

"Well? Ready?"

Qin Nan’s face was slightly stunned.

"According to the owner's instructions, the results of your assessment will be very poor."

"The master told me to tell you that the things you are going to do this time are too much against the sky, the factors influencing the invisible, and the changes that may occur at that time are very numerous. If you want to succeed, you must have to The toughest place, killing step by step."

"In addition, the master asked me to marry you, the chess pieces arranged by the emperor's list, the gods list, and the Nantianmen have arrived. They are all staring at you. You must be careful."

The Elder Spirit continued to pass the sound, deep in his eyes, revealing a thick curious color.

He really couldn't think of what could be done in the realm of a ancestral home in the district?

Moreover, the Tang Emperor, the God List, and the South Gate, are all concerned about him?

"The Emperor's List, the South Gate, and the God's List are really extraordinary. I have already proved that the Emperor has failed, and I have faded out of the sight of everyone. They are still alert to me."

When Qin Nan heard this, he couldn’t help feeling with emotion.

This group of horrors exists, and it is simply that there is no leakage. Any possibility of a little bit will not be let go.

"Predecessors, then please."

Qin Nan shook his head, did not think much, after passing a god, immediately raised his hand and played a martial will.

He said that the source of the Tianshan Mountain is completely recognized. Only by smashing it from the most difficult places can it be greatly reduced.

This is the same as practice. The more solid your foundation is, the greater your chances of success.

If you want to be a thing of the opposite world, you will have to bear the hardships of the heavens.

The last time he failed to prove himself to the emperor, in addition to not having a grand scene, it was also because he had all the way above, with the help of the sun and the moon, and almost no setbacks.


In an instant, the old big gun, once again vibrated, one piece after another, the diamond-shaped crystal began to shine, until the seventh piece, only came to an abrupt end.

"The next eight products?"

At this moment, the genius Wu Yun, Zhuang Qianpeng, Ji Qimei, Xiao Yun, Meng Xie, Wan Shou, and so on, the genius Wudi, and the great giants, their faces are exposed with the wrong color. I can hardly believe my eyes.

We must know that the people who have been assessed as the next eight products have been counted as few and far fewer than five.

Although Qin Nan has not yet proved the emperor, he has surpassed the existence of the rules of martial arts, and at least he can get the last three products.

"Ha ha ha, this final assessment, but do not look at the martial arts and repairs! Qin Nan, although this aspect of martial arts talent is very strong, but other aspects, then it is not allowed."

The blood, Lin Yan, and Thunder three people suddenly burst into laughter and looked at Qin Nan’s eyes, revealing a thick and scornful color.

"The only eight products in the district."

The two ancient giants of Nantiandi, and the two mysterious martial arts monks, shook their heads and regained their gaze.

Let's not talk about Qin Nan, who is the self-certified emperor. As far as the current situation is concerned, Qin Nan wants to enter the depths of the Tianshan Mountains and go to the Heavenly Road, which is almost impossible.

"The next eight products"

The faces of Miao Miao Princess, Gong Yang, Long Di, and Jiuwei Demon are all slightly changed.

The risk of corruption is not mentioned for the time being. What is more important is that even if they want to help Qinnan, it is extremely difficult under the existing rules of Tianshan.

"Qinnan Road Friends, do not have to be discouraged, this rule of the rules does not mean everything. With your means, etc., there is still a great opportunity to enter the deepest part of the Tianshan Mountains."

"Xiao Daoyou said this sentence is correct."

Xiao Yun and Meng Xie, while walking, while opening, although the heart is dark, but the surface is not exposed.

Of course, the two of them do not believe that Qinnan can enter the deepest point, deliberately say this, just want Qinnan not to back down, continue to enter the source of Tianshan, and then fall.


Miao Miao Princess glanced at the two and prepared to speak.

"Xiao Daoyou and Meng Daoyou said that it is correct. The order does not mean everything. I still have a great chance. Princess, Gong Yang, don't worry, I have my own plans."

Qin Nan said calmly, as if he did not know his current situation.

"You put this piece of jade on, and don't give the princess a stubborn time."

Miao Miao Princess originally wanted to dissuade, but she thought of Qin Nan’s character. She would not say anything more. She took out a piece of jade and handed it to Qin Nan, with a serious face.

Since Qin Nan decided, then what she has to do is to do everything she can to help Qin Nan.

"Juppe has the breath of life?"

Xiao Yun and Meng Xie are both slightly shrinking.

Such a precious thing, the wonderful Princess actually took out, how much does she care about Qin Nan?

"I didn't expect that the wonderful Princess actually cares about you so much. When you are lucky, you don't blame us."

Xiao Yun and Meng Yixie quickly reacted, and the eyes flashed in the cold.

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