Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1360: Ten ban

The first thousand three hundred and sixty chapter ten ban

After the rest of the breath, the sound of Qin Nan’s body shape descended from the sky.


Qin Nan has not yet landed, I feel that in all directions, there is a cold murderous attack, his body shape, suddenly flashed, and the knife cut off again and again.


Accompanied by a series of explosions, these murders were crushed one by one.

"Hmm? Symbol space?"

Qin Nan swept all around, and at first glance, his eyes flashed with a glimmer of light.

I saw only that in the depths of the day, there was a symbol of different sizes and different flavors, endless, countless, like a vast expanse of the sea.

What is more strange is that these symbols, even a touch of aura is not flashing, the incomparable silence, as if there is no danger, just embellished things.

"The ones that attacked me just now are these symbols. If all of these symbols are turned into murders, it will be a little scary."

"As such, the more times this space changes, the more dangerous it is."

In the heart of Qin Nan, there was a dark voice, and the gods swept to the heavenly dragon claws in the Nayong to see if there was any reaction.

After all, the sixty-nine days of dragon claws, the temptation is too big, he does not want to just enter this space, and was chased by a group of strong.

"For the time being safer, find a hidden place and recover the injury."

Qin Nan made up his mind and flew forward, but for a long time, he stepped into a deep cave and sat cross-legged.

Time, bit by bit.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Nan's eyes, slowly opened.

By now, his injuries have recovered by 80%.

As for the remaining injuries, relying on the power of Pene's residual life, it has been unable to recover, and can only rely on time.

"Continue to find the dragon claws"

Qinnan stood up, but he had not waited for him to take a step.


The emperor's heart in his body suddenly jumped autonomously, like countless behemoths, rushing on the ground, the meaning of the collapse of the smashing, the meaning of the **** of war, is more spontaneously distributed, between the counts It will flood the entire cave.

"The bugs are coming?"

Qin Nan’s eyes are slightly brighter.

"The Ten Forbidden Dragons Secret Skill!"

An ancient and majestic voice burst into the cave, followed by the mysterious lines of the road, which emerged as a giant gate that was as high as three feet. In that door, two figures emerged.

These two figures, it is Sima Kong, and the soul of the dragon **** of the past.

However, the current bugs look extremely illusory and seem to have been hit hard.

"Qin Nan, this dead fat man, he must not let him stay with his **** in the future, and gave him so many benefits. He has to follow it, and he has almost collapsed."

When the bug saw Qinnan, he couldn't help but gnash his teeth.

If you do this, it will become a worm.

"Hey, grandpa, you are suffocating, you think about it, you are a generation of dragon gods, this little thing, for you, what is that?"

Sima was not ashamed, but smiled and smiled.

"Hey, Sima, what happened to your left arm?"

Qin Nan did not pay attention to the two of them bickering, the eyes are gathered on the left arm of Simakong.

I saw that Simakong’s left arm was wrapped around a circle of white cloth. The white cloth portrayed an ancient pattern, which exudes an ancient scent of breath, like a horrible seal.

Even if Qin Nan used the left-handed God of War, he could not forcibly pry into it.

"Qin Nan, you don't understand this. This is the secret of God's own creation. He will seal his left hand and an emperor, and then seal it, and then carry out the momentum."

"The longer you gain momentum, the greater the power of this emperor."

The face of the bug changed instantly and became proud and full of pride.

"That is, will an emperor, have been warm, critical time, and then played?"

In the eyes of Qin Nan, I suddenly flashed a different color.

According to this method, the time for warming up is long-lasting, and Sima Air is playing that blow, and the power of this blow will be strong enough to an incredible level.

"Yes, Sima Kong, this guy, wants to go further, only to participate in the war of gods. With his cultivation, to go to participate is also to die, but now, with this trick, there will be a glimmer of hope."

The bug opens.

"It turned out to be."

Qin Nan nodded.

According to the rules of the Emperor and the list of gods, as long as Sima Kong can obtain the deity, even if only the cultivation of Wu Zujing is done, it can also be sealed.

Like Miao Miao Princess, she has always been a martial artist's cultivation, presumably the person who lost the medicine garden, has long planned for her, and directly participated in the war of gods.


Suddenly, Qin Nan and the worm's face were slightly stunned, looking up at Tianzhu.

At this moment, both of them felt in the midst of it, as if they had a pair of extremely scary eyes, watching them.

"Oh, this God is weak, but is it that you can snoop?"

The face of the bug, instantly became extremely majestic, and the ancient dragon was released, and the purple light was shining, and its existence was directly erased from this space.

This sneak peek also dissipated.

"The bug, you are the soul of the dragon god, this kind of heaven and dragon claws, can you perceive or shield the atmosphere?"

Qin Nan saw this scene, and his heart moved, and he took out a dragon claw.

If the bug can do this, then it will be much more convenient.

"Days of the Dragon Claw? What is this?"

The bug asked curiously.

"In the source of the Tianshan Mountains"

Qin Nan immediately explained all kinds of rules.

"I am going to three hundred and thirty, can I become the source of the Tianshan sect?"

Sima Kong’s breathing, quietly holding it, a dark place in her heart, began to move.

This source of Tianshan has been sealed for thousands of years. If he became a descendant, there are other treasures in it, and there are other benefits. Can he not take it all?

"Ha ha ha, the source of the Tianshan, actually created such a rule?"

"Qinnan, this day is a special pulse of the dragon family, it is special, to shield its breath, this God can not do it for a while, but"

The bug was full of excitement, and when it was half, the words turned.

"I have a way to get a glimpse into the entire space, as well as the space where other dragons are located, and"

"It also allows you to shuttle to other spaces without having to rely on spatial transformation, and take away the dragon claws directly!"

The tone of the bugs suddenly increased.


Qin Nan heard this, and in the eyes, suddenly revealed the color of shock.

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