Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1352: Every move

The first three hundred and fifty-two chapters move every move


After the interest rate, this ancient golden eagle, screaming in the sky, actually fanned the wings, rolled up countless suffocating, turned into a golden awn, and fell into the void.

Obviously, it is no longer willing to fight again.

Qinnan saw this scene and did not continue to pursue.

His previous shot was to make this ancient golden sculpture difficult to retreat.

After all, the source of the Tianshan Mountain, he has grace, these ancient animals, he will naturally not kill.


The three monks of Wuzu looked directly at the place, even the great emperor.

Originally, he asked Qin Nan to help him. He just wanted Qin Nan to die and weaken the fighting power of this ancient golden carving. However, the result made him never think that the existence of Wuzu in this district actually scared the ancient gold carvings. gone.

"If I didn't guess wrong, you must have a very powerful technique to see through the weaknesses of the ancient gold carvings?"

As a giant of the great emperor, it is not easy to be natural. I quickly reacted and found the mystery.

"indeed so."

"I just scared away the ancient golden eagle and solved the crisis. These two days are absolutely claws. I take one."

Qin Nan nodded, did not say much, reached out and grabbed.

"Ha ha ha, you actually want to take away a dragon claw? Are you really stupid, or fake? The world of martial arts, the weak meat, I am a generation of great emperor, these two days of dragon claws, naturally my! ”

"Wu Zu, who is also daring to grab food with me? Give the Emperor a roll!"

The giant of the great emperor, after a big laugh, looked sharply and turned his face directly. His body swayed and rolled up the emperor. An ancient emperor hit the Qinnan, and the surrounding forests were all shaking.

“What is it?”

Qin Nan’s face suddenly became cold, and a horrible breath emanated on him, so that the aura of heaven and earth in all directions was a boil, like a peerless beast, opening a **** mouth.

"You, you are the great emperor giant? Lingshen Fu, burning!"

The giant of the great emperor, his face suddenly changed, almost no hesitation, a very rare, one of his life-saving cards, the crutches directly crushed, a mysterious light, immediately shine, shrouded him, broke into the void .

The momentum that this young man exudes is several times stronger than him, comparable to the Emperor triple.

If he fights, he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

"The reaction is very fast."

Qin Nan shook his head, and the breath converges. He grabbed the big hand and took away a dragon claw.

"We just joined forces together, and you have merits, so the rest of you, you can allocate it yourself."

Qin Nan smiled lightly, his body flashed, disappeared, leaving the three martial arts monks, standing in the same place, and never heard back.

In the void, an ancient golden eagle is looking down at a water curtain. In the water curtain, Qin Nan and the great emperor just played, and then took away a picture of a dragon claw.

"how about it?"

Just then, an old, majestic voice slowly sounded.

"Master, this son did not kill me, but deliberately let me go, which proves your kindness to him, he is completely in mind, do not want to destroy your loved ones."

"Just a few days ago, for a total of two days, he only took one. This can also prove that he attaches great importance to the agreement and will not directly destroy it because of the strength of cultivation."

"I appreciate this character."

The ancient golden eagle slowly opened its mouth, and at the end of the day, it did not forget to add one.

"Ha ha ha, it seems that the magic sword **** and Wu Yuange said yes, this son's nature, really good, heavy feelings."

"However, it is also possible that he found out that this was a temptation and deliberately made such a move, so he would continue to test."

"No matter how clever a person is, it can't be completely obscured. Inadvertently, it will reveal its true nature."

The ancient majestic voice continues to ring.

In the midair, the shape of Qin Nan is like a long rainbow in the sky.

"I have already flew away for three hundred miles. The induction of the dragon claws on this day is almost gone. It seems that the scope of the induction is only about three hundred miles."

Qin Nan’s heart is dark.

These are only details, but they are also useful at critical times.

"Qinnan, you are now in the Tianshan Mountains of the source road? You are running the emperor, I am so good. Hey, you have to bring the boy, Ma Ma, this mixed boy, I am afraid I need two pillars of incense to come."

At this time, a slightly depressed voice sounded in the mind of Qinnan, and it was a generation of dragon gods.

"Can you bring Sima Air?"

Qinnan’s slight glimpse, so far away, can bring people to come, it seems that this worm is more powerful than he imagined.

Soon Qin Nan ran the emperor's heart, and no longer thought about it, and continued to fly forward.

This flight is the time of the whole integer.

During this period, Qin Nan passed the Tianjiu claws and sensed three monks, two great emperors, one Wuzu, and there was only one dragon claw in his body.

However, the other party did not shoot him, and he did not shoot.

Although the robbery can allow him to quickly accumulate the dragon claws in a short period of time, Qin Nan will never take the initiative to do such things for no reason.


Suddenly, Qin Nan’s face was a glimpse.

The sacred dragon claws in his squad have sent a violent sensory. Not only that, but he also saw through the left hand of God of War, that there are four extremely powerful forces in the distant place in front of them, which are colliding.

This is at least the volatility caused by the giants who have more than eight emperors.

"Through the reaction of the dragon claws, in addition to the four powerful forces of this confrontation, there should be dozens of monks present, so that you can look at it in the past."

Qin Nan gently took a breath, sealed the body's breath, and slowly flew forward.

With his current cultivation, even if he is the Eighth Giant of the Great, he can safely retreat.

However, at the moment it is only the first space. Qin Nan still does not want to expose his cultivation completely.

Otherwise, the situation behind him will be extremely unfavorable to him.

"this is"

After hundreds of interest, Qin Nan stopped.

I saw that there was a huge valley in front of him. There were three great emperors in the valley. Zhang, the whole body is entwined with the Thunder's apes, and they are killed together.

The entire huge valley, because of this killing, trembles constantly, and the flames of countless burnings are also directly annihilated. The void above it is a large piece of collapse, and the scene is awkward.

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