Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1356: Ten thousand killing mountains

The first three hundred and fifty-six chapters and ten thousand killing mountains

The current body of Qinnan can be compared with the four emperors. The two martial arts in his body will be fully operational, and they can also compete with the general seven.

In other words, if you go all out, even if you face this lineup, he can barely compete and circumvent one or two.

However, as a result, his self-documentation of the emperor will be exposed.

Now that you have not reached the deepest point, if you expose it in advance, what kind of changes will happen at that time, then it is completely difficult to say.

As for the change of identity with the red dust refining, there is not much significance. After all, for the giants with more than five cents, the possibility of seeing through his true identity will be very great.

"It’s not necessary now, it’s not necessary to break through here."

In the twinkling of an eye, Qin Nan made a decision, and on the tip of his toes, he turned into a peerless knife rainbow and rushed toward the monk who had only four great emperors.

"Active shot?"

On the other side, the two great emperors of the seven great emperors showed their differences in their eyes. They did not expect that this is only the existence of Wu Zujing, and they dared to resist.

Surprisingly, they changed quickly and changed their direction.


After the tens of thousands of interest, between Qin Nan and the Emperor of the Four, the distance is only a few dozen miles, and when they see each other's appearance, both sides are in unison.

The other party did not expect that the person who was full of sixty-nine days of dragon claws turned out to be Qin Nan, and Qin Nan did not think that the four giants of the great emperor turned out to be the patriarch of the ghost family. soul.

"Ha ha ha, I said that a martial arts ancestor, how could have so many days of dragon claws, is your words, it is not particularly strange."

"Do not talk nonsense, surrender the dragon claws, and surrender to me, I will spare you not to die."

After the tens of thousands of souls laughed, the body suddenly swayed the ghost of the road, and in the eyes, it also revealed the color of excitement.

He does not have any interest in the ordinary Wuzu, but he is still very interested in a Wuzu situation that can make the predecessors suffer and lose beyond the rules of the martial arts.

"Is it?"

Qin Nan looked untouched, and stepped on the world to spread out. The figure of the body instantly became a residual image of the road. It was filled between the heavens and the earth, and the speed was fast and unpredictable, making it difficult to capture.

"It is beyond the existence of the rules of martial arts. If you use a little other means, I am afraid that under the general four giants, you can still live."

"Unfortunately, you met me!"

"The Ghost of the Ages!"

The eternal soul flutters and dances, and the French and Indians are smashed out. In the meantime, the whole circle has become dark, and an ancient gun that seems to be condensed by countless ghosts emerges, exudes suffocating suffocation. Sting up.

You must know that the Wanshou Soul is the ninth existence of the genius Wudi. It is a natural far from the ordinary Emperor. The gun he shot now is enough to seal an ordinary emperor. .

"not good!"

Qin Nan's face changed greatly, as if he had encountered a great crisis, he couldn't afford to dodge. He could only lift the left arm and the right arm in an imposing manner, and they were blocked in the chest.

"You can rest assured that I am still interested in you and will not kill you directly, but will accept you as my servant for me."

The eternal soul walked step by step, with a cold smile on his face.

Everything is under his control.

However, his words have not been finished, and the smile on his face has directly solidified.


Only heard a thrilling sound, countless ghosts of the spirit, swaying to the Quartet, Qin Nan's body did not unexpectedly fall, but by this anti-seismic force, quickly flew toward the rear, blink of an eye It is only a few dozen miles away.

"Is it blocked?"

The look of the eternal soul is once again.

Qin Nan, a martial arts ancestral peak in the district, how is he blocked?

"Qin Nan, where do you want to escape?"

At this time, the two deafening voices resounded, and the two giants of the seven great emperors, with dazzling emperors, walked out of the void, shaking the squares, and their eyes were indifferent.

These two great emperors are both ghosts and sea people.

"A good Qin Nan, I just deliberately exposed the flaws, let me relax my mind, and use the power of the earthquake to open the distance between us! Unfortunately, it is still a little bit worse!"

"Uncle Shi, live in him!"

In the eyes of Wanshou Soul, there is a chill.

A little Qin Nan, he dared to let him eat, see him, how to clean up you.

"Tonghun Emperor Boxing!"

The seven giants of the Ghost Emperor, almost without any delay, did not have any mercy, punched out, countless voids, pieces collapsed, the horrible boxing, like a nine-day glaciers, pouring down.

This punch, even if it is the Sixth Emperor, will be frozen.

The giants of the eight great ancients can be stronger than the giants of the general.

"I just want you to live with me?"

"The picture of the emperor!"

Qin Nan shouted, on his body, a dazzling glare of light, suddenly flashed, a statue of Zunwei shore, one after another, from behind him, standing up, standing in the air, exudes a vast pressure.

These figures are awesome in the Erlang Forest, the five great martial arts giants, a group of great emperors, and they will bless him.

"what happened?"

"How can he have so many blessings of the great emperor?"

"There are also giants of the Valkyrie, and there are five wills of Valkyrie!"

The Wanshou Soul and the two great seven giants, their faces are exposed with a thick and scary color.


Qinnan God read a move, this road will be a will, as if they have recovered, striding a big step, punching out, countless martial arts, immediately gathered together, as if changed into a peerless sword, squatting The ghost of the ghost giant.


The whole Quartet is in turmoil.

Even the boxing of the seven giants of the Great Emperor, under so many wills, was blocked by hard life.


Qinnan saw this scene, and did not fight again. God read again, and countless wills, behind him, turned into a pair of colorful giant wings, suddenly fanned, rolled up the storm, and blinked, from the original The land disappeared and disappeared.

After all, the power of the map of the gods is so powerful, but as the number of uses increases, its power will become smaller and smaller.

"Don't let him run, chase together!"

The face of Wanshou’s soul changed and he shouted.

If this time, Qin Nan escaped, the loss is not only the 69-day dragon claws, but also the faces of his dinosaurs.

Hey! Hey!

The seven great giants of the two great emperors are naturally very unwilling in their hearts. The current shots with the tens of thousands of souls, running too ancient secrets, the body shape disappeared in place.

At this moment, in this space of killing, a big chase is unfolding.

Although Qin Nan relies on the left-handed God of War and the power of the map of the Emperor, the speed has reached an extremely terrible degree, and it is extremely strange. Under various banned murders, it is impossible to capture.

However, the seven great giants joined forces, together with the various means of the eternal soul, it is extremely extraordinary, even if it does not catch up with him, it is also closely followed, like the bones of the bones, can not be smashed.

"No, if you continue this way, you will definitely be caught up. You may even be able to attract other giants. You must think of a way right away."

In the heart of Qin Nan, a dark voice was heard, and the left-handed **** of war was pushed to the extreme and swept to the square.

I want to completely rid them of them, through the use of tricks, etc., I am afraid it is not very good, the only way out is to rely on the mystery of this killing space.


After hundreds of interest, Qin Nan’s eyes suddenly disappeared.

I saw that, not far from the front, the mountains of the mountains, rising from the ground, clustered together, as if forming a sea of ​​mountains, even if the God of War left, can not see the end.

Not only that, on every mountain, it is killing and smothering, almost quickly consolidating into the essence, especially in the depths of this mountain, it is even more mysterious, even the left-handed God of War, can not completely snoop.

"Just go inside."

Qin Nan had almost no hesitation. When he was in shape, he flew straight into the mountains.

"Want to enter the dangerous land, so that we can open up? Qinnan, you are really naive."

In the rear of the Wanshou Soul, the two great emperors, the corners of their mouths floated up and sneered, followed closely.

"The ghost of heaven and earth, everywhere, killing invisible, killing machines everywhere."

"I am water, and the water does not leak."

It didn't take long for the chasing into the mountains, the Wanshou Soul and the Haihai Emperor, once again shot, and the seal was printed.

In an instant, among the countless old trees, a chilly atmosphere emerged from the soil, and they all evolved into a sacred killer, attacking Qinnan from all directions.

In this one hundred miles, from the trees and flowers, in the land and rivers, there is a layer of water vapor, making it instantly foggy, countless killings, from the depths of the white fog, Suddenly broke out.

"The meaning of collapse!"

Qin Nan’s face was stunned, and the meaning of the collapse was spread out. It was integrated into the map of the emperor, which made the emperor and the gods change into darkness. The pair of wings, each fanning, not only rolled out the storm. It will also smash all kinds of killings.

"I didn't expect that the ghosts and the sea people, after entering these dangerous places, all kinds of means can exert greater power, which is troublesome."

Qinnan's brow, slightly wrinkled.

"Someone is prying?"

Qin Nan’s face changed suddenly and looked up.

Not only him, but also the two great emperors, as well as the two great emperors.

Just now, they all felt it. In the depths of the day, it seems that there are a pair of invisible eyes that are locking them.

"There is no figure around this circle, and there is no reaction in the dragon claws. That is to say, some people have used some kind of amazing treasures, and in the distance, all the scenes in a certain range nearby can be thoroughly penetrated."

In the mind of Qin Nan, the thought flashed without any hesitation, and the figure flew toward the other side.

call out!

At this time, the change suddenly occurred, from the depths of the day, the blood of the road suddenly burst into bloom, turned into a **** sword that is extremely powerful, like a rainstorm, toward Qinnan The figure is constantly falling.

These attacks are not the monks' shots, but the strange treasures that spy on everything here.


There are two other great emperors in the Wanshou Soul, and their eyes are slightly brighter.

"Ha ha ha, Qin Nan, I did not expect that you have today! Wanshou soul friends, it is better to follow us, how do we join forces to kill him together?"

A loud voice, a very loud laughter, from the depths of the day, blasted.

Just heard this voice, Qin Nan immediately understood, in the dark to promote the alien treasure, spy on all the people here, it is a blood family and less patriarch, blood kill.

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