Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1353: Tiger mouth

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-three chapters

These three great emperors, two of them, are the ghosts of the great emperor, repaired to reach the eight great emperors, and the other one is the sea emperor, repaired to reach the seven heavy.

As for the Thunder Monkey, it is even more extraordinary, and the combat power is comparable to that of the Emperor.

In addition, Qin Nan also saw that in the radius of the valley dozens of miles, there are four great emperors, three emperors, three emperors, two heavy, one heavy existence, quietly crouching, I watched the battle in front of me.


Qin Nan suddenly noticed something and looked down.

I saw only that there was a huge crack in the depths of the valley. There was a horrible horror in it. It was like a dragon-like purple thunder. Under the thunder, there were various kinds of treasures and ones. claw.

"Thirty-seven days of dragon claws?"

Qin Nan looked surprised.

It is no wonder that these three great emperors have to join hands in the face of such a thunder monkey.

Thirty-seven days of dragon claws, already a great number.

"It seems that the thirteen great emperors around the world are waiting for the three great emperors and the Thunder monkeys to lose both sides, and they will take a share."

"If this is the case, then I will not leave for the time being. After all, in their eyes, I only have the cultivation of Wu Zujing, and I will not be too wary of me."

"If there is a chance at the time, I will shoot again."

When Qin Nan thought about it, he made up his mind and his body fell on an old tree.


A deafening sound of explosions sounded one after another. The two great emperors of the Ghosts and the great emperor of the seas began to change constantly, as if they had joined forces to display a certain array of methods to trap the Thunder monkey.


The Thunder monkey is not weak, screaming in the sky, licking the hair, erecting the roots, and the thunder around it has become a head dragon, phoenix, scorpion, etc. in its hands, like a beast, a powerful storm increase.

The whole battle has become more and more fierce.

Every collision is like the killing of heaven and earth. It sways a horrible atmosphere and flocks to all directions, making this world a hundred miles of heaven and earth aura.

"Three hundred interest rates, five hundred interest rates, eight hundred interest rates, one thousand four hundred interest rates"

Qin Nan is in the big tree, staring at the battle, meditation in his heart.


I don't know how long it took, Qin Nan's eyes, suddenly and blindly.

I saw only the Thunder monkey, the blood in the eyes rose, like a superb magical display, countless thunders gathered, evolved into three amazing swords, violently stabbed.

The three great emperors, their faces changed in unison, without any hesitation, and the French and Indians broke out and played a ban on terror.


Throughout the world, a wave of shaking, countless suffocating and other forces, turned into a huge storm, rolled in all directions, the three great emperors, and the Thunder monkey, the body is a trembling, retreating again and again, mouth vomiting blood The breath is falling.

In this fight, both sides have been hit hard.

"Louiy Emperor, Xuanxu Emperor, Jiuqu Emperor, three predecessors, this offended!"

In an instant, a thunder screamed and rang out, only to see the four great emperors of the four great emperors, and three great emperors of the four great emperors, and at the same time bloomed out of the emperor, step by step, extraordinary momentum.

The Thunder monkey saw this scene, suddenly screamed, countless thunders, gathered behind the back, turned into wings, broke into the void.

With so many Terran emperors coming, it has been wounded and naturally cannot fight again.

"Ha ha ha, offended? Your abacus, do you think we are not clear? Although we are hurt now, but you are still far from the opponent, if you don't want to die, give up the dragon claw!"

Not only did the Emperor Luo Yin, the Emperor Xuanxu, and the Emperor Jiuqu not have any anger, but instead laughed up, and the emperor's light once again bloomed and swept across the party.

"Is it? Then look at who is the cockroach, who is the oriole!"

The four emperors are five-fold, and the three emperors are four-fold. It seems that they have already anticipated this scene, and their faces have not changed in the slightest. They just played the emperor in that hand.

"You seniors, offended!"

When the two giants of the Great Emperor, when they were strangled together, the remaining emperors were double and heavy, and they could no longer hold back. The Wuhun was released, and the Emperor’s light shone, and the Emperor hit it.

The entire valley, at this moment, became extremely chaotic.

Every great emperor is an extraordinary person. Before and after, they naturally consider it. As for who can laugh at the end and take away all the dragons and claws, it depends on their respective cards.

"The opportunity is coming!"

After hundreds of interest, Qin Nan, who has been silent forever, flashed his eyes in the eyes, without any hesitation, took out the treasure, and looked at the front.


For a moment, all the great emperors on the scene felt the fluctuations of the fishing treasure, and their faces were slightly stunned.

A district of Wuzu, even dare to intervene?

Just between the electric light and the flint, the strength of the fishing treasures has already passed through the purple thunder in the cracks, and all the thirty-seven days of dragon claws are rolled up, and they are pulled toward the rear.

"Take away the dragon claws directly?"

The emperor giants were surprised at their faces.

The purple thunder in the crack is very powerful. Even if it is the six giants of the Great, it must be attacked at least dozens of times to be completely destroyed.

How is this little ancestral martial arts going through the Thunder and taking away the dragon claws?

"One of the ants, dare to let go!"

A giant of the Great Emperor, who is closer to Qinnan, took the lead in reacting. His face was cold and crossed the void, just like the gods descended, and his palm was photographed directly toward Qinnan.

This palm is enough to smash everything in this radius.

"With this palm, I am afraid I can't hurt me!"

Qinnan tiptoe, countless collapses, behind him, turned into wings, suddenly fanned, broke out of amazing speed, rushed to the distance, this strike, directly avoid.


This great emperor is double-handed and directly stunned.

He never imagined that the ants in the ancestral home of the ancestors had erupted three times faster than the Emperor.

"Qin Nan?"

Other great emperors immediately discovered the identity of Qinnan.

As a result, they are relieved. Qin Nan has surpassed the rules of martial arts, and it is not impossible to break out the speed of being comparable to the Emperor.

"Virtual law!"

Among the many great emperors, one of the four great emperors existed, and the French and Indians were in the air. In the void of the head of Qinnan, there was a big knife with a length of several tens of feet, with a knives and knives.

"The collapse of the trip!"

Qinnan shouted, countless collapses, surging out, and evolved into a dark dazzling, blocking the top.


Accompanied by a burst of dense explosions, this dark and dazzling, immediately shattered, Qin Nan's body, also suffered an invisible blow, and even regressed, the mouth still overflowed with a blood.

This blow made him suffer.

"Only beyond the rules of martial arts, even the emperor has not succeeded, and dare to eat here, kill me!"

At this moment, a cold and icy voice swelled in the top of Qinnan's head. The ghost family, with the Emperor's eight-sounded emperor, stepped out from the void, the ancient sword in his hand, without mercy, straight down .

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