Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1371: Heart has a heart

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-one chapters have a heart

Open now?

At this moment, in addition to the great giants of the great powers, even the monks of Wuzu, the eyes are bright.

The source of Tianshan’s descendants is twelve days old, and so on. They have no chance, but there is no such thing as a road, and everyone can board.

After all, thirty days of dragon claws are still very easy to obtain.

Finally, have you opened it?

The burial Xuan Yunzhuang is a genius of the four geniuses who have not been involved in any storms. In the palm of their hands, there is an ancient rune that flashes a faint glow.

Everything is all ready.

Stare at them.

In the corner, the two mysterious Wu Zujing monks slowly opened their eyes and passed a thought to the place where Jiang Kong’s curse was.

The source of the sky has a law, the sky is empty, the flower of Qinglian, does not exist in the world!

Nothing is open!

The source of the Tianshan Mountain seems to have nothing to notice, and with a loud drink, the hands of the ancient French seals have been continually emanating, and the terrorist power of a stock has been swayed.


Suddenly, a strange tremor sounded through the whole world, as if there were countless respects and great treasures.

this is--

At that moment, the giants who had the empire's eight or more repairs seemed to be aware of what was extraordinary at this moment.


I saw only in the depths of the day, as if there was a peerless knife, descending from the sky, the whole world was opened, and from the huge crack that broke through, a statue of more than 3,000 feet was square, shining innumerable Qingguang, like a blooming Qinglian road, slowly flies out.

For a time, everything seems to have disappeared. Only this Qinglian Taoist platform, quietly suspended, lasts forever.

This is a detachment.

In short, it is no longer in the rules of the mainland, and it already belongs to an independent existence. Except for the source of the Tianshan, no one can suppress it without using force.

At this time, in the middle of the sky, in the blue space.

Is this the emergence of the Heavenly Platform?

Qin Nan Miao Miao Princess and Xiao Yun, who is opposite to the other side, and so on, almost feel what they are at the same time, brush up and look up.

Curious feeling

Qin Nan looked down at his palm.

Although he did not see the true meaning of the Taoist platform, but the mysterious will that emanated from him, let him squat on the body, has a sense of relaxation.

It was as if in the endless darkness, I saw the second flame.

Although weak, not alone.


Xiao Yun and others naturally did not feel this way, and soon returned to God, and gave a sigh.

Qin Nan, died!

The body shape of Meng Xie and Wan Chou, while moving, boundless murder and soul, rising from the sky, two peerless emperors, evolved into a terrible killing, from one left to the right, rolling toward Qinnan Kill it.

When they shot, they had no reservations.

Not to mention the monks of Wu Zuyufeng, even if the ordinary Emperor is four heavy, it must be degraded.

Just rely on both of you, and dare to take the lead to kill?

Tang Qingshan’s eyes were cold and cold, and a black hair danced with the wind. The black knife in his hand also burst into a dazzling red mang, like an ancient red mountain, falling in front of Qinnan.

Although the door was hidden for twelve days, he did not get it, but he also realized a lot, which made him a lot of refined.

Qinnan, who can't save you today!

Xiao Yun's blood-thin Wenlin flame thunder four people's body shape, but also waiting for the opportunity to move, actually took out a mysterious four-person big array, directly avoiding Tang Qingshan, will Qinnan Miao Miao Princess and Gong Yang, give Hard to lock up.

This big battle is the four gods, and it is displayed, and everything in the battle cannot escape from it. It is extremely overbearing.

Xiao Yun is absolutely, let the princess come to teach today, how powerful the demon **** is forbidden.

Miao Miao princess's face is the same, the law is printed, and the power of a pure and incomparable elixir is rising in her body. Her whole body's momentum instantly becomes extremely stalwart.

This road does not work.

Gong Yang looked at the Thunder, a faint smile, in the middle of Dantian, a statue of a statue, began to shatter, and his whole person's momentum became extraordinary.


Between the time, a deafening explosion sounded in succession, and countless different emperor radiances began to shine.

Hahaha, Qinnan, after all, there are only three people to help you, and you can't change the whole situation!

Blood and Lin Yan, laughing at the same time.

On the body of the two, there is endless blood and anger, rolling flames, like an ancient blood ancestor, an ancient fire ancestor, killing toward Qinnan.

wishful thinking.

Miao Miao princess smiled coldly, the jade hand stretched out, flexed a finger, and the blossoming ancient fairy flower bloomed in the air one after another. In a flash, the body of the blood and Lin Yan was all involved.

The demon **** has a sword.

Xiao Yun is not unexpected, but the law and the seal, a myriad of monsters, gathered together, evolved into a whole body of dark gold, like countless dragons entwined horror sword, stabbed toward Qinnan.

Gong Yang!

The wonderful Princess princess prints a shot.


Gong Yang Shuangyu Jinguang suddenly, a burst of drink.

I saw that the French seal that Miao Miao princess took out, like a blessing of a powerful force, instantly skyrocketed hundreds of times, turned into a French-Indian mountain, and put a whole horrible sword, hard and shocked.

Unexpectedly, both of you have such strength, but I am sorry, you have already counted.

The Thunder has not yet made a sound, and suddenly a corner of the mouth.


The blood and the flames that were trapped in the fairy scent, the blood and the flames of the body began to skyrocket, and instantly broke out the blockade.

Hugh -

Miao Miao princess is ready to play the French seal again, but halfway through, her face is a glimpse.

Because she found out that her attack could not be played.

Princess, I am really sorry. When my demon gods are out of the sword, within the rest of the world, the opponents of both of you can only be me and cannot attack others.

Xiao Yun smiled faintly.

This ability, although a bit useless, is sometimes very miraculous.

Is it? Qingshan brother!

The wonderful Princess looks unchanged, but instead shouts to the front.

Tang Qingshan?

Xiao Yun is absolutely thundering, **** Wen Yan and so on, and his look is at the same time.

In the face of the attack of Meng Xie and Wan Chou, Tang Qingshan can still help Qin Nan?

Killing -

Among the two sisters of Tang Qingshan, suddenly two **** awns were climbed, and an ancient French seal began to pop out.

He has always had a ban and can't play.

But this time, after comprehending some, he can already be forced to push.

Even though he has no small harm to himself, but in order to kill these thieves, it does not matter.

Seniors, don't have to shoot!

Suddenly, a drink rang.

All along, Xiao Nan, who was regarded as the nail in the eyes, was protected by the three people of Tang Qingshan. On his body, a horrible momentum slowly swayed.

Today, his cultivation is no longer necessary.

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