Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1354: Killing the news

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-four chapters of the killing spread


The whole radius of ten miles, was dyed into a white, a horrible sword, and descended from it, just like the ruling from Heaven and Earth Avenue. Everything in this ten miles must be directly judged by this horrible sword, and decided to live and die. .

There is not much change in the weight of the Emperor from one to ten, but the strength of the great emperor in the body will increase a lot.

In front of this, the Emperor of the Fallen Emperor has the cultivation of the Eight Emperors. The power of the Emperor in his body naturally accumulates to an incomparably vast position, even if it is just a sword, it is like a peerless murder.

"Amazing Knife"

In this moment, Qin Nan’s body is as tight as iron, and the hair is upright, the emperor’s heart in the body, the frantic beating, the two terrible martial arts will, and the constant operation, the broken knife in the hand is even more The road was extremely trembled.

Just need a thought, not even a half-time, he can play one of his strongest killings, and smash the sword out of a gap and escape.

However, this idea was not released, he did not choose to shoot, still staring at death.

He is betting and betting, then he can not only retreat safely, but also not expose his identity.

If there is no gambling, then he must be seriously injured or even disabled.


Just in the horror of Jiannan, Qinnan, only 30 cents left, only need half interest to swallow a circle of ten miles, the sudden change suddenly, the void in all directions, the mountains, woods, and There was a whole world, and they began to tremble violently.

"this is"

Xuanxu Emperor, Jiuqu Emperor, etc., his face is a glimpse.

"not good!"

The face of Luoyin’s emperor suddenly changed. Just watching the battle and calculating the great emperors, I completely forgot that there is a very important rule.

"Space transformation!"

An ancient and majestic voice, resounding between the heavens and the earth, the sword that is about to fall, and the emperor of all the space in the Tianshan Mountains, all the monks just hit out, all solidified. It is like an ice.

Then, the whole world was constantly distorted.

The light of the road, like the passage of infinite time and space, descended down, fell on the body of each monk, and turned into a mysterious ancient transmission.

"The Great Emperor, although I have not yet proved the emperor, but the tiger mouth to eat, then why not?"

Qin Nan eyes do not squint, robes flying.

From the beginning, he was calculating the time, calculating the distance for half an hour, and how long.

When he took the shot, half an hour away, there was only two time left.

As long as he can successfully resist in this interest, he can do it without exposure, and leave with the thirty-seven days of dragon claws.

Now, he bet, although not his expected time, but just good.


Luoyin Emperor's forehead blue-eared jump, just want to speak, the ancient array under his feet, as well as the large array of Qin Nan and so on, all running.

Brush it!

All the figures of the people disappeared in the same place.

This piece of flame space was completely distorted and changed to another position.

It didn't take long for a space like the world of ice and snow.

"How is it a dangerous place?"

The Great Emperor glanced around and his brow wrinkled.

"All of you have given me a good listen. Qin Nan has stolen thirty-seven days of dragon claws. If someone touches him, he must remove him and take back his dragon claws."

The Emperor Luo Yin took a breath and took a look at the ancient imprint of his body.

This ancient imprint is a special gift of talent that can be cultivated by the people of the eight great ancients. As long as it is built on the fifth of the Emperor, it can convey the mind to all in a certain space. People of the same family.

If it is under normal circumstances, Luoyin Emperor will not do this kind of thing, but this time, it was taken away by Qinnan in the district. Before Qin Nan left, he said so, he naturally could not hold the fire in his heart. .

"How is that? Qin Nan, you better pray that you don't meet the people of our ghost family."

The Luoyin Emperor sneered and his body shape disappeared.

Not only that, but among the other two spaces, Xuan Xu Da and Jiu Qu Da is also unable to suppress the anger of their hearts, and they have been confronted with this Taiyin imprint.

For a time, the name Qin Nan was passed to the minds of all the ghosts and sea people in all major spaces.

After the breath, there is a strange space.

With a bang, Qin Nan’s figure fell from the air.

Qin Nan just landed, and he spit out a long breath.

Although he was gambling, the scene just now was too dangerous. If he waited for another half, he would resist the horror.

"This method can't be used anymore."

Qin Nan shook his head.

Everyone has experienced a spatial transformation, and will definitely pay attention to this rule. If it is used again next time, it will be sent to death.

"There are still 321 days of dragon claws, and you can't waste time."

After Qin Nanping regained his heart, he did not relax and looked up.

I saw only this second space, between the heavens and the earth, with a hint of Buddha's intentions, the forests in the distance, and so on, all of which are shimmering with faint Buddha light, giving a sense of peace and calm.

"Buddha space? That is, is this a treasure?"

Qinnan eyebrows wrinkled and flew forward.

Anyway, let’s take a look.


Just flying out for only a few dozen miles, Qin Nan’s eyes are a glimpse.

Because he felt that there were four monks, two great emperors and two ancestors in the square, which had six, three, two, and one dragon claws.

Not only that, the four monks were all running a scorpion-like exploration technique and stared at him.

"It turned out that I almost forgot that thing."

The corner of Qinnan mouth is slightly ticked.

He is a Wuzu in his area. He has thirty-eight dragon claws in his body. In this space, it is like a cluster of flames in the darkness. It is particularly dazzling and will attract all eyes and so on.

“It seems very cautious”

Qin Nan waited for a while and found that the four monks did not leave, did not leave, shook his head and continued to fly forward.

"This space is indeed a bit like a treasure. It has been walking for hundreds of miles and has not attracted any killing."

Qin Nan observed all around, and the heart was dark.

As for the four tails that have been following him, he has ignored it.

As long as the giant who is not more than seven cents of the Emperor is staring at him, he does not need any action.


Just then, a golden wind blew from a distance.

This kind of strong wind, without any danger, but blows on the body, there is a feeling of warmth.

"The Buddha in this wind is more powerful than the other Buddhas above. You can follow the past."

Qinnan eyes are slightly bright.

Not waiting for him to leave, a slightly familiar, very strange voice, in his mind, suddenly sounded.

"You are Qinnan?"

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