Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1370: Road opening

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-six chapters open

At this moment, all the faces of the monks in the audience are a glimpse.

Obviously, they did not expect that at this time, someone actually helped Qin Nan.


The face of Xiao Yun’s tens of thousands of souls, Meng Yixie and so on, all changed. They brushed their heads and looked around, but when they saw the three figures, they all stunned.

These three figures are amazed by the wonderful Princess Tang Qingshan Gong Yang who is undergoing inheritance.

The three of you are accepting the inheritance of one of the twelve days of secret collection. If you are now intervening to help Qinnan, then these inheritances will be given up as you.

The main eye of the source of Tianshan, a slight glimpse, said openly.

Princess, you don't have to -

Qin Nan soon returned to God and immediately prepared to refuse.

Twelve days are secretly inherited, and each one is very extraordinary. If you accept it, you will have great benefits for yourself.

He didn't want to let the three wonderful Princesses lose such a good opportunity because of themselves.

Then give up.

Unexpectedly, I haven't waited for Qin Nan's words. The face of Miao Miao Princess Tang Qingshan Gong Yang did not show any hesitation. The figure directly went from the altar and stepped down step by step. There was no hesitation in the footsteps. .

What is the preciousness of the twelve-day secret collection?

Even if it is the inheritance of the heavens, they will not watch it. Qinnan is jointly oppressed by a group of genius Wudi.

Did you give up?

All the monks in the audience saw this scene, and the face was exposed with incredible colors.

You must know that this simple move can not only give up the precious twelve-day secrets, but also be enemies with the giants such as Xiao Yun and Meng Xie.

Three of them

The Emperor Jiuwei Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Heaven are silent at the same time.

The decisive action of the three wonderful Princesses brought an invisible impact to their hearts.

At the beginning, at the time of the Dragon Emperor's Court, Qin Nan was also so unconcerned for them, exposed everything about himself, sweeping the genius of the three forces.

However, in the end, they did not help Qin Nan like the wonderful Princess.

Hey, the popularity of this boy in Qinnan is still very good?

The bug licked the dragon must, the original meaning of anger, slowly retreat.

When there is no danger, there is such a group of people who are willing to help, this feeling is really good.

Princess, in my opinion, you don’t have to take this thing, right? You can rest assured that Qin Nan is your friend and we will never hurt him.

After Xiao Yun’s body was stiff and stiff, he quickly returned to his heart and barely smiled.

Originally, he dared to shoot Qin Nan, because he saw that Miao Miao Princess was inherited and could not help Qin Nan, but he did not think that Miao Miao Princess was willing to pay so much for Qin Nan.

Less with this princess to come to this set. Miao Miao princess rolled her eyes and turned to look at the main road of Tianshan: the predecessors, please also play independent space.


Source Road Tianshan Lord deeply saw her and Tang Qingshan Palace Yang eye, raised his palm, facing the air, pointing a shot.


Just listening to a deafening loud noise, countless blue light, like an ancient dragon head, falling from the depths of the sky, between the blink of an eye, formed a blue space of three hundred miles.

This piece of blue space is incomparably mysterious. Even if it is the existence of the peak of the great emperor, it is impossible to spy on it.

Now choose the war of succession, officially started, a pillar of incense. The source of the Tianshan Mountain is holding hands, faint: everyone, go up.

you guys

Qin Nan's footsteps have not moved, just watching Miao Miao Princess Tang Qingshan Gong Yang three.

His original intention is not to let the three of them intervene.

However, I don’t know why, when I saw that the three of them stood up without hesitation, there was a soft place in his heart, as if they were deeply touched.

What are you doing? You won't look down on this princess? This princess can tell you that although the princess is only a martial artist, but the real strength, compared to you, I do not know how many times stronger.

Miao Miao Princess looked suspiciously at Qin Nan.

Qin Nan, rest assured, will not drag your hind legs.

Gong Yang is also a faint smile, said openly.

There is no doubt about your strength, just for a while, let's go.

Qin Nan said halfway, stopped, shook his head, tiptoe a little, turned into a knives, and fell into the blue space.

When he was alone, he was fearless.

There are still three friends who are helping each other. What are the enemies between the world and can't be defeated?

Xiao Yun, what should we do?

Meng Yuxie looked at the back of Qin Nan, his face became gloomy.

He is not worried that he can't beat the Qinnan four people, but he will attack the Qinnan and others, which will cause the princess to resent.

Wan Feng Soul Blood Wen Lin Yan Thunder, I and Meng Yuxie, can not shoot the princess, then you can stop him, then I and Meng Xie, when suppressing Qin Nan, you are killing him.

If this matter is done, there must be a thank you, how?

Xiao Yun flashed the glare in the eyes, said the voice.

The sense of crisis that Qin Nan brought to him is too big. Even if it will arouse the princess's resentment, he will take this opportunity to remove it today.

it is good.

Thousands of souls, blood, Wenlin, and Thunder, thought a little, and nodded.

As long as Qin Nan is dead, the wood has become a boat, and the wonderful Princess is so angry that it will not be because of a dead person, and thus will not end with them.

Then, the figure of the six of them, in the eyes of the public, turned into six bright rays, and fell into the blue space.

The battle of succession has officially begun.

I did not expect this Qinnan, the popularity is so good.

Yes, Miao Miao Princess Tang Qingshan Gong Yang, for him, but the sacrifice is not small.

But what about that? Qinnan still must lose.

Well, Miao Miao Princess does not talk, Gong Yang and Qin Nan only Wu Zu's cultivation, facing the six genius Wudi, is not an opponent.

The entire giants of the monks, Qi Qi returned to God, could not help but open their mouths.

All of them are not optimistic about the Qinnan four.

Dear friends, please calm down. Suddenly, the source of the Tianshan Mountain opened, and only listened to him to continue: This time everyone came over, in addition to passing people, 12 days of secrets, or for the heavens.

When the words came out, all the monks present were in the heart, turning their heads.

Since the descendants have already begun to choose, then don't delay the time. Now the source of the Tianshan Lord has flashed a trace of fineness, and said: Open the Heavenly Road.

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