Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1351: Fengming Lingdie

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-one chapter Fengming Lingdie

In the hearts of both of them, for the wonderful Princess, they are all inevitable.

Because they not only have a good impression on the wonderful Princess, the appearance of the wonderful Princess, etc., are impeccable, and the powerful force behind her is even more tempting.

In a sense, having a wonderful princess is equivalent to having a lost medicine garden.

Therefore, they did not mind, just remove this Qinnan directly.

As for Qin Nan, they did not pay attention to them at all, but chatted with Miao Miao Princess and Gong Yang.

They have not seen each other for a long time.

Soon, the storm passed and the assessment continued.

It was not until half an hour passed that it was completely over.

All the monks present, a total of 173 people for the top three products, 1,226 people for the next six products, of which the next eight products, including Qinnan, only 12 people.

"Forget to tell you that between the dragons and the claws, you can sense each other. That is to say, after you get the first day of the dragon claws, you can know which places have the dragon claws, how many of the other monks A day of dragon claws."

"Since the assessment is over, I will send you all over now, and the lotus array will be extremely good."

Accompanied by the soul of the eclipse, the curse of the sorcerer, the entire lotus pond, the lotus flower lotus leaves, are the mysterious light that flashed up, thousands of ancient arrays, and at the same time began Running.


At this moment, all the arrays of law broke out with the power of a vast space, intertwined, and there will be people in the place, disappearing.

Time passes, after a hundred interest, in a strange space.


The figure of Qin Nan emerged and landed on the ground.

"Well? It’s a strong flame, it seems that the first space I entered is probably one of the hundreds of dangerous places."

A thought flashed in Qinnan’s mind and looked up at the Quartet.

I saw that the whole world is a flame. The distant mountains, the forests, and the clusters of flames are burning, even if they are not close, they feel very hot. .

"Become a successor, it takes three hundred and thirty days to kill the dragon claws. It only takes 30. It takes only 30. Before entering the deepest, I have to do my best to find 360."

Qin Nan’s heart is dark.

Although his purpose for this time is to prove the emperor, but there is a suitable opportunity, he can also become a descendant of the source of Tianshan, and master the true meaning of cultivation.

"The space in which it is now, changed once in half an hour, how many times to change, in order to enter the deepest point of Tianshan in the source road, it is still unclear. According to the assessment of the top nine products, the only certainty is that at least I have to go through nine changes."

With thoughts, Qin Nan’s brows wrinkled slightly.

In other words, he is best to get three hundred and sixty days of dragon claws in the nine spatial transformations.

After all, no one knows whether the tenth transformation will enter the deepest part of the Tianshan Mountains.

"Hurry up."

Qin Nan shook his head and no longer thought about it. The God of War left and ran, sweeping toward the front.

Now that time is tight, at least when he changes the space, he must find at least one dragon claw.


However, just waiting for Qinnan to go out of the hundreds of steps, in the mid-air, there is a powerful force of flames, suddenly gathered together, turned into a big flame, grabbed.


Qinnan eyes glanced, his right arm broke open, and the sky was empty, and the flames were smashed.

"This attack is extremely inconspicuous. There is no warning at all. If it is only a big emperor and the response is not timely, I am afraid I will be seriously injured."

Qinnan secretly screamed, and the body began to tighten.

The murder of this dangerous land is obviously just beginning, and the murder in the back will be even more dangerous.

"Is it a dragon claw? Or three?"

After thousands of steps, Qin Nan saw from a deep crack in the earth. There are three people with a height of one person, showing a dark color, exuding the claws of a cold and cold dragon, standing quietly.

"It seems that this luck is good."

There was no stop in Qinnan, and the toes were a little bit. They did not enter the cracks and directly grabbed the three dragon claws.

However, just as his finger was only five inches away from the three-day dragon claws, a strong sense of crisis in his heart suddenly exploded.

"not good!"

Qin Nan did not hesitate and went straight back.


The three days of the dragon claws, as if they noticed something, suddenly shattered, and evolved into three long, ten-footed, inflexible dark dragons, open the blood basin, and bite toward Qinnan. Come.


After seeing through the temperament of these three illusory dark dragons, Qin Nan’s toes are a little bit, and he does not retreat. Even if any emperor has not been applied, he will directly smash and punch the three dragons. broken.

His current body is already comparable to the four giants of the Great.

"I didn't expect that even this kind of dragon claws would be fake, and even if my **** of war left, I couldn't see the slightest clue. I need to be more careful."

Qin Nan heart was slightly shocked.

This time, his luck was not bad. He met only three black dragons that were comparable to the Emperor's triple. If he encountered a dragon that was comparable to the Eighth Emperor, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

"Well? Is there a fight?"

Qinnan eyebrows are slightly picky.

He passed the left wing of God of War and saw that there was a force of flame in the left front, and some other forces were constantly colliding.

"Looking at the past."

Qin Nan's figure flashed, and after thousands of interest, his footsteps stopped in midair.

I saw that in the mountains far away from the distance, there is a giant of the great emperor, and there are three monks of the ancestors of Wuzu, with a golden body, a huge wing, a demon-like, and a large eagle of the emperor. Kill.

At the back of the eagle, there is a cave, and the depths of the cave are quietly standing two days of dragon claws.

"That friend, please also help, as long as you can kill this ancient gold carving, the inside of the dragon claws we can divide!"

The emperor’s heavy existence, instantly noticed Qin Nan, his eyes flashed and opened his mouth.

"That guy is just a martial arts peak."

The other three monks of Wuzu are slightly stunned. Under such a situation, there is no more martial arts. I am afraid that it will not play any role.

"it is good."

Qinnan left-handed flashing light, the big hand waved, the knife of the road, suddenly whistling out, falling on the body of the ancient gold carving.

I don't know why, these knives are not strong, but after they fall, this ancient golden eagle is screaming violently, with painful face and breath, and it is falling.

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