Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1357: White bones

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-seven chapters

"Don't you be a blood? But even if you are, you alone are not qualified to take 30%?"

The eyes of Wanshou are slightly stunned.

"Since I have said 30%, it is bound to be qualified, but by the time, you should not disclose this matter."

"The instrument of 10,000 blood, give me a sacrifice."

The sound of **** words sounded again.

Then, in the mid-air, there were countless drops of blood, every drop of blood, burning, turned into a mysterious blood, gathered together, evolved into a **** ancient array.


The big battles were running, and the emptiness trembled. Among them, the three figures went out one after another.

These three figures, the first person, is the blood, and the other two are the six giants of the **** emperor.

These lineups are no longer inferior to those of Wanshou Soul and others.

"Good, then let's take a shot."

Wan Wan soul saw this scene, did not hesitate, nodded and promised.

After all, every half hour, the space has to change once. He doesn't want to wait for the time to arrive. He hasn't taken Qinnan yet. He can only watch Qin Nan leave.

"Qin Nan, you are not very arrogant in the anti-Tianmeng League? Then this time, let me see, can you continue to arrogant!"

The **** face reveals a smug smile, and the other two great emperors, instantly shot, played an ancient ban, making the entire sky, the blood red stained, a stalwart, ancient blood-colored figure, descending from it Go straight to kill.

They have long hated the Qinnan, so this shot is a peerless killing.

"We are besieged!"

The Wanshou Soul and the two giants of the two great emperors also seized the opportunity, the body shape spread out, and a powerful emperor of the door, while playing, like the evolution of a million troops, to break all the things in front, all .

"This time, luck is really bad. At this time, I actually encountered a **** three. Then I am repaired, and I can only be exposed."

Qin Nan’s face sank.

Now facing this lineup, even if he is exposed to a real cultivation, he will probably be very difficult to get out of it.


Between the electric and the flint, Qin Nan no longer thinks more, and blesses the will of all the gods and figures on his broken knife, and instantly turns into a very dazzling light, which is the shadow of the blood ancestors. The murder of the sky, hard and hard to wear, break through.

"Step by step!"

"The magic of the heavens!"

Qin Nan continued to shoot, using all the willpower of the map of the Emperor, to operate the two methods at the same time, which also caused his speed to increase again, like a flash of light, flashing away, not into the mountains It is not seen.

"I still want to escape? Then I have to look at it, how fast can you support this speed!"

Wan Chou soul and blood sneer at the same time, together with the other four great emperors, they have become two peerless murders, one left and one right, closely following Qin Nan, in addition to the emperor, in addition to the emperor Other means are all played out.


At this moment, a deafening explosion of sounds resounded through the clouds, and all that happened to them was a deep pit that was bottomless, and there were many ancient trees, rocks, etc. Destroyed into nothingness.

The confrontation of the great emperor is like a wild beast, and it will destroy most of what you encounter.

What's more, it is still the pursuit of these lineups.

Time passes, after the thousand interest.

Qin Nan's body shape, although still in the mountains in front of the shuttle, but in his body, has emerged a small wound, hair slightly messed up, the light of the map of the gods began to dim.

The combination of the eternal soul and the blood, the most terrible, is not their cultivation, but the combination of their various means, will bring incredible effects, it is impossible to prevent.

"If you escape like this, you will be caught sooner or later. If this is the case, then the eternal soul and blood, let me teach you the means to teach you!"

Qin Nan gently breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes revealed a wipe.

At this point in the present, even if there will be an infinite crisis, it will have to be exposed.


Suddenly, Qin Nan’s face changed.

Not only him, but also the giants, the blood, and so on.

I saw that they seemed to trigger an ancient prohibition. All the scenes in front of them were completely changed, and they became a huge plain with a lot of bones.

In this plain of white bones, there is a terrible prohibition, hidden in the earth, like a headless beast, in the dark, observing everything.

Even if it is the cultivation of Qinnan, Wanling Soul, Blood Kill, etc., it feels cold.

"How can you suddenly enter this white bone plain? Is it that in the process of killing, we are not allowed to enter the depths of this group of mountains?"

Qin Nan quickly calmed down.

He remembered that when he first entered the mountain, he discovered that in the depths of the mountains, there was a force that could not be seen even if he was left to the war.


At this time, a huge explosion sounded, from the group of white bones, two magnificent figures, skyrocketing, countless knives, shining, and launched a staggering battle.


"Is this Tang Qingshan and Meng Yuxie?"

Qin Nan also has thousands of souls, blood and other great emperors, all look amazed.

They did not expect that the bones of the bones that suddenly did not enter, can still meet these two geniuses.

“Don't it be said that this is one of the twelve days of secret collection?”

Qinnan instantly thought of something, and the light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, this space is the space for killing, so it is very likely that the master of this space has mastered some kind of killing.

It is not coincidence that Tang Qingshan and Meng Yuxie, who are the ambassadors of the sect of the gods, are here at the same time. It is not the coincidence, but the master of this space, to test them and choose the descendants.


Meng Yixie and Tang Qingshan also quickly noticed Qin Nan and others who suddenly broke into.

Meng Yixie did not have much reaction. Now he is in a white bone, and there is a smuggling shelter left by the predecessor. No one other than Tang Qingshan can hurt him.

On the contrary, Tang Qingshan, Huanren slightly shrinks, his face suddenly becomes extremely cold.

"A good ghost family, a blood family, dare to unite and chase my younger brother!"

"Give me death!"

Tang Qingshan hair dances, murderous, and soaring, it seems to be turned into a killing magic.

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