Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1359: Life without death

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-nine chapters are born without death.


In the hands of Tang Qingshan, the black knife trembled, and he was murderous, and he was in a hurry.

At this moment, all the sounds in his ears seemed to have disappeared, and the whole white bones of the greatness of the greatness became extremely silent.

Qin Nan, now he is the only one who is still alive in the world on the mainland.

But now, he looked at this person like this, and fell in front of him.


Meng Xi’s heart is a joy.

"For the so-called brotherhood, I actually did such a thing. Qin Nan, I originally thought that you are a genius, qualified to be my servant, now it seems that you are too naive."

In the eyes of Wanshou, there was a smear in the eyes.

As a ghost patriarch, he has seen too many intrigues since childhood, and has seen too many relatives, brothers, and Taoists, and finally betray each other and turn against each other.

In this world, love and so on, are too illusory, only the interests, will last forever.

"Qin Nan, you thought you were dead, is this all over?"

"I will use the secret method of the blood family now, take out your blood, combine the martial arts will you have not completely dissipated, condense your sorrowful soul, suppress it, and always torture, so that you are not as good as death!"

"And your body, I will also make it bloody, be my slave!"

The **** sneer screamed, and the law was printed in the hands.

Qin Nan has repeatedly offended him, he will not let Qinnan pass this way.

"Tearing the remnant soul? Smelling bloody? It is really embarrassing, but today you will not be able to succeed!"

However, just in the midst of this millennium, a loud drink and a blast of blast.

I saw that in the center of countless suffocating, a flourishing life, sudden surge, Qin Nan's body shape made a Changhong, with lightning speed, not into the cracks in the front.

Between the time, the horror of the light, blooming from the crack, a horrible prohibition of ancient times, began to work inside, shaking the Quartet.

It turns out that Qinnan’s so-called plan is to use his own body to block the six emperors.

His flesh, comparable to the Emperor's four heavy, even if hit by the six emperors, will not completely collapse, will only be destroyed all vitality.

Under normal circumstances, when the vitality is extinguished, it means that the famous monk has fallen.

Therefore, Qin Nan was urging the jade of the wonderful Princess to him in the moment of the physical destruction.

According to Qin Nan’s assumption, the power of this huge life in this jade is enough to awaken the vitality of his flesh. Then he is at this time, enters the crack of the earth, and uses the powerful ancient prohibition to resist the back. The pursuit.

Of course, this plan is extremely dangerous. As long as his body is slightly broken, or the power of life cannot awaken his vitality, he will be completely degraded and will cease to exist.


The giants of Meng, the evil spirits, the eternal souls, the blood, and so on, all froze in their faces, and their eyes are full of incredible colors.

what happened?

Ming Ming has lost its vitality. How did Qin Nan survive?

"This kid"

Tang Qingshan soon returned to the gods, the long knife in his hand, not shaking, murderous, no longer chaotic, even though he covered up very well, but carefully observed, still able to see a smile in his mouth.

Although it’s too much, the reversal is also horrifying, but in any case, as long as Qinnan is still alive, it’s enough.

"We counted, chase!"

Everyone in the soul, blood, and so on reacted, his face became incomparably ugly, and he screamed, and his body shape became a sacred sacred man, rushing to the cracks in the distance.

Under such a situation, if Qin Nan is allowed to get out of the way, then their face can be truly lost.

"Fundamental soul, blood, you are the genius Wudi, the ghost family and the patriarch of the blood family, then take a look today, can you seize the Wuzu in my district!"

In that kind of ban, Qin Nan danced long, and the left singer flashed with dazzling light. After screaming at the top, he endured a wound, avoiding layers of murder and going deeper.

Now, it is not completely safe.

"Qin Nan, give me less!"

The soul of the eternal soul and the **** face, instantly became extremely gloomy, all kinds of means, all kinds of emperors, and they played out in succession, and they rang a roar of sound.

"Meng Biao evil, suffer death!"

Not far away, Tang Qingshan, under the blessing of many wills, is like a vast sea, endless, and every time he throws a knife, everything in all directions becomes a pale color.


Meng Yuxie's face changed dramatically, and it was a little backward.

Time passed by, and it took a few thousand minutes.

Among these thousands of interest, Qin Nan was in the midst of a lot of bans, like a fish into the sea, all the way smooth, without being murdered and banned, etc. hit the slightest, and arrived at the deepest point of this crack.

On the other hand, the souls of the eternal soul, the blood, and so on, as if they were stepping into a swamp, were difficult to walk step by step. Sometimes, they were almost hit by some terrorist murders and bans.

"Meng Yuxie has been completely suppressed by his brothers. One of these twelve secret possessions must belong to the brothers."

"These prohibitions and murders, although not enough to kill the souls, blood, and so on, but when the space changes, they must not be able to enter this deepest place."

"Call, start recovering now."

Qin Nan spit out a long breath, his eyes closed, pulling the power of life in the jade, and began to restore the body.

Although the vitality in his body was reawakened, his internal organs, bones and bones, etc., all ruptured and the injuries were extremely serious.

Time continues to pass, I don't know how long it has passed. The Meng Biao evil on the ground is a wound. In the face of Tang Qingshan's layers of killing, it can only catch fire and spur the life-saving charm, disappearing into the original. Ground.

If it wasn’t Qin Nan’s intervention, the one who won this time was him.

Towards the evil spirits of Meng Xie, Qin Nan did not pay attention to it from beginning to end. Until now, his injury has recovered 70%, and the pain of the heartbreaking heart has disappeared completely. .

"Qin Nan, accept"

Finally, at this time, after cracking a door killing and ban, the body shape of the eternal soul and the **** wolf, arrived at the deepest point, a pair of eyes locked in Qinnan, raised his hand and played a peerless kill. Surgery.

However, their dead words have not yet been said, the killing has not yet been released, and they suddenly noticed something, such as being drenched in a basin of ice water, and it became extremely rigid.

"Space transformation!"

An old, majestic voice blasts through the space.

Time is up.

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