Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1372: Situation change

The first three hundred and seventy-two chapters of the situation

"Do not have to shoot?"

Tang Qingshan’s action in the hands seemed to suspect that he had got it wrong.

"Well, let me go here, everything."

Qin Nan said faintly, the right arm was also broken and turned into a broken knife.

Full of six genius Wudi, this has let his long-awaited blood, began to re-boiling.

"do it yourself?"

Xiao Yun, Wan Wan, Meng Yixie, etc., when they heard this sentence, they all showed their horror.

You must know that Qin Nan is facing blood and Lin Yan.

Even the ordinary six giants of the great emperor, facing them both, can be countered.

Just relying on Qin Nan’s own cultivation, fighting against them, isn’t it a dead end?

"If you want to come by yourself, then you will come by yourself, but next time, don't call my predecessor again."

Tang Qingshan has no expression, and the French seal in his hand is no longer played.

He knows very well about his own younger brother. Since he said it himself, he must have a certain degree of confidence and grasp.


Miao Miao Princess and Gong Yang’s eyes reveal a curious color.

Qinnan this guy's body, what card, actually let him against the blood and Lin Yan?

"Cough, I will definitely correct it next time."

Qinnan has a low cough.

When he first met Tang Qingshan, he called Qinnan. Although they became brothers, sometimes he would be confused.

"Ha ha ha, Qin Nan, do you want to be alone to counter the two of us? Then let us see what you have in the end, so that you are so ignorant!"

In the blink of an eye, the blood and Lin Yan returned to the same time, laughing, and in the eyes, revealing a thick sarcasm.

"Blood wrath!"

"Sword from the fire!"

They did not stop at all, two horror emperors, instantly hit, boundless blood, turned into a blood-colored figure, carrying the raging anger, rewarded out, and then in the distance, there is a horrible fire sword, quickly rushing As if to wear all the darkness.

Under these two attacks, Qin Nan's body shape immediately seemed to be incomparably like an ant, and it would be crushed and crushed with a single shot.

"act recklessly."

Xiao Yun, Wan Wan Soul, Meng Yixie and Thunder saw this scene, and the mouth of the mouth floated with a sneer.

In their view, this Qinnan, presumably mastered some cards, became arrogant and arrogant, and thought that they could stand alone against the blood.

I don’t know, his move is tantamount to smashing the stone and killing himself.

“A knife!”

Just in the midst of this millennium, Qin Nan’s figure suddenly moved, and the broken knife in his hand, directly against the two great horror emperors.


Between the time, a horrible knife, rising into the sky, countless wild breath, like the tide of the sky, surging out, swallowing these two great horror emperors.

"this is"

The faces of Xiao Yun, Wan Chou, Meng Xie, and Thunder suddenly showed the stunned color and almost could not believe their eyes.

It’s not just them, Tang Qingshan, Miao Miao Princess, Gong Yang, and the blood and Lin Yan.

This knife, whether it is breath or strength, requires at least six major repairs of the Emperor to be able to pull out.

Qin Nan Ming Ming did not mobilize any secret law, why can he attack these attacks?

How did he do this?

"How? Can't believe it? I am really embarrassed. I have never told you all the time. Although I have not succeeded in demonstrating the emperor, I have refining the emperor!"

Qin Nan step by step toward the blood and Lin Yan. When the words of his words fell, the two empires in the emperor’s heart broke out completely!

A sly emperor's light will also surge out and rise to the sky!

The Emperor is a heavy one!

The Emperor is double!

The Emperor triple!

It was not until the climb to the point where it was comparable to the Sixth Emperor.

Far from seeing it, now Qin Nan, in this blue space, is no longer so embarrassing, even among the many geniuses of the Emperor Wu, as well as giants, whether it is the Emperor or the Emperor, all crushed all .

"Great Emperor Six?"

Xiao Yun, Wan Chuang, Meng Xie, Blood, Lin Yan, and Thunder are six people. Looking at the scene in front of them, there seems to be a sacred sacred scream in the mind, and the body is consciously shivering.

In any case, they did not think that, for a long time, the ants in their eyes, Qin Nan, who has no future, has already proved the emperor!

Moreover, it is still the Sixth Emperor!

what is the problem?

At the same time, the source of Tianshan, the deepest point.

"This is the legendary heavenly road?"

"It’s amazing, just looking at it, the will of the soul, it’s faintly shaken.”

"This time, it really came right. I haven’t moved in this decade. This time, I can certainly break through."

The one of the great emperor, the martial arts monk, who was watching the sky, was watching the skyless road, and after a slight loss of his mind, he reacted and couldn’t help but scream and his eyes were hot.


I only listened to a broken sound, and the old man who had been silent for a while, flew to the bottom of the Heavenly Road, and looked at the audience. His voice was loud. "You are friends, here, pay 30 days." Claws can be used to board the sky."

The great emperor and the Wuzu monks who were present at the scene heard this sentence. They did not say anything at the moment, and they turned into a stream of light, paid the dragon claws, and boarded the road.

Looking far away, like a flood, the momentum is huge.

"This is nowhere, it is indeed extraordinary, boy, let's go."

The worm was a rare admiration, and together with Simakong, flew over.

When the dragon was on the road, the whole platform was already full of people. The great emperors of all major forces, as well as the monks of Wuzu, were sitting cross-legged and calm.

A glimpse of the blue light, I do not know where to come from, enveloping them all, so that each of their breaths seems to be erased, not in this world.

"Hey, this kind of blue light, I think it contains the true meaning of the cultivation of the source of the Tianshan Lord. It seems that the **** can try the ban, so maybe you can practice this silk and learn it."

The bugs were in the mind, and their eyes were swept away to the dragons, the heavens, and so on.

Based on its current situation, I am afraid that it is impossible to forcefully display the access control. Do you want to show the true body now, let these dragons help yourself?

"Well? The breath of the array?"

Suddenly, the dragon's dragon squatted and immediately turned to look.

"They have to do it!"

In one corner, two mysterious monks of Wuzu, their eyes are also open.

I saw only in another corner, the hidden eyes of the four people, such as the funeral Xuanyun, Zhuangqian, Jiqimei, and Liqiu, suddenly opened, and then on their bodies, a majestic emperor, at the same time Shining up.

"what happened?"

"Someone is here?"

"Is it a funeral cloud?"

The one of the great emperor giants and the martial arts monks who sat on the dojo was instantly alarmed. When they saw the four people who were buried in the clouds, their faces were exposed with the wrong colors.

They don't cherish time, they feel good, what is this?

"Thousands of thousands of roads, each through the void, ancient gods, the door is open!"

The four people of the burial Xuanyun did not notice the reaction of the people. They burst into a bang and the French and Indians played out. The body of the body was so powerful that it surged into the palm of the hand.


Between the time of the day, the sky is shining, like a group of dragons, rushing into the void, constantly moving away, condensing into an ancient array of one after another.

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