Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1361: Shen Bing Tian Jiang

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-one chapters

Peeping into the entire space, and the place where the dragons and claws of other spaces are located, this is nothing.

The key point is that you can shuttle to other treasures and dangerous places without spatial transformation.

In this way, isn’t it possible to easily resolve countless crises and take away one of the great treasures and dangers?

"Cough, this is also a limit."

"These two methods can only be used three times in half an hour."

"In addition to this, every time you peep into the land where the dragon claws are located, it is random. If you can find a lot of dragon claws, you have to look at luck."

The bug wormed low, as if one was not paying attention, and the bragging was too big.

"Even so, that's enough."

Qin Nan did not show the slightest disappointment.

These two methods of bugs, together with these restrictions, can also be described as against the sky.

In a sense, the intricate rules of the Taoist sect of the source of the Tianshan Mountains have no binding force for the worms.

"Then I will show it now, and I will see the dragon mirror for ten bans!"

The bugs did not have any nonsense, two illusory dragon claws, and they produced a wonderfully infamous seal.

Between the time, the entire ancient cave, tremors in a row, a white body, the mysterious deep white dragon, floating out, condensed into a slap in the face of the ancient mirror.

This kind of Longwei is not the prestige of the Taijin Zijin Warrior, nor the power of other dragons, but one of the top ten dragons of the ancient times. Now it is no longer the glimpse of the Tianlong Dragon.

"Give me a photo!"

The bug screamed and made a dragon spirit.

The whole face of the ancient mirror, suddenly a ripple of the road, the strange power of a stock, also spread out, not in all directions, disappeared.

Less than two interest, in the ancient mirror, there is a pattern that slowly emerges.

"The curious special glimpse of the dragon mirror, the fascinating power that it exudes, is out of the way, and has not entered all directions."

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and then looked down.

I saw only, in the picture, it was a mountain of flames. On the top of the mountain, a woman wearing a robes, fair-skinned, graceful, and a great emperor, grew up and danced, and the French and Indians smashed out, constantly making a door. The Emperor's technique was combined with a phoenix phoenix that was more than 30 feet tall.

Behind the phoenix phoenix, there is a nest with various treasures in it, and a dragon claw that stands still and quietly.

"This mountain of flames should be a mountain of flames. Small insects, change places."

Qin Nan regained his gaze and shook his head.

There is no need to shoot a dragon.


When Qin Nan saw no one to answer him, he immediately turned his head and looked at it. From this point of view, the whole person directly stunned.

"Hey seniors, look at this chick, black hair, fair skin, really watery, and her waist, hey, it’s really fine, if you say"

"Well, this girl is really good, but this **** likes to have a dragon's horn on the head, and there is no dragon's horn to look awkward."

"It's not easy, this chick is the emperor. You are giving her a little trick and refining a pair of peerless dragons. It's all easy."

"It makes sense, this woman, the **** is going."

A big fat man, there is a seven-inch dragon soul in the area, all staring at the bronze mirror, between a few short distances, has decided the ownership of this female emperor.

Qin Nan saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth were all gently pumped.

He did not expect that this soul of the dragon god, there is such a hobby.

"This is a bit similar to Dragon and Tiger."

There was a thought in Qinnan’s mind, and then he was unceremonious: “Excuse me, with the repair of both of you, you only need to take ten minutes to crush both of you.”

"Ten interest? This **** is the soul of the dragon god"

The bugs subconsciously want to refute, halfway through, thinking about what, the momentum is wilting.

Its current means, of course, is many and very powerful, but its combat power is indeed weak and pathetic.

Want to go to a dragon, almost a fantasy.

"Continue to take photos!"

After this awkwardness, the bugs are also colored, and the mirror is again running.

The picture in the ancient mirror changes instantly.

This time, there is a huge blue lake.

In the middle of the lake, there is a towering old tree, which rises from the ground, and a fairy blue flower blooms on the top of the tree. On each petal, there is a dragon claw.

In addition, around the lake, there are two figures, blooming in the light of the Emperor Tiandi, constantly confronting, so that the lake of hundreds of miles is boiling, the scene is shocking.

Although I can't see the repair and face of these two figures, but according to the glare of the imperial light, and the terrible momentum, it can be judged that these two are the giants of the ghost and the blood, and at least have reached The great eight giants.

"Twenty-three days of dragon claws?"

Sima Kong has been eyes all the time.

"Haha, it seems that this second luck is good! Qin Nan, the **** is now using the second means, you remember, after the five interest, you will send it back!"

The bug screamed and immediately snarled.

"Only five interest rates?"

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the light flashed and nodded.

"The Ten Forbidden Dragons Secret Skill!"

The worm opened the dragon's mouth and vomited a drop of dragon's blood. In this half-empty, it burned fiercely. It turned out to be a flame that showed a dark color, and the Qinnan's scorpion was covered and instantly wrapped.


The shape of Qin Nan suddenly disappeared in place.

At the same time, in a strange space, on a vast lake.

"Ha ha ha, Qing Hong, you only have this ability now? If so, then these twenty-three days are absolutely claws, I can laugh all!"

The giant of the ghost family, Yang Tian issued a loud laugh.

"Falling, I am less proud, it is just beginning!"

Qinghong's face was cold, his hands changed, and the law was printed.

From the beginning of the layout, to the subsequent weakness, the current drop of the sound, presumably already counted, he can already start to close the net.

"Hey, do you think that you deliberately show weakness, I didn't see it?"

The mouth of the sound of the emperor floated up and sneered, and in the ring, a charm, quietly urging.

However, just as the two great emperors of the great emperor were prepared to sacrifice their cards to each other, when they showed the scorpion, they both noticed what they were, and turned their heads.


Only heard a thrilling sound, over the lake, a huge dragon-shaped illusion emerged. Above the faucet, a young man was standing.

"this is"

The sound of the Emperor and the Qinghong Emperor are a glimpse.

what happened?

How did a sudden person appear?

Also, why didn't they notice a little volatility?

"The predecessors of the Luoyin, as well as the **** predecessors, are really embarrassed. This day, the dragon claws, the younger generations have all taken away."

Qin Nan smiled lightly, and the treasure in his hand suddenly came out.

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